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What do you do when your own country denies your basic human right United Kingdom
Contamination level: Severe illness! Forced to abandon a home.
Author: Liz Butterfield Created: 7 Jan 2006 Updated: 7 Jan 2006 Viewed: 4377 time(s)
What do you do when your own country denies your basic human right to live
in a healthy environment and to move freely in the fresh air? How do you
keep going when your own surroundings have become your worst enemy, when you no longer have the liberty and security of person to live in health and peace?
This case file has 2 entries and has been commented by 5 people

Creating a Safe Future for the Electro Hypersensitive Created: 7 Jan 2006
Creating a Safe Future for the Electro Hypersensitive

What do you do when your own country denies your basic human right to live in a healthy environment and to move freely in the fresh air?
How do you keep going when your own surroundings have become your worst enemy, when you no longer have the liberty and security of person
to live in health and peace? How do you exercise these core human rights when you have been robbed of them by an invisible force? If you, or a member of your family, are electro hypersensitive then these are questions that bedevil your every moment. I live in such a family. What can we do in
this no-win situation?

My son is so electro hypersensitive that he belongs to that group I have heard called "canaries" - people so sensitive that they can detect sources
of microwave radiation as pain in their heads or bodies, cracking and peeling skin and crippling mental confusion.
I'm told the canaries are the lucky ones! In the face of pain and discomfort they instinctively try to move to a safer place - if it can be found.
The unlucky ones among us have no idea what is being done to our bodies until cancer, leukaemia, neuroblastoma, Motor Neurone Disease or some
other avoidable abomination wrecks our health and devastates loving families.

I realise that established wisdom encourages us to fight heroic battles as the sacrificial Davids lined up against the Goliaths of the politicians and
their close allies, the multinational corporations.
But however heroic the task seems, I believe it is time to retreat, retrench and above all to survive until the Great Unaware finally wake up to the
danger all around them. There are already too many good and decent people dead in this cause and many more would be lost by fighting against
the impossible odds we face.
I propose we take a very different line that will lead to radical and positive action to change the quality of our lives. We need to focus on
creating for ourselves safe places, sanctuaries, in which we may live and recover undisturbed. I think there is a way in which it can be done.
But first, and for the sake of those among us who are new to campaigning for our rights, I want to outline what the telecommunications industry and
the government will do to us if we follow the traditional route.

Why do I suggest an alternative approach to our terrible dilemma?
It is because I believe that we are being manipulated like all other similar protest groups and campaigns into a path that goes nowhere and adds only
hopelessness and many more unnecessary fatalities to the gross injury and insults to our bodies that we already endure.
Robbed of hope we will surely die in large numbers, but die alone and with our individual battles wasted.
It is time to step off the merry-go-round that is created for every campaigning group who focus upon a single issue. Whether we realise it or
not, our choices are severely circumscribed by the very people who seek to rob us of our health in order to make gigantic profits from our misery.
All that is left of our energy is manipulated and channelled into a predictable pattern of time wasting, insults from "experts" for hire by big business,
lengthy and deliberately protracted court cases and a mountain of ignorance and downright criminality.

Let me digress briefly to remind you what has happened to other groups of people campaigning to rid the country of "mistakes" by the government or big
business. Perhaps you will bring to mind causes such as Thalidomide, Debendox, B.S.E. , M.E. , AIDS, Nuclear Test Veterans, Asbestos, Smoking and
Lung Cancer, Fluoridation, Alcopops and the explosion of liver disease and alcoholism and Gulf War Syndrome to name just a few.
In each case campaigners have found themselves following the same well tried and tested diversion. It takes 15 - 20 years to complete the process
and by then the money that is to be made has been creamed off, guilty politicians have died or retired and the more astute corporate robbers are
making reverse profits by providing an expensive cure.
How does it work?
Does this sound familiar?

