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Letter from Russian Radiation Protection to WHO re ICNIRP dominated EHC report group
Russia Created: 10 Mar 2017
It has just come to our attention that the WHO RF Working group consists mainly from present and past ICNIRP members. In general, the WG is not balanced and does not represent the point of view of majority scientific community studying effects of RF.

In particular, the private self-elected organization ICNIRP, similar as majority of the current WHO RF WG members, does not recognize the non-thermal RF effects, which represent the main concern of widespread exposure to mobile communication and upholding guidelines from 1996, which are based on RF thermal effects only.

Thus, the quidelines of ICNIRP are irrelevant to present situation when majority of population over the world is chronically exposed to non-thermal RF from mobile communication. Based on multiple Russian studies and emerging number of studies coming from other countries, RNCNIRP has consistently warned against possible health effects from mobile communication.
The point of view of RNCNIRP is supported by hundreds of new publications including well known recent RF studies in human and animals.

Balancing of the evaluation group is a key factor to achieve a credible conclusion. We request that this main principle of scientific evaluation would be followed up by the WHO in the evaluation of RF health effects by balancing the WHO RF working group.

Please, do not hesitate to contact the RNCNIRP regarding the additional members/substitutes for the WHO RF working group.

Respectfully submitted by RNCNIRP
Oleg A. Grigoriev, Chairman
DrSc., PhD, Assoc. Prof.
Head of the Scientific Department of Non-Ionizing Radiation, Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency of Russia

(Download the actual letter as PDF via the source link below)

Related news:
Mar 2017, USA: BioInitiative suggest replacement experts for the ICNIRP-dominated group writing WHOs next RF report
Click here to view the source article.
Source: Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection, Oleg Grigoriev, 01 Mar 2017

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