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Our Story (In a nut shell) United Kingdom
Contamination level: Feeling violently sick all the time.
Author: J & B Created: 25 Aug 2006 Updated: 25 Aug 2006 Viewed: 4102 time(s)
I write this with great difficulty, unable like many people to concentrate. The weather is not good enough for me to sit outside, so I am sitting here with the usual, ever present, ‘hum’ and high pitched signals going through my head trying to make some sense of it all. (I’m losing it already!)
This case file has 3 entries and has been commented by 7 people

Part 3 – The Conclusion Created: 25 Aug 2006
So, eighteen months down the line, after going round and round in circles and getting nowhere, we are now learning to ‘live’ with it – or shall I say ‘exist’! How can someone allow lives to be totally ruined for money? How many of us are there?

We would move house like a shot a) if we could afford it and b) if we thought it would do some good. But what is the point? As all other sufferers will know, YOU JUST CAN’T GET AWAY FROM IT! (Especially TETRA)

We recently went to stay for a week in an area of Devon – out in the sticks on a caravan site. We’ve been going there for the past seven years with NO problems.

After the journey down by car, I felt fine and my ears were clear and I felt good. Then at night it started all over again, TETRA coming in great waves throughout the night. So I had a sleepless week on holiday, too tired to be up and about sight-seeing during the day. So another ruined episode in our lives, but we carry on, As We Must.

I hope my writing this down will give some insight for other sufferers and perhaps help in guiding them through it all.

J and B

Sandi, please do as you feel is necessary and edit what you think might be suitable for the story. I obviously haven’t been able to go into all the details – I find it far too upsetting when I remember all the nervous breakdowns and hysterics this caused – I just can’t go there anymore.

Symptoms most common and ever present for J and B

From: Mast Sickness UK Information and queries:
Shallow non-restful sleep; keep waking up during the night; trouble getting off to sleep; excessive, inexplicable fatigue; severe pain and pressure in ears; memory and concentration loss, confusion; irritability, tension, nervousness; dizziness and loss of balance; increased tendency to give/receive electric shocks; tingling sensations, cramp, numbness; rashes/blotchy skin; increased sensitivity to light; THE HUM always; pains in joints/muscles; pains in teeth and kidney area. Also in other symptoms: Daily pain in left thigh muscle and soreness on sole of left foot – much worse when TETRA is very bad some nights.

Illnesses since TETRA
Inability to concentrate due to the ‘hum’; constant kidney infections; white tongue.
On bad TETRA nights (with no sleep) all joints and muscles racked with pain, muscle spasms, creepy feeling all over body, soreness on sole of left foot, ears ringing, loss of balance.
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Part 2 – The Investigation Created: 25 Aug 2006
So after contacting all the various official sources we gave up and spent a huge amount of money, which we could not afford, and resorted to nickel mesh shielding, which included the windows and doors, a bed canopy and a head net.

Then we started to get the problems associated with type of screening – internal bounce. Now we have devised a method, via roller blinds, of lifting the screening partially throughout the day.

I must say, before I forget, that at one point we even had a high ranking official come to the house after we wrote to all the departments we could think of – even those it had nothing to do with. He stood in one of our bedrooms totally oblivious of anything (or so he said!), but a colleague who came with him ACTUALLY ADMITTED that ‘Yes, there is a certain ‘closing in’ around the head sensation.” BUT STILL NOTHING WAS DONE!

Even though many, many people have been to our house – friends, relatives, workmen etc. and they have heard and felt this, some without being told - Environmental Health advised that I see a doctor, and the local MP even said there is nothing more that can be done. I felt pure hatred! I used to feel betrayed and let down by my own country but I have come to terms with it being due to the greed and money of a minority.
I have met and spoken to many nice people who give a lot and take only a little.

I have sent a letter to residents of the streets affected in this area twice, as many are suffering but won’t comply. Someone who lives in the area over the main road from me said, in a passing remark, that “everyone is ill around here.” If only people would speak out with us. This makes you feel alienated in the community and even in your own family. If only they could know the truth one day.
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Part 1 – The Hum
Created: 25 Aug 2006
Our Story (In a nut shell)
Part 1 – The Hum
December 04 – The Nightmare Begins

I write this with great difficulty, unable like many people to concentrate. The weather is not good enough for me to sit outside, so I am sitting here with the usual, ever present, ‘hum’ and high pitched signals going through my head trying to make some sense of it all. (I’m losing it already!)

Our happy world fell apart sometime in December 04 when we came home one evening from a Christmas shopping trip. The ‘hum’ was there alright. So the next few months were spent trying to rule out that it wasn’t anything to do with our property. All the usual things you would do: Electric meter checked for levels fluctuating – 3 times; gas, including central heating, checked; water checked. Telephone line changes, numerous overnight shut-downs of electricity in the house etc.

Whilst all this was going on, which was bad enough, the atmosphere in the house got far worse and our health, both physically and mentally began to go downhill. Some nights on frequent occasions I was not able to stay in the house and we spent the best part of a year sleeping at other people’s houses and driving back early in the mornings for work!

I can only describe what I was ‘hearing’ (my brain picking it up) as a low flying V-Bomber going over – you know, that American plane which is black, huge and shaped like a moth. It was horrendous!
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