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WiFi in the Home Canada
Contamination level: Bearable degree of physical symptoms (headache, nausea etc.).
Author: JoAnne Created: 6 Sep 2010 Updated: 6 Sep 2010 Viewed: 5064 time(s)
I took a look at the Wi Fi ‘box’ at the foot of my bed, and decided to unplug it.
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I unplugged the Wi-Fi, The last two weeks have been a totally different story! I have my life back and I love it! Created: 6 Sep 2010
To Dr. Magda Havas, August 28, 2010
Re: Wi Fi in the Home.
Two weeks ago I noticed a small news item about parents wanting Wi Fi out of their schools in Simcoe County.
The next night, I took a look at the Wi Fi ‘box’ at the foot of my bed, and decided to unplug it.

The results were immediate. I couldn’t believe it!
I felt energized, and I felt like all the nerves in my body were ‘coming back to life’.
Over the last two weeks I have felt so good – I’ve got my life back!

Two years ago I bought a new desktop computer, and since I had a laptop as well I decided to go ‘wireless’.
People at work said: “Go for it – it’s great!”

When the chap from Rogers came to install it, he suggested a shelf beneath the TV in my bedroom. Since this was going to be pointing directly at me,
in my bed, and wasn’t far away, I did ask him if it would be all right. Would I have any problems? Without hesitation, he indicated everything would be fine.
It was installed and that was the last I thought about it.

Between then and two weeks ago….

> My leg muscles were getting weaker. (I walk a lot, so this didn’t make sense.)
> I was listless, had no energy, and, now that I look back, I know was depressed. (This was huge for me.)
> My body felt different – a lack of appetite and I was constipated; I had back problems (sciatica and muscle spasms).
> I had a summer cold that I just couldn’t shake. (I have had two, maybe three, colds over the past 10 years, so this was highly unusual for me.)

Of course, when I had the back problems and then the cold, I spent more time in bed – putting heat on my back and feeling rotten – and, you guessed it,
I was spending more time close to my Wi Fi!!!

I did continue to work, but I took the subway two stops instead of walking. And, work was about all I did. I no longer walked by the lake or in the park,
groceries were a chore, and forget any other kind of shopping.
I was in bed before 9:00 (which wasn’t a good thing, obviously).
And all that happened was that more and more of my energy was disappearing.

Earlier in the same evening that I unplugged THE BOX, I was talking to my sister and told her I felt so terrible I was going to go to the doctor to request
a chest x-ray and echocardiogram because I was fearful that my heart problems (congestive heart failure) from twelve years ago were returning.
Well, I haven’t had to do that!!
The last two weeks have been a totally different story! I have my life back and I love it!

People love ‘their technology’ – their microwaves, cell phones, wireless laptops – but these side effects are too big a price to pay.
This just may be the ‘cigarette’ of this generation.
The problem is, it’s invisible, so the battle will surely be long and difficult.

In case you haven’t seen it, here’s an article I came across the other day.
It basically describes my experience – just change ‘office’ to ‘bedroom’.
Yours truly,
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

Sent to for publishing by Iris Atzmon from Dr. Magda Havas
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