Case history files for Germany

Typical symptoms after moving to new appartment Germany
Contamination level: Severe illness! Forced to abandon a home.
Author: Created: 28 Mar 2015 Updated: not yet Viewed: 2128 time(s)
I noticed several years ago that I suffer from EHS, too, when I moved to a new appartment and I suddently couldn’t sleep well anymore. The neighbours use cordless phones and Wi-Fi which I could measure after I bought a HF (high frequency) analyzer.

I was fascinated by wireless technology in the ... [read more]
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Had to flee home after LTE (4G) went into operation! Germany
Contamination level: Severe illness! Forced to abandon a home.
Author: Sven Boehler Created: 1 Dec 2012 Updated: not yet Viewed: 2829 time(s)
Was being shoot Electro-Hyper-Sensible by neighbours' strong WiFi in Amsterdam.<br />
Can tell the day when LTE was switched on next to my flat in Cologne. <br />
Never got sleep - about to suffocate at least four times cause of infrasonic (makes f.e. lungs swing).<br />
Li... [read more]
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Weapon of mas(t)s distruction Germany
Contamination level: Feeling violently sick all the time.
Author: Hela Created: 19 Oct 2011 Updated: not yet Viewed: 2470 time(s)
They come out up a mast, by the lake a few yard from the home some years ago, down goes health and up goes illness! This can not be a coincidence.
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Assistance Germany
Contamination level: Seriously concerned, but little or no symptoms.
Author: Volker Created: 27 May 2009 Updated: 11 Jun 2009 Viewed: 4629 time(s)
I am Sales Manager of YSHIELD EMR-Protection and do know many cases about that. I am very conscious to know about the global stories of people suffering from EMR.
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Ein leben in den Funklöchern Germany
Contamination level: Severe illness! Forced to abandon a home.
Author: Ulrich Weiner Created: 9 Mar 2008 Updated: 9 Mar 2008 Viewed: 7143 time(s)
nachweislich massiv elektrosensibel ist, kann sich beschwerdefrei nur in sogenannten Funklöchern aufhalten
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Contamination level: Feeling violently sick all the time.
Author: Dr. Carlos Sosa M.D. Created: 11 Oct 2007 Updated: 17 Oct 2007 Viewed: 4672 time(s)
"Silver fillings" or dental amalgams pose an extremely serious threat of co-toxicity in the context of microwave exposure.
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Health problems caused by mobilephone technology. Extreme schwierigkeiten mit Mobilfunk Germany
Contamination level: Feeling violently sick all the time.
Author: Christine Aschermann Created: 10 Sep 2007 Updated: 10 Sep 2007 Viewed: 5977 time(s)
The family lives in a valley below the new base station of E-Plus/GSM (1900 Mhz)
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Durch einen Mobilfunksender jahrelang geschädigt Germany
Contamination level: Feeling violently sick all the time.
Author: Ingrid v. Brandt Created: 27 Mar 2006 Updated: 27 Mar 2006 Viewed: 4791 time(s)
Im Folgenden möchten wir unsere Erfahrungen mit einem Mobilfunksender schildern, der in 100 m vor unserem Haus steht.
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Our Life in the Main Beam of a Mobile Phone Base Station Germany
Contamination level: Severe illness! Forced to abandon a home.
Author: Christine Kind Created: 21 Jan 2006 Updated: 22 Jan 2006 Viewed: 6503 time(s)
Fürther Ärztetagung am 22.10.2005
Mobilfunk und Gesundheit
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Our “Life” near the Vodaphon GSM Transmitter Germany
Contamination level: Bearable degree of physical symptoms (headache, nausea etc.).
Author: Marianne Buchmann Created: 1 Jan 2006 Updated: 2 Jan 2006 Viewed: 5500 time(s)
In November 1988, we moved into our newly built house (we were still feeling happy then). From February 1999, my partner Herr Hübner began to suffer.
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indoor out - outdoor in oder drinnen wie draussen Germany
Contamination level: Feeling violently sick all the time.
Author: Helmut Breunig Created: 31 Jul 2005 Updated: 2 Aug 2005 Viewed: 4192 time(s)
Erfahrungen, Beobachtungen und Berichte von Stoerungen des Lebens durch Hochfrequenzbestrahlung
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News from Mast Victims Germany
Contamination level: Severe illness! Forced to abandon a home.
Author: Citizens Initiative Omega Created: 8 May 2005 Updated: 9 May 2005 Viewed: 5153 time(s)
Unreported (or under reported) news from victims around the world.<br />
<br />
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Christine Kind aus Dresden Germany
Contamination level: Severe illness! Forced to abandon a home.
Author: Christine Kind Created: 7 May 2005 Updated: 8 Aug 2007 Viewed: 13503 time(s)
Unser "Leben" im Hauptstrahl einer Mobilfunksendeanlage für UMTS und GSM
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Marianne Germany
Contamination level: Bearable degree of physical symptoms (headache, nausea etc.).
Author: Marianne Buchmann Created: 7 May 2005 Updated: 7 May 2005 Viewed: 4878 time(s)
Unser "Leben" an einem D2 Vodafone Sender
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