First the equivalent of our "canaries" are branded as mentally neurotic and in need of a good kick up the backside. Its amazing how often metaphors
for violence are employed by doctors who can be bought to say anything.
The healing profession, whose Hippocratic oath enjoins them to "first do no harm" seems well populated by such people.
Psychiatrists and psychologists derive a good living for years on end providing destructive diagnoses that
fly in the face of real evidence of genuine illness.
Munchausen's Syndrome by Proxy was invented by such doctors because it was the only way they could deny young children were really ill.
At the same time the media are induced to trivialise our complaints. The drug companies in America succeeded in
having M.E. re-labelled as the much less serious sounding Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or TATT( Tired All The Time.)
Even more successfully the UK media called it "Yuppie Flu".
Remember how the same media initially laughed at BSE and called it Mad Cow Disease?
How many doctors came forward to wheeze through their cigarette smoke and deny that tobacco had any role in causing lung cancer?
In the case of Gulf War Syndrome it was the generals who were queuing up to reward men who had fought for them by denying their suffering.

When those pesky campaigners persist and too many inconvenient bodies begin to litter the battlefield then the second step is to set up a research
project to examine the evidence. A generous industry foots the bill, sets its own narrow and deliberately misleading parameters and recruits the
research staff from its own "experts".
I've seen recommendations from the World Health Organisation that the electro-hypersensitive are a bunch of neurotics who need to get out more and take up a hobby.
Now we have already had research that limits the issue to looking at how far from as mast we need to be to avoid cooking our own flesh.
The fact that microwave radiation appears to be definitely implicated in breaking down the blood brain barrier, leaving the body open to damage from
free radicals, was of course ignored. Heaven forbid that anyone should take seriously the "canaries" who can pinpoint a mast over a mile away when blindfolded.
The collection of research data is skewed by ignoring their testimony on the grounds that they had some other condition from arthritis to a common cold. Volunteering as a test subject is something I would never advise anyone to do.
Too many guinea pigs in the past have gone through hell only to be told their experiences were discounted by the big businesses research teams as being "only anecdotal".

Eventually, and after long and deliberately engineered delays, a report is published. This first report will always support the industry and rubbish
the campaigners. Data is deliberately skewed and opinions are always written that favour the paymaster of the so called research.
Somewhere in there will be a few weasel words. Their role is crucial. They are there to give the impression that the campaigners were actually
listened to and to cover any future evidence that they might actually have a point. Words like "might", "may" and "possibly" litter the most inaccessible parts of the dense text and provide the basis for exculpation when the science is later shown to be flawed.

Finally the deaths and disease mount up to a point beyond which any rational man can deny the cause and effect connection.
Amidst this unfolding tragedy the manipulated media finally changes sides.
You can see and hear the moment when it first happens by the change in language.
Mad Cow Disease is dignified as B.S. E. or even more threateningly as Variant C.J.D. Newsnight presenters stop laughing behind their hands and start
to worry if they might be affected. M.E. is re-instated and doctors are ordered to take it seriously as a real complaint. Gulf War Syndrome victims are suddenly brave and loyal soldiers, not idle scroungers in search of an excuse to claim Incapacity Benefit.

Then and only then will Governments start to address what needs to be done, or rather what can be done, for in many a sad case its already far too
Then the cry is "Let's Move On!" which really means that no one is ever going to be brought to book to answer for the deaths, deformity, pain and
diseases they have caused or the misery their denials have perpetrated on top of the original disaster. I believe that using Tetra technology, that
was developed as a weapon of war, as a method of civilian communications, amounts to a crime against humanity. I don't expect to see anyone in the
dock in the Hague paying for it.

So what option do we have? I'll repeat my original premise. Our best course of action is to retreat, regroup, survive and live to fight another day.
But we need to do it in groups for in groups and communities lie our strength and our survival. We owe it to ourselves and our loved ones to take our
immediate needs seriously - we don't owe science, medicine or industry a thing. We need to find places to live in peace and pain free comfort now -
its not our responsibility to wait 15 or 20 years until science plays "catch up". We know the cure for electro hypersensitivity - its not rocket
science - turn the damned technology off!

Working Together to Build Electrosafe Communities

What we need is to build a series of communities in reasonably remote areas where there are no military installations and no oil industry communications
networks. I will call them sanctuaries.

Where any telecommunications masts and other such installations are on site or within an unsafe distance we need to get them removed.

We need architects with an understanding of electro sensitivity to design safe houses for us. Much research has already been done - we will not have
to reinvent the wheel.

