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Phone tower Madness Australia
Contamination level: Severe illness! Forced to abandon a home.
Author: Mark Lutzow Created: 15 Mar 2014 Updated: not yet Viewed: 2548 time(s)
Phone Tower Madness‎

We have been living near Victor Harbor for the past 27 years, last year I started noticing strange pains in my body
specially while driving to Victor Harbor, Goolwa & Middleton I started getting chest,joint & thyroid pains
numbness in the face, headaches, sharp pains through the eye & the side of my head. After being back home for several hours
all symptoms left !
I started researching & found that I am sensitive to the microwave frequencies from the phone towers. I needed proof so I ordered test equipment from the US
the readings proved my suspicions that the microwaves where making me ill
The phone towers are popping up like mushrooms everywhere ! They are placed next to churches,aged care homes, child care facilities
& industrial areas where people work all day and have no protection from those very dangerous microwaves .
Are we Guineapigs ??
10 out of 14 peer-reviewed scientific studies on people exposed to Mobile Phone Tower radiation show adverse health effects.
see: ( Have you noticed the Bees are disappearing?
we know from phone tower infested areas in the US & Europe that thousand of people got cancer our Doctors are not even equipped or trained to help victims of EMF`s
we are being fried without consent –Now Vodafone wants to shower us with even more EMF`s, see under Times/ Public Notices/March 13 addition
Victor Harbor and surrounds has become a huge MICROWAVE OVEN! A ticking TIME BOMB! Will any one take responsibility ?
for a free info night on EMF`s register @ 0885568425 M & C Lutzow Mt. Compass
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