Case history files for Australia

Sensitivity to EMF Australia
Contamination level: Severe illness! Forced to abandon a home.
Author: naree Created: 24 Sep 2019 Updated: not yet Viewed: 906 time(s)
Tower is 160 - 200 metres away for 6 years now turned on 4GX and symptoms began in earnest after head fog & fatigue * growth of tumor for 6 years - headaches, palpitations, breathing difficulties, head fog worse, concentration low, loss of hair, thick throat, skin roughening, eye sight problems
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Anti-smart meter campaigner’s electromagnetic pain claim rejected, ordered to pay legal costs Australia
Contamination level: Severe illness! Forced to abandon a home.
Author: Agnes Created: 6 May 2015 Updated: 8 May 2015 Viewed: 7109 time(s)
ANTI-smart meter campaigner Sofia Telemzouguer has been slapped with $9500 legal costs after failing to turn up to a tribunal hearing because she was worried about being exposed to electromagnetic radiation.
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Anti-smart meter campaigner’s electromagnetic pain claim rejected, ordered to pay legal costs Australia
Contamination level: Severe illness! Forced to abandon a home.
Author: Agnes Created: 6 May 2015 Updated: not yet Viewed: 1898 time(s)
Smart Meter
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Court bid to stop NBN tower Australia
Contamination level: Severe illness! Forced to abandon a home.
Author: PN Created: 6 May 2015 Updated: 6 May 2015 Viewed: 6906 time(s)
A WOMAN has sought an injunction against the operation of an NBN tower just built near her home.
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EMR refuge under attack Australia
Contamination level: Severe illness! Forced to abandon a home.
Author: abuconga Created: 20 Sep 2014 Updated: not yet Viewed: 2164 time(s)
I have been forced to move to the country to due to my EHS. I have been fortunate enough to find a cottage that is out of mobile phone tower range near Wangaratta. Now it may be demolished due to beaurocracy. I want fellow sufferers to come here and stay so that we can declare this a refuge.
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Phone tower Madness Australia
Contamination level: Severe illness! Forced to abandon a home.
Author: Mark Lutzow Created: 15 Mar 2014 Updated: not yet Viewed: 2547 time(s)
Phone Tower Madness‎

We have been living near Victor Harbor for the past 27 years, last year I started noticing strange pains in my body
specially while driving to Victor Harbor, Goolwa & Middleton I started getting chest,joint & thyroid pains
numbness in the face, headache... [read more]
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All set up for the New World Order Australia
Contamination level: Bearable degree of physical symptoms (headache, nausea etc.).
Author: victim Created: 8 Mar 2012 Updated: not yet Viewed: 2586 time(s)
Microwave control..........microwave towers are in place for the elimination of population.......other victims microwave victims, meter boxes are microwave cables
This is big hang on to our Lord Jesus he is bigger than this and REAL. Don't... [read more]
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Wi Fi Emergency Call Systems Australia
Contamination level: Bearable degree of physical symptoms (headache, nausea etc.).
Author: WOP Created: 2 Nov 2011 Updated: not yet Viewed: 2647 time(s)
Suffer extreme tinnitus, burning and tingling of skin, painful and dry mouth, burning eyes and throat, restlessness, fatigue, headaches and migraines, heart palipitations, and skin eruptions as if the blood is boiling.

Have been diagnosed with ME, CFS, FMS, IBS, and BMS. All symptoms the same a... [read more]
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Working for Tyco Electronics gave me an incurable brain desease Australia
Contamination level: Feeling violently sick all the time.
Author: Lillian Created: 10 May 2010 Updated: 10 May 2010 Viewed: 6038 time(s)
Working in an EMR environment at Tyco Electronics in Australia gave Lillian Dystonia, an incurable brain desease
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Satellite dish; main electrical box right behind the wall of my living room with main cables and circuits running underneath Australia
Contamination level: Seriously concerned, but little or no symptoms.
Author: Mrs Anarchy Created: 29 Jul 2008 Updated: not yet Viewed: 3415 time(s)
Big concerns with issues on the electronmagnetic radiation affecting my life at my place. No.1 concern with the foxtell satellite dish installed on my roof, right on top of bed. Second concern the main circuit box located right behind the wall of my living room connecting cables and maincircuit ri... [read more]
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Your Cell Phone or Your Brain? Australia
Contamination level: Severe illness! Forced to abandon a home.
Author: Enrico Grani Created: 10 Jul 2008 Updated: 10 Jul 2008 Viewed: 6737 time(s)
Serious brain tumor because of use of cellphone.
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Brain cancer after prolonged use of mobile phone Australia
Contamination level: Severe illness! Forced to abandon a home.
Author: About Enrico Created: 23 Apr 2008 Updated: 23 Apr 2008 Viewed: 4649 time(s)
I wanted to write about Enrico' story as it was written in the News Section because I think everyone should read it. Unfortunately I did not complete the file and not quite sure what to do. If you want to read it turn to the news section, but I think it should be written here in the case studi... [read more]
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Satellite Dish Australia
Contamination level: Severe illness! Forced to abandon a home.
Author: Diamond Created: 8 Mar 2007 Updated: not yet Viewed: 4416 time(s)
A Foxtel satellite dish was installed on the roof of my apartment block on the weekend, one metre away from my common wall. It has caused severe heart palpitations and I am unable to sleep. I can literally feel the energy coming off the dish. I am now forced to move.
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