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health problems GSM/UMTS/c2000 Netherlands
Contamination level: Bearable degree of physical symptoms (headache, nausea etc.).
Author: Klaas Created: 22 Aug 2006 Updated: 25 Aug 2006 Viewed: 4708 time(s)
The last few years I have been having troubel with my health, Not so much that it disables me but severe enough to be worrysome.
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Symptoms are: Created: 25 Aug 2006
The last few years I have been having troubel with my health, Not so much that it disables me but severe enough to be worrisome.
Symptoms are:
*I have a lot of mucus or slime forming in my throat.
*Clogged up sinuses, not there is anything in my nose but the membranes/mucosa are swollen, so difficulty breathing through my nose as a result. Almost impairment
*A crunching and grinding in my neck when rotating my head.
A couple of times a year I have a stiff neck.
*Blurry eye sight as if I some times was seeing cross eyed.
*Very tired most of the time, need much sleep.

Suffice to say that microwave radiation is causing this.
To be honest, I'm fed up with how the government implements their wireless policy. Enough research has been done to evocate this as a life threatening industry. Low power pulsated microwave power has never been around in nature. Animals, plants and humans can not adjust or cope with this kind of energy. I see tree species are dying here in Holland widespread, they are bleeding, loosing al their foliage and die in one season.
The trees that are dying are under the influence of microwave radiation.
Of course here in Holland they blame it on bacteria, yeah right?
The authorities are treating us as fools and are spreading disinformation on the subject.
Shamefully is a word that comes to mind.
If Incubation time on trees is 3 or 4 years, how long will it take before we will succumb.
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