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nightmare Switzerland
Contamination level: Severe illness! Forced to abandon a home.
Author: Sibylle Gabriel Created: 13 May 2006 Updated: 25 Aug 2006 Viewed: 4091 time(s)
Since mobilphone sarted in Geneva, I had seeping problems.
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My son gave my a mobile phone for as a gift. Created: 25 Aug 2006
Since mobilphone sarted in Geneva, I had seeping problems. My son gave my a mobile phone for as a gift. One day, after a longer phone call, I was paralised for one side for five days. I got scared . Since then I am studying as much as I can abouit how we are fonctioning. Everxbody how you reads the books of Dr. Emoto can see what is going on! i am the most affected with Wifi!
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