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Beware Of That Which Is Not Discussed
Sweden Created: 23 Sep 2011
As the United Nations meets in London yesterday and today to assess the global impact
of the five leading chronic diseases ‐‐ cancer, diabetes, mental illness, heart disease, and
respiratory disease ‐‐ there is a glaring omission in the environmental risks not being
analyzed for impacts on health and economy. That omission is the massive explosion
and intrusion of wireless technology into every facet of life.

Even without factoring in the proven biological effects of RF (microwave) radiation, the
World Economic Forum (WEF) estimates the health costs for the above five diseases
could reach $47 trillion over the next 20 years.

The WEF estimates these diseases will kill more than 36 million people a year and are
predicted to kill tens of millions more in future, and the estimated cumulative output
loss caused by the illnesses represents around 4 percent of annual global GDP over the
coming two decades.

The research was published on Sunday evening before the two‐day United Nations
meeting on chronic, or "non‐communicable diseases". The focus of the discussion is to
come up with a plan to deal with growing levels of death and infirmity from these
extremely costly diseases ‐‐ medically and in terms of lost productivity ‐‐ often linked to
poor diet, tobacco, alcohol and lack of exercise.

Our contention is that still uncalculated and potentially massive costs, both medically
and in terms of lowered GDP, of what could be the biggest disease factor of all ‐‐
wireless communication ‐‐ could cause a humanitarian and economic disaster.

Why is the concern expressed in President Obama's Cancer Panel Report 2008 ‐2009,
released in 2010, not being addressed at the global economic summit? That concern
was expressed in the Cancer Panel's Report as follows:

"As the use of cell phones has increased, so has concern about their potential harmful
health effects, particularly whether cell phone users are at greater risk for brain cancer.
Cell phones and related devices become more sophisticated each year, and they are
producing energy at increasingly higher radiofrequencies necessary for their expanded
functions. The number of cell phone towers also is growing as cellular service providers
strive to provide customers a maximally robust network."

Additionally, the Cancer Panel warned: "With over a million people using cell phones,
even if the risk is of an increase in brain tumors that’s relatively small, say 5 or 10
percent. Five or 10 percent of a million people is going to be a very, very large number."

Today there are over 5 billion cell phones in use worldwide. And the brain tumor risk
appears now much more than a "worst case scenario speculation". Until recently the
telecommunications industry has offered reassurance that the esteemed World Health
Organization did not find a link between cell phones and brain cancer. At least that
appeared to be the case until May of this year when the WHO's International Agency for
Research on Cancer (IARC) met in Lyon, France, thoroughly researched all the existing
studies, and then classified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as possibly
carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B), based on an increased risk for glioma, a malignant
type of brain cancer, associated with wireless phone use.

Why, we must ask not only the US but all nations participating in the UN's meeting on
non‐communicable diseases, is the very real threat of RF‐EMF not being addressed as a
risk factor along with poor diet, tobacco use, alcohol and lack of exercise? Could it be
because poor diet, tobacco, alcohol and lack of exercise are not valued as $3 trillion to
$4 trillion per year industries represented by a generous lobby with assets in excess of
$85,000,000 annually?

Wireless technology is an identified risk causing ill health in all five areas addressed by
the WEF ‐‐ cancer, diabetes, mental illness, heart disease, and respiratory disease‐‐
carrying potential for huge economic and almost incalculable global impacts, growing in
danger and in tandem with the wireless infrastructure rollout throughout the world.
Until the World Economic Forum addresses this elephant in the room, any prediction for
a troubling outlook will be a euphemism.

Olle Johansson, Associate Professor, Karolinska Institute;
Professor, The Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
Susan Foster, MSW, Co-Author, Resolution 15,
International Association of Firefighters; Organizer, Pilot Study of California Firefighters
Exposed to RF-EMF, Honorary Firefighter for Life, San Diego Fire Department
Rancho Santa Fe, California, USA

* * * * * * *
Susan Foster, MSW
15957 Avenida Calma
Rancho Santa Fe CA 92091

858 756‐3532
Dr. Olle Johansson: Olle.Johansson@ki.se
Click here to view the source article.
Source: Dr. Olle Johanssen & Susan Foster, 20 Sep 2011

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