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mobilephone Sweden
Contamination level: Severe illness! Forced to abandon a home.
Author: tired on governments hiding Created: 13 May 2007 Updated: not yet Viewed: 3744 time(s)
i was working in seven eleven in sweden were there were microwawe owen and full of mobile masts around started to feel headache in morning when it came much people and higher density of phone using.
well i quited this job moved to norway oslo.
it was horrible they have wireless internet on whole central station and wireless phones inthe shop and mobile masts in the city.
Of course i got horrible headache in one part of the shop but my new chief was so stupid and was like not caring just making the problem as shit.
and where i lived there was wireless internet in the house and they putted wireless internet in whole town and whole norway.
so wherever i was there was radiation and especially it was affecting me when iwas at my work and home result was headache and horrible sleeping disorders impossible to sleep.
oknow i moved back to sweden but i have a mast maybe 400meters fromme and i get headache pretty often.
what to do when governent doesnt care want to protect ericsson for example and unemployment office want u to seek works were u cant work because u get headache there.
and now they ar eputting tetra in sweden so im thinking to move out from sweden again but i dont know where andif i could get a job? ideas anyone?
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