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We Are Being Roasted Alive By Phone Mast Scotland
Contamination level: Feeling violently sick all the time.
Author: Clint and Joyce Beattie Created: 18 Nov 2005 Updated: 18 Nov 2005 Viewed: 3961 time(s)
Mr Beattie,48, claims he can even feel the flesh around his bones getting
hot when phone lines are at their busiest, since Orange installed a mast just 170 yards from their home.
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We are taking legal action because we are being cooked alive! Created: 18 Nov 2005
We Are Being Roasted Alive By Phone Mast

A couple are taking legal action after claiming they are being cooked alive by a phone mobile phone mast.

Clint and Joyce Beattie say they have suffered serious health problems since the mast was erected by phone giant Orange just 170 yards from
their home.
Mr Beattie,48, claims he can even feel the flesh around his bones getting hot when phone lines are at their busiest.
Orange erected the mast in time fore the Open Golf Championship at Carnoustie in July.

The couple blame it for migraines, tiredness and memory loss, claiming their problems only started during the Open.
They say their symptoms worsen at times when phone traffic is at its peak.

Businessman Mr Beattie said :îWe first noticed the effects at the time of the Open.
We suffered headaches and could not get our body temperatures down.
You feel cold to the touch on the outside but absolutely boiling on the inside.
It is like the heat is starting at the flesh next to the bone.
I am in no doubt we are being cooked.

The Beatties have even tried lining their bedroom with tin foil in a bid to deflect radio waves.
They also claim the mast is causing disruption to electrical goods in their home.

Mr Beattie runs a video production firm in his home in Barry, near Carnoustie, and says his equipment has suffered interference since
the mast was erected.
His wife has been forced to take extra medication since the problems started.
When they consulted their doctor, they were diagnosed as having a virus.

But Mr Beattie said: We are exposing a generation of children to a technology we do not feel safe about.
A neighbour of the couple also blames the mast for her irregular sleep pattern.

The Beatties are now planning to sue Orange in a bid to have the mast removed.
But the firm are mystified by the coupleís plight.
A spokesperson said:îOrange has always operated well within stringent national standards set by the NRPB and we reach government safety
There is no conclusive evidence that masts are long term public health risks.
Green campaigners and some councils have urged MSPs to close a loophole which allows firms to erect masts under 15metres high without
planning permission.
13 out of 32 local authorities in Scotland have banned mobile masts, following fears they cause hot spots linked to radiation sickness and
Dr Richard Nixon, director of Friends Of The Earth Scotland, has called on more authorities to follow suit.
Safety experts fear radiation from masts , which can travel up to over 20 miles in countryside areas, may also be linked to
childhood leukaemia, brain tumours, cancers and blackouts, or bring on bouts of epilepsy.
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