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“It started about a year ago with headaches, tiredness and muscular pains,” Scotland
Contamination level: Feeling violently sick all the time.
Author: Graham Morrison Created: 28 Feb 2006 Updated: 28 Feb 2006 Viewed: 4437 time(s)
“There are now 15 masts in the Partick area,”
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There’s nothing funny about his microwave symptoms Created: 28 Feb 2006
Originally from Ness in Lewis, Graham Morrison now stays in Partick, Glasgow, and last week chaired a public meeting in the local baptist church.
“It was the cheapest venue we could afford,” he said.
There’s nothing funny about his microwave symptoms, or those of around 50 fellow sufferers who stay in just two streets in Thornwood. “It started about a year ago with headaches, tiredness and muscular pains,” Mr Morrison added. “The doctors couldn’t find anything wrong, but the problems persisted. Then others came forward with the same symptoms.”
According to Mr Morrison, all the Thornwood sufferers began reporting microwave symptoms at the same time as two masts, 3G and TETRA, were put up in the area. “There are now 15 masts in the Partick area,” he added. “The worst affected are those who live in the cross-lines between the 3G and TETRA masts.
“People here are getting angry because they feel they are being ignored. Everyone wants to know why the authorities won’t recognise what’s going on — why are they covering this up?”
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