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ICNIRP - the Musical!
Germany Created: 1 Apr 2017
The group known as the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection, or ICNIRP for short, will soon be taking center stage to promote its message regarding wireless technology - on Broadway.

MV-News' entertainment reporter recently caught up with leading members of ICNIRP to get the full monty.

Their frustration was palpable. Despite decades of non-warnings and publication of guidelines in obscure engineering journals, the group admits its running out of ideas on how to make the public just stop worrying about radiation from wireless tech.

One member lamented, "we've even tried putting a shrink up in front [Rodney Croft, ed.] to calm people down, but that hasn't worked either. Its even on television now; investigative 'reporting' and what have you...".

So ICNIRP hired a PR consultancy.

"They made it clear to us that we needed to really capture the publics imagination".

"The PR guys suggested we turn our message into a musical - and we were like, yeah, we're not just these dried-out science types - and we already have the songs. Lets do it!"

But putting on such a show is costly.

"It turned out that all the money in the WHO EMF-projects 'others'-account wasn't enough to hire A-list celebrities for a whole theater season".

So, they've decided to bootstrap and do all the song and dance themselves.

Keep an eye on those Broadway billboards. Its gonna get hot.

Editors note: never heard of the WHO 'others' account? See page 12, last paragraph in this investigative reporting
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Source: MV entertainment News, 01 Apr 2017

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