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Vodafone phone mast would ‘destroy’ landscape
Wales Created: 9 May 2022
A PROPOSAL for a phone mast in south Ceredigion has received a slew of objections from local communities and branded a “scar” on the area.

Telecommunications company Vodafone have submitted a planning proposal to build a 30-metre lattice tower on the Clywedog Plantation, near Ffarmers and Llanfair Clydogau.

A slew of objections have been submitted. The deadline for objections has now been extended, with members of the public being given until 20 May.

Steven Holmes, who is standing for councillor in the Cilycwm Ward for Carmarthenshire County Council, said the mast would be an “eyesore and potential health risk”.

He added: “The main objections deal with its siting in a Special Landscape Area, being a scar on the incredible and beautiful views in this part of West Wales, disruption to wildlife, of which there are examples of protected species, and potential economic damage to the many B&Bs and self-catering businesses in the area.”

Cadw said proposal would be “located in an archaeologically sensitive landscape”, pointing to “several significant sites recorded within one kilometre”. The tower would sit between three Bronze Age monuments, Carn Fawr, Carn Fachn and Garn Wen, and would “have an adverse impact on their settings”.

Dyfed Archaeological Trust recommended “an archaeological desk-based assessment of the potential impacts of the development on the historic environment”.

Steven added: “The recent roll-out of high speed Fibre Broadband to local communities with Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), as well as existing mobile reception improvements, removes the need for installation of major new mobile technology infrastructure in rural Carmarthenshire and Ceredigion, especially where this is particularly obtrusive.”

Cambrian Mountains Society said the site is the North Eastern Uplands Special Landscape Area: “As this would be visible over a great distance, CMS contends that it would have a disastrous visual impact on an area of great natural beauty.

“CMS also contends that such an intrusive development would discourage people from visiting this area, and hence would have an adverse effect on local businesses.”

Cellan resident Richard Onslow called the proposal “unjustifiable”, with Carol Guest suggesting it would be a “blott on what is such a beautiful landscape”.

Llanybydder resident James Orme said: “We have no need for the technology provided through this proposed mast, nor do we want it. There is an abundance of evidence for the harm of wireless technology, including but not limited to 5G technology.”

The UK Government said “a large amount” of scientific evidence has been published in recent years, addressing concerns about “rapidly proliferating modern communications technologies”. They stated expert groups support the “view that health effects are unlikely to occur if exposures are below ICNIRP’s internationally agreed guideline levels”.
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Source: Cambrian News, Alexandra Bánfi, 05 May 2022

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