Case history files for Sweden

elöverkänslighet/mikrowavessjuka Sweden
Contamination level: Severe illness! Forced to abandon a home.
Author: Linda svensson Created: 24 May 2010 Updated: not yet Viewed: 2991 time(s)
svärt sjuk av radiofrekvent strälning, bas stationer, trädlöst internet, mobiltelefoner,
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boycott wifi cities! Sweden
Contamination level: Bearable degree of physical symptoms (headache, nausea etc.).
Author: sam Created: 13 May 2007 Updated: not yet Viewed: 3775 time(s)
we can easily choose to boycott cities that have started with wifi in the whole city!
And when we got many enough and tell it loud and clear the cities will wake up when they loose tourist money.
i know 3cities Paris,Tallinn and Oslo boycott these cities dont travel there and let them know lets f... [read more]
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mobilephone Sweden
Contamination level: Severe illness! Forced to abandon a home.
Author: tired on governments hiding Created: 13 May 2007 Updated: not yet Viewed: 3743 time(s)
i was working in seven eleven in sweden were there were microwawe owen and full of mobile masts around started to feel headache in morning when it came much people and higher density of phone using.
well i quited this job moved to norway oslo.
it was horrible they have wireless internet on... [read more]
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GSM phone masts forced me to move Sweden
Contamination level: Severe illness! Forced to abandon a home.
Author: henkemail Created: 16 Dec 2006 Updated: 16 Dec 2006 Viewed: 4534 time(s)
The GSM phone masts on the building facing my appartment gave me headaches, memory problems, sleepless nights and more. All symtomps gone after just a few weeks away from the appartment.
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Elallergiska Viola får mobilmast som granne Sweden
Contamination level: Severe illness! Forced to abandon a home.
Author: Viola Gustavsson Created: 4 Jan 2006 Updated: 4 Jan 2006 Viewed: 4011 time(s)
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Elöverkänslig Sweden
Contamination level: Severe illness! Forced to abandon a home.
Author: Naima Strömberg Created: 2 Jan 2006 Updated: 2 Jan 2006 Viewed: 3994 time(s)
2003 beviljade Degerfors kommun att Svenska UMTS-nät skulle få bygga en 48 meter hög mast vid Knutsbol
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3Gis bolag sökte bygglov på vor mark Sweden
Contamination level: Seriously concerned, but little or no symptoms.
Author: Cecilia Nylander Created: 10 Nov 2005 Updated: 10 Nov 2005 Viewed: 3935 time(s)
Mobilnätföretaget 3Gis sökte för tre år sedan bygglov för en telemast nordväst om Krika i Klippans kommun. Efter en lång tur till länsstyrelsen är bygglovet aktuellt igen. Men om det visste markägaren ingenting — förrän annonsen kom ... [read more]
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Sjuk av 3G-masten – vart ska man ta vägen? Sweden
Contamination level: Severe illness! Forced to abandon a home.
Author: Katharina Krusell Created: 7 Oct 2005 Updated: 7 Oct 2005 Viewed: 4293 time(s)
Först trodde Katharina att hennes illamående berodde på att hon jobbade för mycket. - Jag trodde att det var normalt att jag fick huvudvärk just när jag kom hem från jobbet och kopplade av. Men sedan fick hon veta att en 3G-antenn har installerats på take... [read more]
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Elallergien forandrede mit liv Sweden
Contamination level: Feeling violently sick all the time.
Author: Per Sune Holmwall Created: 7 Oct 2005 Updated: 7 Oct 2005 Viewed: 4475 time(s)
Livet har förändrats för kommundirektör Per-Sune Holmvall sedan han fått elallergi. Nu arbetar han i gasollampans sken. - Låt inte barnen sitta på golvet framför teven eller spela dataspel dygnet om, uppmanar han nu alla föräldrar som vill skydda ... [read more]
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Jag blev sjuk av min 3G-mobil! Sweden
Contamination level: Feeling violently sick all the time.
Author: Marcus Ottoson Created: 29 Aug 2005 Updated: 29 Aug 2005 Viewed: 4344 time(s)
Jag var en av de första som skaffade 3G-telefon och troligen en av de första som slutade använda den också.
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I've got a radarmast behind my house. Sweden
Contamination level: Feeling violently sick all the time.
Author: Nina Created: 10 Jun 2005 Updated: 10 Jun 2005 Viewed: 4129 time(s)
The military knows a lot about this.
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Also my life was totally destroyed... Sweden
Contamination level: Severe illness! Forced to abandon a home.
Author: Michael Created: 17 May 2005 Updated: 3 Jun 2012 Viewed: 7754 time(s)
One day I got sick in a way that took away everything worth living..
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