We need an estate of land bought jointly and developed by ourselves only for the use of the electro hypersensitive and their families.
Access to the estate needs to be controlled to exclude mobile phones and other microwave
devices that might be brought in by visitors. The former would be quite easy if there was no mobile coverage for some miles around the sanctuary.

We need to form the sanctuary as a co-operative venture with a proper legal structure to protect each investor/resident. A couple of hundred people
working together can accomplish what no single person can do without a lottery win.

We need to work with reputable sources of finance such as the Ecology Building Society.

We need to harness the skills and experience of people from all walks of life to make the sanctuary work.
A shopkeeper and a woodsman are as vital and valuable as teachers and health workers, so long as they all respect the need to protect their
neighbours from electrical pollution.

We need low density housing, some absolutely free from any kind of electrical apparatus, some with barest minimum in sheltered rooms so that
peoples' immune systems have a chance to recover. We need shared housing for those who have been robbed of their livelihoods and can only
aspire to a small flat or bed-sit. Some old estates have big houses ideal for that very purpose.

We need to lobby government powerfully to ensure that our sanctuary is protected from future electro technology in perpetuity.

We need planning advice from someone who understands our needs and can guide us through the legal and clerical processes involved.

We need mapmakers to identify areas where building a sanctuary would cause minimum disruption to the local infrastructure and existing residents.

The interest worldwide would be phenomenal, and the lessons of the first community would shorten the planning and delivery process for the next
communities in other parts of the country. By each buying and owning our own homes we would have the same security of ownership we have now. Placing restrictive covenants about the use of electricity on any property would keep the sanctuary safe. By building as a group we could achieve
considerable economies of scale and make significant cost savings. Since we at least know the problem of electro hypersensitivity isn't going to go
away, we also have the knowledge that the value of our special homes may well appreciate as a scarce and sought after resource.

This is not the answer for everyone. It requires people to uproot and move, investing in a new home with their own capital. In the short and medium term
it will not help people who cannot afford any kind of home of their own. But it will significantly raise the profile of the electro hypersensitive among
those responsible for providing social housing.

So I place this proposal to build our own sanctuaries before you as an alternative course of action to wasting our lives fighting greed and
corruption. I believe everything is achievable if sufficient will exists among us all to create safe places for us to live in peace. I invite readers
of this letter to contact me with their thoughts on this matter.
My e mail address is and my name is Liz Butterfield.
This entry has 1 comment.  Click here to view comments.   Click here to write a comment.

Creating a Safe Future for the Electro Hypersensitive Created: 7 Jan 2006
Creating a Safe Future for the Electro Hypersensitive

What do you do when your own country denies your basic human right to live in a healthy environment and to move freely in the fresh air?
How do you keep going when your own surroundings have become your worst enemy, when you no longer have the liberty and security of person
to live in health and peace? How do you exercise these core human rights when you have been robbed of them by an invisible force? If you, or a member of your family, are electro hypersensitive then these are questions that bedevil your every moment. I live in such a family. What can we do in
this no-win situation?

My son is so electro hypersensitive that he belongs to that group I have heard called "canaries" - people so sensitive that they can detect sources
of microwave radiation as pain in their heads or bodies, cracking and peeling skin and crippling mental confusion.
I'm told the canaries are the lucky ones! In the face of pain and discomfort they instinctively try to move to a safer place - if it can be found.
The unlucky ones among us have no idea what is being done to our bodies until cancer, leukaemia, neuroblastoma, Motor Neurone Disease or some
other avoidable abomination wrecks our health and devastates loving families.

I realise that established wisdom encourages us to fight heroic battles as the sacrificial Davids lined up against the Goliaths of the politicians and
their close allies, the multinational corporations.
But however heroic the task seems, I believe it is time to retreat, retrench and above all to survive until the Great Unaware finally wake up to the
danger all around them. There are already too many good and decent people dead in this cause and many more would be lost by fighting against
the impossible odds we face.
I propose we take a very different line that will lead to radical and positive action to change the quality of our lives. We need to focus on
creating for ourselves safe places, sanctuaries, in which we may live and recover undisturbed. I think there is a way in which it can be done.
But first, and for the sake of those among us who are new to campaigning for our rights, I want to outline what the telecommunications industry and
the government will do to us if we follow the traditional route.

