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My family, legaly, microwaved ! What can I do? USA
Contamination level: Bearable degree of physical symptoms (headache, nausea etc.).
Author: justice Created: 11 Nov 2009 Updated: 19 Nov 2009 Viewed: 5061 time(s)
Elderly mother and my older sister, constantly being nuked.
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Legally microwaved Created: 19 Nov 2009
From new tower at end of driveway, Sister has extreme rash all over body. Doctor visits, meds. to no avail. Dog healthy, now has diabties. Lost about 20lbs. Is dying. Both of my sons homes are right in the middle of radiation paths. Both have had extreme ongoing health issues. Cronic inflamations, Mutation of eardrums, etc. Mother lives 20 acre farm. Sons live in small town, 18 miles away.
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