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Insidious dangers of a brave new Wi-Fi world... United Kingdom
Contamination level: Severe illness! Forced to abandon a home.
Author: JACQUELINE EDWARDS Created: 30 Nov 2009 Updated: 30 Nov 2009 Viewed: 6210 time(s)
Wi-Fi in Glastonbury
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Debate on WI-Fi in Forum, please follow link below and take part Created: 30 Nov 2009
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Not on my wavelength Created: 30 Nov 2009
THANK goodness someone is asking 'Is Electro Smog Causing Our Headaches?' (Alasdair Philips Powerwatch-Mail).
We certainly should urge caution in installing blanket Wi-Fi coverage in towns and cities.
Swindon won't be quite the first Wi-Fi town.
Sadly for us, Glastonbury became a Wi-Fi town 18 months ago.
Since the moment it was switched on, I and others have suffered the consequences.
My husband is Electro-Sensitive (a condition recognised by the World Health Organisation)
and the Wi-Fi made him feel so ill we had to leave the house we were renting and move out of town right away.
Others have similarly been driven away.

While not everyone appears to be affected (so far), the future is an unknown quantity.
Our local councillors would have us believe it's 'all in the mind' and the Wi-Fi providers assure them, of course, that it's perfectly safe.
I still work in the town, but too much time in the High Street makes me feel dizzy, so I avoid it if possible.
This whole venture has caused my husband and I great distress, expense and the upheaval of having to move house
— plus I now have to travel three miles to work instead of a five-minute walk.
In this age of 'human rights', I wonder what the 'rights' are of people like us?
Should councils be allowed to force wi-fi on towns, whether people want it or not?
What about electro-sensitive people who are made ill from it?
It seems the French and German authorities care more for the health of people in those countries than do the authorities here.
In Glastonbury, we're told we have to 'move with the times' — but at what price?
I know from my own experience that it causes health problems and I feel very sorry for the people of Swindon.
Mrs JACQUELINE EDWARDS, Walton, Somerset.

This case is taken up by from a readers letter in the Daily Mail as response to 1). The article about the coming Wi-Fi in Swindon:
And the answer to the article by Alasdair Philips of Powerwatch:
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