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Plans for Caldy Valley phone mast scrapped as Welsh Water withdraws permission
Wales Created: 26 Apr 2012
Plans for Caldy Valley phone mast scrapped as Welsh Water withdraws permission
NATURE lovers are celebrating after landowner Welsh Water pulled the plug on plans for a 15m phone mast on the edge of Caldy Valley Park.
Councillors and residents from Great Boughton and Huntington joined ranks in January to fight the proposal for a Vodafone antenna on Butterbache water pumping station.
Protestors celebrated in February after initial plans for an 18m pole were scrapped – but the mobile phone giant submitted another proposal last month.
The two applications drew almost 500 objections, citing proximity to homes, schools and the 30-acre park.
And the plans have now been scrapped after Welsh Water – which received objections from homeowners, councillors and Great Boughton Parish Council – withdrew its permission.
Great Boughton Cllr Pamela Hall said: “I am delighted that the hard work to object to the mast by local residents has paid off as almost 500 objections were made to both applications which shows the strength of feeling against it
“I would also like to thank Welsh Water for withdrawing their permission to allow it to happen.
“There are many alternative places for phone masts in the area and whilst we all want phone coverage and faster broadband – they must not be intrusive for residents and blight our precious green spaces.”
Cllr Keith Board called the withdrawal a ‘great success’ for those who had objected.
He said: “We do need a new mast so that we can benefit from the new 3G technology, but the mast must located at a site acceptable to the local residents.”
Cllr Mark Williams added: “Many local people were against the mast application and we will be waiting with interest to see if Vodafone chooses to put in a planning application on another nearby site.”
Apr 25 2012 by Katie Bamber, Chester Chronicle
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Source: Margaret White/Agnes Ingvarsdottir

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