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Betrayed by my government Ireland
Contamination level: Feeling violently sick all the time.
Author: Alex Created: 23 Jun 2012 Updated: 24 Jun 2012 Viewed: 5543 time(s)
Vodafone antenna mobile phone mast placed on the roof of the next door building 20 metres away from my bedroom walls
This case file has 2 entries and has been commented by 4 people

'Microwave Sickness' describes what we have. Created: 24 Jun 2012
'Microwave Sickness' describes what we have. It is a medical diagnosis backed by the Russian Government since 1973, based on 20 years of government funded research on thousands and thousands of workers in the radar industries and related fields.

Why would we abandon this correct label and choose the obscure and confusing label 'Electrosensitivity' which is described as a 'new' phenomenon, and an allergic reaction to modern technology, particularly computers in scandinavian countries. As a new phenomenon more research is needed and there is apparently no medical diagnosis for it either - so why are we making life more difficult for ourselves.

I've even brainwashed myself into saying that I have ES or EHS - but what I have is a condition that has been around for 60 years - that has been acknowledged as a medical condition and medically diagnosed. What I have and what we all have is Microwave Sickness.

A possible course of action might be - orchestrated under the banner of Mast Victims or Mast Survivors - to try the following

1. Take back the name Microwave Sickness as the rebranded 'Electrosensitivity is playing into the hands of the mobile Industry and government.

2. Global day of action on 10th December International Human Rights Day. Most of us are unable to travel so we could blitz our leading politicians with the following emails demanding

A. An Apology for giving us chronic Microwave Sickness in the first place as it is as a result of government policy of allowing masts free rein that we've ended up like this.

B.Immediate medical and practical support.

C. Compensation.

Letting the press know of our campaign might attract some publicity - and giving interviews/articles to the press for those of us feeling strong enough to do so.

Once they know we're demanding compensation the game's up - they won't be long lowering emissions . Well at least it might make us feel that at least we are doing something rather than doing nothing.

I think ES-UK does fantastic work - and there are an awful lot of people allergic to electricity - but what I have is microwave sickness - a 60 year old medically diagnosed condition - so I am not going to confuse people by rebranding it and relabelling it as a 'new' phenomena which needs another 60 years of research to establish its credentials - it doesn't make sense.

As Judge Judy says 'If it doesn't make sense then its not true.'
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In 2004 the Irish Government allowed a Vodafone antenna mobile phone mast to be placed on the roof of the next door building Created: 24 Jun 2012
In 2004 the Irish Government allowed a Vodafone antenna mobile phone mast to be placed on the roof of the next door building 20 metres from my bedroom walls. When it was removed 3 years later I had developed EHS - a now chronic disablilty which has destroyed my life. I feel betrayed by my government whose duty it was and is to protect me. I have been refused help for the past 8 years
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