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Opinion of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations (JFBA)
Japan Created: 29 Sep 2012
Japan Federation of Bar Association(JFBA) published a written opinion about EMF issue. you can see it at web site (in Japanese).
JFBA recommend RMS safety measures, investigation of residents who live near powerlone or mobile phone base station , takimg measures for people woth EHS .I translated ome part (the recommendation) of the opinion. Please download it. http://homepage3.nifty.com/vocemf/english.html
Japan Association on the Environmental Studies considered mobile phone base station issues as "Environmental Pollution".
10th Juune 2012, Japan Association on the Environmental Studies held a symposium related to health problems and trial due to mobile phone base stationin beppu University, Oita, Japan.A physicist, lawyer, researcher of environmental studies and grass roots group carried out their presentation.
Yasuko Kato, director of our group indicated a difficult life of persons with EHS and results of "Reported functional impairments of electrohypersensitive Japanese:
A quetionnaire survey". EHS Survey was published on sientific journalwe conducted a questionnaire survey to realize physical, sosial and economic status of oersons with EHS in 2009. It was published on Pathopisiology as "Reported functional impairments of electrohypersensitive Japanese:A questionnaire survey". please download it: http://homepage3.nifty.com/vocemf/Resources/JFBA.pdf
.EMF symposium in Tokyo Mar. 24. 2012. EMF activists will hold the large symposium in Tokyo Wemens Plaza, Harajuku, Tokyo. We also carry out a peace walk to appeal EHS and EMF problems.The walk will start at 11:45, Mar. 24 from Harajuku-mon,Yoyogi-kouen. Please see detailed information at PDF.
If you want to join us , please contact to "voc-emf[at maek] mbn.nifty.com".(please change "at mark" to @)
A peace walk against mobile phone company in TokyoThe Shiota family who got EHS, and other people with EHS held a demo in Tokyo, 23 Augst. The Shiota family are requesting keep a free zone area around their house to NTTdocomo head office. They had been walking from Nagano prefecture to NTTdocomo (Tokyo). The distance is about 215km.The last day of their walk, many EHS and MCS people walked with them to NTT docomo.Please see the film with English subtitles in You Tube. A house of Mr.and Mrs. Shiota, and a mobile phone base station of NTT docomo.the base station was built on the mountain in 1999, then many malformed plants arose around it.EHS family began the 215Km protest walking against mobile phone company12 August, the protest walking began in Nagano. Partisipants were a director and 3 menbers of "Association to protect Environment and Health in Inadani", a menber of city council and the Shiota Family. A family with EHS will do the 215km protest walking in Next monthIn 1999, the Siota family occured EHS after built the NTT-Docomo's mobile phone base station 250m away from their house.Many symtoms, such as itch, headache, vomit, tiredness and ache of eyes were appeared. Moreover, malformed dandeliones and other flowers also aeared.(You can see detailes in Japan Focus. http://www.japanfocus.org/-Kato-Yasuko/1568 )They had move to a low EMF area, and build a new house in 2004. But, in this May, they knew NTT Docomo was planning to construction a base station in this area.In 5the July, Ms. Mieko Shiota and her daughter, Mito handed in their request that to keep a free EMF area near their house.But, NTT Docomo constructed the base station after 8 days, and began operation from 26 July. Moreover, they knew their request has not reached to the compliance board, when they confirmed..A local government also want to dissolve the area outside of communication range.So, the Shiota family can not receive any support from the local government.They will do a protest walking from their house in Nagano prefecture to NTT-Docomoin Tokyo from 12 to 23 August. The distance is about 215km. . Other EHS people and person with a pacemaker will be walking to them. Their purpose is to reach their request to the compliance board of Docomo, and to call attention to the health risk by radiation from base station. Japan Federation of Bar Association held a EMF symposiumIn April 2010, Japan Federation of Bar Association held a EMF symposium in Tokyo. Dr. Sakabe, Tokai University, gave a lecture about EHS and the effects by environmental factors.And, Dr. Sinjou, physician, expressed a health survey which was done in his appartment house that was built a mobile phone base station. It was