Why do I suggest an alternative approach to our terrible dilemma?
It is because I believe that we are being manipulated like all other similar protest groups and campaigns into a path that goes nowhere and adds only
hopelessness and many more unnecessary fatalities to the gross injury and insults to our bodies that we already endure.
Robbed of hope we will surely die in large numbers, but die alone and with our individual battles wasted.
It is time to step off the merry-go-round that is created for every campaigning group who focus upon a single issue. Whether we realise it or
not, our choices are severely circumscribed by the very people who seek to rob us of our health in order to make gigantic profits from our misery.
All that is left of our energy is manipulated and channelled into a predictable pattern of time wasting, insults from "experts" for hire by big business,
lengthy and deliberately protracted court cases and a mountain of ignorance and downright criminality.

Let me digress briefly to remind you what has happened to other groups of people campaigning to rid the country of "mistakes" by the government or big
business. Perhaps you will bring to mind causes such as Thalidomide, Debendox, B.S.E. , M.E. , AIDS, Nuclear Test Veterans, Asbestos, Smoking and
Lung Cancer, Fluoridation, Alcopops and the explosion of liver disease and alcoholism and Gulf War Syndrome to name just a few.
In each case campaigners have found themselves following the same well tried and tested diversion. It takes 15 - 20 years to complete the process
and by then the money that is to be made has been creamed off, guilty politicians have died or retired and the more astute corporate robbers are
making reverse profits by providing an expensive cure.
How does it work?
Does this sound familiar?

First the equivalent of our "canaries" are branded as mentally neurotic and in need of a good kick up the backside. Its amazing how often metaphors
for violence are employed by doctors who can be bought to say anything.
The healing profession, whose Hippocratic oath enjoins them to "first do no harm" seems well populated by such people.
Psychiatrists and psychologists derive a good living for years on end providing destructive diagnoses that
fly in the face of real evidence of genuine illness.
Munchausen's Syndrome by Proxy was invented by such doctors because it was the only way they could deny young children were really ill.
At the same time the media are induced to trivialise our complaints. The drug companies in America succeeded in
having M.E. re-labelled as the much less serious sounding Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or TATT( Tired All The Time.)
Even more successfully the UK media called it "Yuppie Flu".
Remember how the same media initially laughed at BSE and called it Mad Cow Disease?
How many doctors came forward to wheeze through their cigarette smoke and deny that tobacco had any role in causing lung cancer?
In the case of Gulf War Syndrome it was the generals who were queuing up to reward men who had fought for them by denying their suffering.

When those pesky campaigners persist and too many inconvenient bodies begin to litter the battlefield then the second step is to set up a research
project to examine the evidence. A generous industry foots the bill, sets its own narrow and deliberately misleading parameters and recruits the
research staff from its own "experts".
I've seen recommendations from the World Health Organisation that the electro-hypersensitive are a bunch of neurotics who need to get out more and take up a hobby.
Now we have already had research that limits the issue to looking at how far from as mast we need to be to avoid cooking our own flesh.
The fact that microwave radiation appears to be definitely implicated in breaking down the blood brain barrier, leaving the body open to damage from
free radicals, was of course ignored. Heaven forbid that anyone should take seriously the "canaries" who can pinpoint a mast over a mile away when blindfolded.
The collection of research data is skewed by ignoring their testimony on the grounds that they had some other condition from arthritis to a common cold. Volunteering as a test subject is something I would never advise anyone to do.
Too many guinea pigs in the past have gone through hell only to be told their experiences were discounted by the big businesses research teams as being "only anecdotal".

Eventually, and after long and deliberately engineered delays, a report is published. This first report will always support the industry and rubbish
the campaigners. Data is deliberately skewed and opinions are always written that favour the paymaster of the so called research.
Somewhere in there will be a few weasel words. Their role is crucial. They are there to give the impression that the campaigners were actually
listened to and to cover any future evidence that they might actually have a point. Words like "might", "may" and "possibly" litter the most inaccessible parts of the dense text and provide the basis for exculpation when the science is later shown to be flawed.

