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Anti-smart meter campaigner’s electromagnetic pain claim rejected, ordered to pay legal costs Australia
Contamination level: Severe illness! Forced to abandon a home.
Author: Agnes Created: 6 May 2015 Updated: 8 May 2015 Viewed: 7109 time(s)
ANTI-smart meter campaigner Sofia Telemzouguer has been slapped with $9500 legal costs after failing to turn up to a tribunal hearing because she was worried about being exposed to electromagnetic radiation.
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Anti-smart meter campaigner’s electromagnetic pain claim rejected, ordered to pay legal costs Created: 6 May 2015
Anti-smart meter campaigner’s electromagnetic pain claim rejected, ordered to pay legal costs

ANTI-smart meter campaigner Sofia Telemzouguer has been slapped with $9500 legal costs after failing to turn up to a tribunal hearing because she was worried about being exposed to electromagnetic radiation.

The Cheltenham woman was taking United Energy to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal in a bid to get compensation from the electricity provider for disconnecting her power after she removed a new smart meter and reinstalled her old analog one.

Ms Telemzouguer asked for the hearing to be heard in Moorabbin because of her claimed sensitivity to electromagnetic radiation.

She said “wi-fi hot spots and cell phone towers” in Melbourne’s CBD, where the case was to be heard, would cause her pain.

But the tribunal did not accept her excuse and Ms Telemzouguer has been ordered to pay United Energy’s legal costs for “failing to comply with an order without a reasonable excuse”.

“I was just asking for a little bit of consideration for my disability,” she said.

Ms Telemzouguer and daughter Larissa, 15, had to live by candlelight from March to August 2014. Ms Telemzouguer said she removed the smart meter because it made her ill.

Her power was switched on again when the tribunal issued an interim order in August for United Energy to keep her connected until the matter was decided.

But the case has been put on hold until she pays the $9500.

Ms Telemzouguer ran as the Bentleigh candidate for People Power Victoria — No Smart Meters in last year’s state election.

The tribunal said it could not comment on an ongoing case.
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