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Effect of radio waves
Pakistan Created: 1 Mar 2014
The effect of mobile electromagnetic radiation on human health is the subject of new interest and study. Mobile or cellular phones are now an essential part of modern telecommunications. Radiation is energy and we are being exposed to radiation from numeral sources. It occurs when unstable nuclei of atoms decay and release particles.

With the use of astonishing increase in mobile phones research findings provide at least some information concerning how specific types may sway biological tissue, including that of the brain. However, the sharp cell phone exposure affects the human brain is unclear. As human brain is very sensitive so these waves may affects brain function in humans.

Researchers typically differentiate between the effects of ionizing radiation (such as far-ultraviolet, X-ray and gamma ray) and non ionizing radiation (including visible light, microwave and radio). The ionizing variety may be undesirable because it can cause DNA damage and mutations, thus we should all limit our exposure to its sources—radioactive materials and solar radiation among them. However, given modern technology, non ionizing radiation from power lines, personal wireless devices, cell phone towers and other sources is practically unavoidable. Extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields (EMF) surround home appliances as well as high-voltage electrical transmission lines and transformers.

When talking on a cell phone, a transmitter takes the sound of your voice and encodes it onto a continuous sine wave. These waves radiate from the antenna and fluctuate evenly through space. Sine waves are measured in terms of frequency. Once the encoded sound has been placed on the sine wave, the transmitter sends the signal to the antenna, which then sends the signal out. While talking on a cell phone, most users put the phone alongside the head. In this position, there is a more chance that some of the radiation will be immersed by human tissue.
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Source: PakObserver, Mahin Fatima, Effect of radio waves

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