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Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Month- September
Canada Created: 30 Aug 2009
Today, Dennis O'Keefe, the Mayor of St. John's in Newfoundland declared September 2009 as Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Awareness Month.
That is a second in Canada.
The first proclamation was made by David Saunders, the Mayor of Colwood on Vancouver Island in BC, who declared August 2009 as Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Awareness Month.

These proclamations follow three governors is the US who did the same thing earlier this year.

As our exposure to electromagnetic frequencies increases more and more people are complaining of ill health.
Exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) and electromagnetic radiation (EMR) have been associated with various types of cancers, miscarriage, ALS, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, asthma, as well as a host of symptoms that are collectively called electrohypersenstivity (EHS). These include chronic pain, chronic fatigue, sleep disorders, difficulty concentrating, poor short-term memory, skin problems, ringing in the ears, etc. ¨
Doctors are beginning to diagnose EHS and this illness is recognized by the Canadian Human Rights Commission as an environmental sensitivity.

With this increasing awareness and recognition we are likely to begin to more carefully examine the exposures to this energy in schools, homes, and work places and to make more intelligent decisions about placement of antennas, power lines, substations, and windfarms.
Magda Havas
Click here to view the source article.
Source: Sylvie

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