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3.5 years in isolation and nigh insanity United Kingdom
Contamination level: Feeling violently sick all the time.
Author: brian brew Created: 23 Mar 2015 Updated: not yet Viewed: 2061 time(s)
suffered noise and electrical effects, medically checked complained ears, hearing perfect, suffer overheated ears among much more, arrested due to burocrats, deemed mentally ill, forced drugs only by persons knowing me prevented me from lock up asylum. Educated engineering extreme effects no contact other people, shame to charity groups lack of contact and lack of in field science data collect. not just masts rail line am surrounded by 12 masts all within 100m`s railway line electric 10m`s transformer 30m`s its awfull lack proper equipment to find thanks to so called charities of help, corrupted most I`ve examined need contact for checkup data collect help with doctor
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