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Dariusz Leszczynski goes after ICNIRP
Finland Created: 12 Apr 2016
In a series of blog posts, Dariusz Leszczynski questions the setup of ICNIRP and whether the groups closed, self-selection, member process can lead to "balanced" views of the science - and it even made Mike Repacholi respond from his retirement home.

1). ICNIRP did it again…
For many years I have been complaining about the unbalanced expert composition of the Main Commission of ICNIRP.
ICNIRP can, and should, be considered as a “private club” where, members of the new Main Commission are selected by the members of the outgoing Main Commission. It is a self-perpetuating and self-promoting German NGO that is not accountable for its actions at all. Nobody controls it. Nobody supervises it. Nobody checks it for conflicts of interests. Nobody checks it for the scientific accuracy. In all what and how ICNIRP does we, the general public, must rely on the self-assurances, from the ICNIRP, that all is in order.
*SNIP* https://betweenrockandhardplace.wordpress.com/2016/04/04/icnirp-did-it-again/

2). Mike Repacholi responds to “ICNIRP did it again…”
Following yesterday’s (April 4, 2016) publication of the blog “ICNIRP did it again…“, I received today (April 5, 2016) message from Mike Repacholi, Chairman Emeritus of ICNIRP. With Mike’s permission I am posting his entire message with my responses and clarifications. List of persons “CC” in Mike’s message I covered, out of my own desire of preserving privacy.
*SNIP* https://betweenrockandhardplace.wordpress.com/2016/04/05/mike-repacholi-responds-to-icnirp-did-it-again/

3). Is ICNIRP reliable enough to dictate meaning of science to the governmental risk regulators?
In my two last blog posts, last two blog posts ‘ICNIRP did it again…’ and ‘Mike Repacholi responds to ICNIRP did it again…’, I presented several reasons why the current modus operandi of ICNIRP is prone to provide unreliable and skewed evaluation of the scientific evidence on EMF and health. I was strongly opposed by Mike Repacholi, Chairman Emeritus of the ICNIRP, scientist who is responsible for the “birth” of this organization.
*SNIP* https://betweenrockandhardplace.wordpress.com/2016/04/08/is-icnirp-reliable-enough-to-dictate-meaning-of-science-to-the-governmental-risk-regulators/
Click here to view the source article.
Source: BRHP blog, Dariusz Leszczynski, 8 Apr 2016

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