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crownpoint United Kingdom
Contamination level: Bearable degree of physical symptoms (headache, nausea etc.).
Author: roy lockwood Created: 7 Nov 2005 Updated: 9 Nov 2005 Viewed: 4578 time(s)
Having good health for over 60 years I suddenly started waking up in the morning with a bad headache at times disoriented and dizzyness when standing unable to sleep and strange sensations in my head. I had none of these symptoms before the mast was activated in november 2004.
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The H3G Mobile phone mast is making me sick! Created: 9 Nov 2005
Mobile phone mast is making me sick!
A PENSIONER says his life has been ruined since a mobile phone mast was installed outside his home.
Sixty-five-year-old Mr Roy Lockwood claims he has suffered from headaches, dizziness and ringing in the ears since the mast was placed outside his bedroom window a year ago.
Mr Lockwood, who lives with his wife Maureen in Glen View Road, also says his sleep patterns have been disturbed to the point where he now wakes at 3 a.m. every morning.
He said: "I have always been a fit and healthy man, and a good sleeper, but my problems have definitely coincided with this mast being put up. It is preposterous.
"Many people in this country suffer from electro-sensitivity, but it is still a condition not recognised in this country. Many doctors do not acknowledge the illness, but my quality of life has certainly changed in the last 12 months."
Mr Lockwood, together with his neighbours, objected to the mast when the application went to Burnley Borough Council's planning committee, and was dismayed when it was passed.
In May this year, he became further concerned when workmen at the mast told him they were increasing its strength. He has written to Burnley MP, Mrs Kitty Ussher, twice on the subject.
He added: "The mast should never have been placed so near to homes. I don't see why I should have to take tablets on a regular basis to cure my headaches when it is obvious what is causing the problem.
"I have pages of reports about mobile phone masts and their risks. The Chinese and Russian governments are developing a system that relies on low power. Why can our government not do this? They do not seem to be interested."
Mr Lockwood is circulating a social research questionnaire to his neighbours dealing with local feelings about the mast. He hopes that if there is a concerted effort from people across the country that electro-sensitivity, at least, will be recognised.
When asked by the Express, Mrs Ussher confirmed she still has an open mind on the risks associated with mobile masts. She said:"The Government is currently undertaking a huge survey at the moment on mobile phone masts, but I am always concerned to hear about individuals that are affected.
"For this reason, I oppose any applications in residential areas, indeed one was refused recently in Rossendale Road. Regarding the scientific side there is no conclusive position either way on possible effects.
"I believe the rational solution is to keep studying this as much as possible, which is what the Government is currently doing."
l Scientists from the Institute of Cancer Research recently published results from the largest investigation to date into the relationship between mobile phone use and the risk of acoustic neuroma – a nervous system tumour that occurs close to where mobile phones are held to the head.
The study suggests there is no substantial risk of this tumour in the first 10 years after starting mobile phone use. However, an increased risk after longer term use could not be ruled out.
Professor Peter Rigby, chief executive of The Institute Of Cancer Research said: "Mobile phones have only been used widely over the past decade so we won't know the long term effects for many years. However, the results of this multi-country study with such a large number of participants is a great step forward in our understanding of the possible health effects of mobile phones."
08 November 2005

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