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Riding the (micro)waves Canada
Contamination level: Feeling violently sick all the time.
Author: Bob Riedlinger Created: 11 Nov 2005 Updated: 2 Sep 2006 Viewed: 5575 time(s)
Mission resident Bob Riedlinger is crusading against the erection of telecommunications towers after he became ill while living near one in Harrison Hot Springs.
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Fellow Canadians: I would like letters of re-inforcement Created: 2 Sep 2006
To All.
I will be meeting with the Mayor and council of Harrison Hot Springs on Sept 11 at 7 PM .
I sent them a letter along with some info such as the Athones court case where 10 towers were ordered down for health reasons and the Frieburger Appeal.

I received a phone call that day from the Mayor who has set a date for me to address council.
Harrison Hot Springs is the Village where I suffered in my home by the tower to the extent that I had to move.I have since sold the home and I have been waiting for good news such as the Athens Court case.

I would greatly appreciate any letters of reinforcement from those with knowledge and or personal experience of living near towers telling council why a tower that houses TV, FM radio and cellphone antennas should not be placed close to homes.

Letters can be sent to me or directly to Mayor and Council At:
Please CC to me.Regards Robert
Robert Riedlinger []
Dear Mayor and council members.
Back in 1995 I purchased a home on Pine HHS which was situated aprox 350 feet from the CBC broadcast tower which also houses cellphone and
FM radio antenna's.
Within one year I became so ill that I had to move from that home.
I soon discovered that the radio waves from the tower was the cause of my illness.
Since that time I have devoted much to research on the subject and have found that many people around the world have become ill from cellphone towers
near their homes and some have had to move as I did.

While living in HHS I contacted Industry Canada, Health Canada and BC Radiation Protection Office in Burnaby and could not get any help.

They all deny that there could be adverse health effects from towers even though there are many studies that show biological effects.
There are surveys that have been done that show illness from radio waves.
Please read below.
I srongly suggest, for the protection of public health, that you insist that the CBC remove the tower on McCoombs Street.
I would like to address council if you are interested.
Please call 604 8266791.
Your Truly Robert Riedlinger 30199 Silverhill Ave Mission BC V4S 1H9
Robert Riedlinger []
I should point out,a family living close to my home was also affected.
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Riding the (micro)waves Created: 11 Nov 2005
Headaches, buzzing and clicking in the ears, insomnia, weak muscles, gas and nausea - technology seems to be making some people sick.
Mission resident Bob Riedlinger is crusading against the erection of telecommunications towers after he became ill while living near one in Harrison Hot Springs.

Now living in Silverdale, the retired construction contractor gave Mission's councillors thick packets of paper with data from his six years of research to back up his concerns, which include unexplained illnesses, head noise, increased incidences of childhood cancers, dementia, depression and other hard-to-pinpoint complaints.

A pragmatic man who enjoyed robust health during his working career, Riedlinger hopes people don't simply brush off his warnings as those of an unhinged hypochondriac.
"I had to change my life completely because of this," he said. "I shouldn't have to be doing this, I should be out fishing. People should listen to what I'm saying."
Riedlinger says he knows people so sensitized to telecommunication radio waves, they desperately seek peace in regions with no such activity.
Some have taken their own lives to attain that peace, he says.
"I know people are suffering like hell. It's an invisible pollution and it's causing chaos and people need to know about it."
After seeing cell phone towers moving into his Silverdale neighbourhood, Riedlinger began a petition to halt the operation of a Bell Mobility tower
recently erected on Canadian Pacific Rail right-of-way just west of the Mission RCMP detachment.
"I want to stop this from going any further - perhaps to prevent the one that just went up from being used. I had to flee my home before and I won't flee again," he said. Mission council has invited someone from Industry Canada to respond to its questions and concerns about telecommunications radio waves.

Robert Ross, Mission's community development officer, said that since the telecommunications industry is under federal regulation, city bylaws don't
have enough legal clout to deny erection of towers.
Industry Canada expects telecommunications firms to "consult" with city governments and communities to determine where their towers can go,
Ross said Wednesday.
In Abbotsford, telecommunications firms are asked to acquire a building permit, present a report to council and notify residents within a one-kilometre range, said Grant Acheson, director of development services.
"Practically speaking, Industry Canada would not support a carrier's application if the carrier was not supported by the local council," Acheson said.
In fact, strong opposition from Bradner residents blocked the erection of a Bell Mobility tower there last year and the company has yet to reapply for
a west Abbotsford location.
Mission's newly adopted community plan will require companies to notify neighbours within a 152-metre radius of a new tower or six times the height
of the tower radius, and preferably in non-residential areas and away from schools, Ross said. Towers in Mission are currently atop Bear Mountain,
at the public works yard and at the RCMP station, but there could be dozens more on rail lines, power poles and rooftops, he said.
Since there are few scientific Canadian studies showing negative health effects, Ross would like to see Health Canada and Industry Canada devote
their energy to definitive studies on health effects from the towers.
The studies would be timely as towers proliferate in urban areas, he said. "We're starting to get an awful lot of interest for these telecommunications towers, on a weekly basis. We need more clarity on this issue from Industry Canada," he said, adding council would like a little more control over what comes into its territory.
"I think any council would like to have a say about where (the towers) can be located. No municipality likes the federal government telling them what to do, especially when there is uncertain science attached to the health risks," Ross said.
Riedlinger agrees.

"Local government has the authority to protect water, to stop barking dogs, to maintain roads," Riedlinger said.
"Why haven't they got the right to protect what's being sent through the air, against something that makes us ill?"
Anyone interested in signing his petition can contact Riedlinger at 604-826-6791.

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