Finally the deaths and disease mount up to a point beyond which any rational man can deny the cause and effect connection.
Amidst this unfolding tragedy the manipulated media finally changes sides.
You can see and hear the moment when it first happens by the change in language.
Mad Cow Disease is dignified as B.S. E. or even more threateningly as Variant C.J.D. Newsnight presenters stop laughing behind their hands and start
to worry if they might be affected. M.E. is re-instated and doctors are ordered to take it seriously as a real complaint. Gulf War Syndrome victims are suddenly brave and loyal soldiers, not idle scroungers in search of an excuse to claim Incapacity Benefit.

Then and only then will Governments start to address what needs to be done, or rather what can be done, for in many a sad case its already far too
Then the cry is "Let's Move On!" which really means that no one is ever going to be brought to book to answer for the deaths, deformity, pain and
diseases they have caused or the misery their denials have perpetrated on top of the original disaster. I believe that using Tetra technology, that
was developed as a weapon of war, as a method of civilian communications, amounts to a crime against humanity. I don't expect to see anyone in the
dock in the Hague paying for it.

So what option do we have? I'll repeat my original premise. Our best course of action is to retreat, regroup, survive and live to fight another day.
But we need to do it in groups for in groups and communities lie our strength and our survival. We owe it to ourselves and our loved ones to take our
immediate needs seriously - we don't owe science, medicine or industry a thing. We need to find places to live in peace and pain free comfort now -
its not our responsibility to wait 15 or 20 years until science plays "catch up". We know the cure for electro hypersensitivity - its not rocket
science - turn the damned technology off!

Working Together to Build Electrosafe Communities

What we need is to build a series of communities in reasonably remote areas where there are no military installations and no oil industry communications
networks. I will call them sanctuaries.

Where any telecommunications masts and other such installations are on site or within an unsafe distance we need to get them removed.

We need architects with an understanding of electro sensitivity to design safe houses for us. Much research has already been done - we will not have
to reinvent the wheel.

We need an estate of land bought jointly and developed by ourselves only for the use of the electro hypersensitive and their families.
Access to the estate needs to be controlled to exclude mobile phones and other microwave
devices that might be brought in by visitors. The former would be quite easy if there was no mobile coverage for some miles around the sanctuary.

We need to form the sanctuary as a co-operative venture with a proper legal structure to protect each investor/resident. A couple of hundred people
working together can accomplish what no single person can do without a lottery win.

We need to work with reputable sources of finance such as the Ecology Building Society.

We need to harness the skills and experience of people from all walks of life to make the sanctuary work.
A shopkeeper and a woodsman are as vital and valuable as teachers and health workers, so long as they all respect the need to protect their
neighbours from electrical pollution.

We need low density housing, some absolutely free from any kind of electrical apparatus, some with barest minimum in sheltered rooms so that
peoples' immune systems have a chance to recover. We need shared housing for those who have been robbed of their livelihoods and can only
aspire to a small flat or bed-sit. Some old estates have big houses ideal for that very purpose.

We need to lobby government powerfully to ensure that our sanctuary is protected from future electro technology in perpetuity.

We need planning advice from someone who understands our needs and can guide us through the legal and clerical processes involved.

We need mapmakers to identify areas where building a sanctuary would cause minimum disruption to the local infrastructure and existing residents.

The interest worldwide would be phenomenal, and the lessons of the first community would shorten the planning and delivery process for the next
communities in other parts of the country. By each buying and owning our own homes we would have the same security of ownership we have now. Placing restrictive covenants about the use of electricity on any property would keep the sanctuary safe. By building as a group we could achieve
considerable economies of scale and make significant cost savings. Since we at least know the problem of electro hypersensitivity isn't going to go
away, we also have the knowledge that the value of our special homes may well appreciate as a scarce and sought after resource.

This is not the answer for everyone. It requires people to uproot and move, investing in a new home with their own capital. In the short and medium term
it will not help people who cannot afford any kind of home of their own. But it will significantly raise the profile of the electro hypersensitive among
those responsible for providing social housing.

So I place this proposal to build our own sanctuaries before you as an alternative course of action to wasting our lives fighting greed and
corruption. I believe everything is achievable if sufficient will exists among us all to create safe places for us to live in peace. I invite readers
of this letter to contact me with their thoughts on this matter.
My e mail address is and my name is Liz Butterfield.
This entry has 4 comments.  Click here to view comments.   Click here to write a comment.