built the 2nd generation anttenna(800MHz) in 1999, and 3rd generation antenna(2GHz) in 2009 by KDDI. Unfortunently, residents did not know health risk by mobile phone radiation. They suspected the cause was radiation from anntena , then they took refuge to oter place. Then, their symptoms improved greatly soon . Dr. Sinjou and her wife have done a survey in the appartment hous, and they knew most of residents have been suffering after the construction of antenna. They request a removal of the base station to KDDI.The base station was removed in 2009. Dr. Sinjou and his wife have done a health survey again after removed. A health problem among theresidents decreased .While the 2nd generation(800MGHz)has been operating , 49 cases such as dry eys nosebleed, and floater, were reported. After added the 3rd generation to a exiting antenna, health problem increased to 121, such as atigue, mental derangement, irritation. But, after all antenna were removed, health problems decreased to 22.This results suggest there is a seious health effect by mobile phone radiationMobile Phone Tower was removed!In April 2008, the mobile phone tower was removed in Kawanishi City.It was a tower of NTT Docomo, a huge mobile phone company in Japan. The frequencies were 877.5MHz and 2132.6-2147.4MHz, and the height of tower was 20m.This land is a gentle slope. Therefore, many houses were nearly same high position to the tower antenna.Some residents concerned a health effects. But, the operator unilaterally discontinued negotiating with residents, and began a radiation from December 2005.Then, many residents complained a health problem, such as headache, sleepless and tinnitus.Residents brought a case the operator and the landowner, and demanded to stop the radiation, to cancel a lease contract, and to pay a solatium. The landowner wanted to cancel a lease of the base station. Therefore, the operator decided to stop the radiation by April 2008 and to remove it.After the stopping the radiation, health condition of residents became better.We did the health research in this area. All participants answered that their symptoms improved after the stopping. Sapporo City Subway allows to use mobile phone in a trainSapporo City Subway have been banning to use mobile phone in a vehicles. But, they will change the rule by this Spring. New rule is that turn off a mobile phone near a priority seat .Electromagnetic sensitivity people are affected a radiation of mobile phone even if mobile phone is far few meter away.
Sapporo City said " we knows about a Electromagnetic Sensitivity, but there is many people who want to use mobile phone in a vehicles" .But, they said "it is an impossibility".I heard that mobile phone bans trains are imported in England and France. I am so glad if you give me some information about it. The indication card for Electromagnetic Sensitivity peopleI made a little indication card for Electromagnetic Sensitivity people. It request to switch off a mobile phone , and indicate the reason( Electromagnetic sensitivity).Many patients said to me it was very effective. I believe most people will help patient, if they know about a symptoms. 14GHz antennas next to apartment-housesIn Tokyo, SkyperfecTV which a satellite broadcasting company building was built next to a huge apartment house (777 families) in 2008. A distance of antenna and apartment house is only 41.5m!It will be set up 8 antennas which diameter of 7.6m, 4 antennas which diameter of 6.4m, and 6 antennas which diameter of 6m, on the roof of SkyperfecTV building.many residents were concerning a health effect of EMR. 
In March 2007, the residents of three apartment houses accused a SkyperfecTV of a stop a building. Now, it was in court, but set up of antenna is ongoing.

About UsWe are The Self Help Group for Chemical Sensitivity and Electromagnetic Sensitivity person in Japan.Most of Japanese people does not well about these symptoms. The knowledge about care and measures are so poor. Unfortunately, there are many physicians who believes these symptoms are psychological problem.So, we have been supporting other patient in Japan since 2003.Contact to us: voc-emf "atmark"mbn.nifty.com Please change "atmark" to Japan Federation of Bar Association published a written opinion about EMF issue21st Semtembar 2012,
Symposium in Japan Association on the Environmental Studies( Beppu Univercity,2012June)

In Japanese: http://www.nichibenren.or.jp/library/ja/opinion/report/data/2012/opinion_120913_4.pdf
Click here to view the source article.
Source: Olle Johansen/Agnes Ingvarsdottir

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