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Health problems caused by mobilephone technology. Extreme schwierigkeiten mit Mobilfunk Germany
Contamination level: Feeling violently sick all the time.
Author: Christine Aschermann Created: 10 Sep 2007 Updated: 10 Sep 2007 Viewed: 6008 time(s)
The family lives in a valley below the new base station of E-Plus/GSM (1900 Mhz)
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A new Basestation and antennae changed their life forever! Created: 10 Sep 2007
Dear all,
These pictures, this case history and the following letter are worth circulating.
Three photographs from the members of a family who are suffering desperately by the cellular technology.
I give a summary of the history of their symptoms:

The family lives in a valley below the new base station of E-Plus/GSM (1900 Mhz) which started up working in May 2003 . It cannot be seen from the house. The house was built with the advice from a building biologist .
They lived there for 8 years and felt well. There were not any problems caused by the basestation (GSM 900MHz) at a distance of 2.5 kilometers away which had been working for several years.
Then, in May 2003, the symptoms set in.
Werner, born in 1939, came home from hospital and immediately observed ringing in the ears (tinnitus) which disappears when in other places.
Therese, born in 1943, suffered from extreme sleep disturbances, tinnitus, cardiac symptoms, pains in the carotid arteries, dry mucous membrane in the nose, and the feeling of being electrified. (like electro shocks).
They suppose to respond to the special mixture of frequencies, the usual measurements (from the year 2005) showed relatively low levels of the different frequencies. (Annotations after a phone call to Ms G.: They do not know the reason why they feel worse now. The radiation of the new antenna is said to go in a beam distant to their house .)
After the end of August/ beginning of September 2005 things got worse. They did not know at this time that O2 had installed a new antenna.
But they perceived it.
The children, Christoph, born in 2003, and Nadine, 2001, are under chronic stress, as if being electrified C. gets agitated suddenly, his face becomes red , he begins to laugh and to jump, he is shaky when walking, he throws his head, like a hyperactive child. Sometimes he complains about pains in his fingers.
At night, he wakes up suddenly and is startled, begins to yell, throws his arms around.
At 4 months, he developed an allergy to food. He has to be driven around by car to be lulled to sleep because he cannot fall asleep at home. He suffers from gnashing of teeth and sweating episodes. At the age of 2.5 years he said: "Mama, face burns, go by car "In other locations, the children are quite normal, peaceful children. Gertraud (1973) would have committed suicide if she had not consulted the physician, Dr. Scheiner, in Muenich. During ten days they spent in an area free from mobile phone technology the mother and children
recovered completely.

Short version of the symptoms of the family (in one or more members):
tendency to infections, swelling of the lymphatic glands, prickling and warming -up of the ears and face, flushing of the skin of the face, skin looks looks as is it is sunburnt, underneath the clothes, tinnitus, tears in the eyes and the head is swimming.
Loss of hairs, anesthesy of hands, fingers and arms, trembling of hands, ulceration of fingers, paralysis of muscles of the face, headache, feeling of pressure in the head, vertigo, dizziness, problems with concentration and memory, heart irregularities, cramped muscles, pains in
joints and limbs, sleeplessness, nervousness, depressive and aggressive mood, states of excitement, attacks of anxiety, urinary incontinence (Nadine, in 2005).

A letter to Dr. Jutta Brix, the Bavarian Ministry for Environment and Health

Betreff: Extreme schwierigkeiten mit Mobilfunk
Thema: Extreme schwierigkeiten mit Mobilfunk

The letter To: ;
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2007 10:47 AM
Subject: Extreme schwierigkeiten mit Mobilfunk

Summary of the letter, in some points word for word:

Dear Dr. Brix, (Bavarian Ministry for Environment and Health)
Last week, a directional antenna was installed on the E-Plus-base station and adjusted. Since our phone call in April it had been a little better. But in recent weeks the situation has worsened again, and now it is unbearable. Please do something! The antennas should be adjusted to such a position that we can live in peace!
It is not easy for us to call on you or to write letters to you but we do not have any choice!
In the attachment are photographs of Christoph, Werner and Therese with their red faces and swelling of the eyes. All of us look like that and since somebody worked at the antenna yesterday our eyelids are sticking together and the skin is burning severely.

This is torture, murder and war that you are allowing!
What crime did we and our children commit?
Will you be responsible for this any longer?

Best regards,

The same letter in German:

Sehr geehrte Frau Dr. Brix,

letzte Woche wurde an der E-Plusstation eine Richtfunkantenne montiert, seitdem werden ständig an der Antenne Einstellungen vorgenommen.

Seit unserem letzten Telefonat im April war es doch etwas besser. Aber seit einigen Wochen merkten wir wieder eine Verschlechterung und seit dem an der Antenne Einstellungen gemacht werden ist es wieder unerträglich.

Bitte handeln Sie!

Lassen Sie die Antennen so einstellen das wir unsere Ruhe haben (Funkschatten) berücksichtigen Sie aber bitte hierfür auch die anderen Anlagen die uns treffen.
Soweit es uns möglich ist so einen Plan zu erstellen den Richtfunk der uns sicher auchnoch aus allen Richtungen trift ist für uns schwierig zu bestimmen.
Wir würden Sie bitten uns einen Richtfunkplan zukommen zu lassen.
Uns fällt es nicht leicht immer wieder bei Ihnen Anzurufen oder Briefe und Mails zu schreiben aber uns bleit nichts anderes übrig.
Im Anhang sind auch noch Bilder von extremen Augen- und Gesichtsrötungen.
So sehen wir alle aus und seitdem gestern jemand an der Antenne war kleben uns allen die Augen zu und es Brennt wieder extrem.

Es ist Folter, Mord und Krieg was Sie da zulassen.

Was haben wir und unsere Kinder verbrochen????

Können Sie das noch verantworten????

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
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