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head in the sand USA
Contamination level: Bearable degree of physical symptoms (headache, nausea etc.).
Author: carol rose Created: 8 May 2012 Updated: not yet Viewed: 2435 time(s)
For two years the people in the apt below me have been torturing me. i felt a noise in my ear and felt something go into my head. since then I have been tortured and can't get anyone to help. the police look at me like i have three heads and the doctor wants me to see a psychiatrist. i don't know these people and why they are targeting me. where do you go for help when everyone thinks you're crazy? even my son doesn't believe me and thinks it's somethng physical. I think it's something they have in their apt. so i don't know how a MAST is involved. i am 71 years old
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