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Waiting for the bomb to drop USA
Contamination level: Seriously concerned, but little or no symptoms.
Author: slvrhr Created: 3 Mar 2013 Updated: 3 Mar 2013 Viewed: 8271 time(s)
Gas "Smart Meter"
This case file has 1 entry and has been commented by 4 people

Waiting for the bomb to drop Created: 3 Mar 2013
I dodged the smart meters for my electricity, but the gas meters are coming SOON and without warning.
I am SO scared. I've seen what it does to friends, even if it's not on your own home.
I will no longer be able to even walk my dog in the neighbourhood.
I'm documenting everything with my HF and EMF meters.

Author: slvrhr
Created: 2 Mar 2013
Viewed: 10 time(s)
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