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Tinnitus, insomnia, sweating, breast pain, chest pain, sinus pain United Kingdom
Contamination level: Bearable degree of physical symptoms (headache, nausea etc.).
Author: Kerrie Robbins Created: 24 Feb 2017 Updated: not yet Viewed: 1711 time(s)
I'm 30. I've had lots of strange symptoms, mainly insomnia but over the course of 2016 started getting tinnitus at night when trying to sleep. It's getting worse, now it's every night and in the day too. Also suffer from breast pain, sinus pain, daily headaches, sweating. There are two masts both about half a mile from my house. I linked my sinus pain symptoms to wi-fi (it goes away when I'm away from it and started very soon after I got my first laptop and wifi dongle about 9 years ago) and turn off when I can, but not always possible since I live in a houseshare. I think what needs to be established are safe places where people can live and work free of these technologies. I believe, correctly informed and given the opportunity, eventually more and more people will choose to live away from it.
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