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Had to flee home after LTE (4G) went into operation! Germany
Contamination level: Severe illness! Forced to abandon a home.
Author: Sven Boehler Created: 1 Dec 2012 Updated: not yet Viewed: 2830 time(s)
Was being shoot Electro-Hyper-Sensible by neighbours' strong WiFi in Amsterdam.<br />
Can tell the day when LTE was switched on next to my flat in Cologne. <br />
Never got sleep - about to suffocate at least four times cause of infrasonic (makes f.e. lungs swing).<br />
Living in shielded cellar (8-story buidling with 5 transmitters on roof!) now in other area wearing protective clothing two thirds of day/night since being ridiculed and neighbours commited damage on my property. They are sticking the head into the sand at a very crucial moment when LTE/WiMAX/SmartMeters are introduced.
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