Case history files for Netherlands

UMTS mast in church tower results in home leave Netherlands
Contamination level: Severe illness! Forced to abandon a home.
Author: Martijn Created: 8 Aug 2011 Updated: 8 Aug 2011 Viewed: 4034 time(s)
UMTS mast in church tower
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UMTS mast in church tower results in home leave Netherlands
Contamination level: Severe illness! Forced to abandon a home.
Author: Martijn Created: 7 Aug 2011 Updated: not yet Viewed: 2626 time(s)
With the introduction of the new pulsed radiation technology I soon realized I was sensitive to this type of radiation. The most time it was doable with headset-use and stay away from Dect en Wifi. Until a few months ago, since the placement of an UMTS-mast in the church tower at about 100 meters, ... [read more]
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Three cases Netherlands
Contamination level: Severe illness! Forced to abandon a home.
Author: Jan Created: 28 Nov 2006 Updated: 28 Nov 2006 Viewed: 4431 time(s)
One woman died, one woman confined to her room, a family with headaches
This case file has 1 entry and has been commented by 2 people

health problems GSM/UMTS/c2000 Netherlands
Contamination level: Bearable degree of physical symptoms (headache, nausea etc.).
Author: Klaas Created: 22 Aug 2006 Updated: 25 Aug 2006 Viewed: 4688 time(s)
The last few years I have been having troubel with my health, Not so much that it disables me but severe enough to be worrysome.
This case file has 1 entry and has been commented by 3 people

This is the story of a victim of man-made radiation Netherlands
Contamination level: Severe illness! Forced to abandon a home.
Author: Frans van Velden Created: 12 May 2005 Updated: 26 Oct 2006 Viewed: 7105 time(s)
We had to abandon our home
This case file has 3 entries and has been commented by 7 people