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Over 15% of world population has a headache on any given day, new global estimate finds
Spain Created: 13 Apr 2022
Headaches are among the most common health problems worldwide. According to a comprehensive review of 357 prevalence studies whose findings have been published in The Journal of Headache and Pain, 52% of the world population is affected by a headache disorder every year, and 14% of these disorders are migraines.

The authors, who work at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, also estimated that on any given day 15.8% of the world population has had a headache disorder.

The conclusions also confirmed gender-based differences, with all types of headaches more common among women than men. Migraines affected 17% of women compared with 8.6% of men; recurring headaches for 15 or more days out of each month affected 6% of women and 2.9% of men.

However, the researchers also admitted that studies on headache prevalence can vary greatly and that the vast majority of the ones they analyzed, which spanned the years 1961 to 2020, were conducted in high-income countries, which may not reflect the reality of other nations.

Lars Jacob Stovner, the main author of the analysis, said that data collection methods must be improved in order to confidently state whether migraines are on the rise or not. “What is clear is that overall, headache disorders are highly prevalent worldwide and can be a high burden,” he said.

The goal of the analysis was to assess the impact of a condition that is not always measured with great precision, and help determine an adequate public healthcare response. According to the 2019 Global Burden of Disease study, headache disorders are one of the major public health concerns globally. This study shows that migraines are the second cause of disability worldwide and the first for women under 50.
Click here to view the source article.
Source: El Pais, Daniel Mediavilla, 12 Apr 2022

Hutchison flogging its masts to Spanish Cellnex
Spain Created: 12 Nov 2020
Spanish mobile phone mast operator Cellnex unveiled its biggest purchase to date on Thursday with a deal to buy 24,600 telecom towers across Europe from Hong Kong's CK Hutchison for 10 billion euros ($11.81 billion).

Cellnex expects to boost its annual revenues by around 1.2 billion euros through the deal, under which it also plans a further investment of up to 1.4 billion euros on as many as 5,250 new sites.

Since listing in 2015, the Barcelona-based firm has grown rapidly, buying up assets which have retained their appeal for investors despite the coronavirus crisis, thanks to their steady cash flows.

It will pay 8.6 billion euros in cash and issue 1.4 billion euros in new shares which will give the ports-to-telecoms group a 5% stake in Cellnex.

The deal covers assets in Italy, Britain and Ireland, where Cellnex already operates, and marks its entry into Austria, Sweden and Denmark. It will leave Cellnex with 103,000 towers and telecommunications sites.

Rolling out next-generation 5G Internet in the coming years will require more masts to connect billions of devices in an "Internet of Things" which is likely to ensure continued investment in the sector.

($1 = 0.8468 euros)
Click here to view the source article.
Source: Reuters, Nathan Allen & Isla Binnie & Bernadette Baum, 12 Nov 2020

Towering problem in Teulada-Moraira, Costa Blanca
Spain Created: 12 Jul 2020
RESIDENTS on a 20-home Moravit urbanisation are furious about a mobile phone mast going up in front of them.

At a recent meeting with Teulada-Moraira’s Public Works councillor Hector Morales they complained that despite their opposition, workmen had started work on the tower.

This, they pointed out, not only affected them but also a nearby hotel, while admitting that they were puzzled by the choice of site as the area is in a hollow.

“We came here looking for tranquillity and now we can’t sleep for worrying about the antenna,” one resident told the local Spanish media.
Click here to view the source article.
Source: Euro Weekly News, Linda Hall, 09 Jul 2020

The Ombudsman notes that the 5G Implementation Plan has not passed environmental assessments
Spain Created: 1 Sep 2019
The Vallisoletana Association of People Affected by Telecommunications Antennas (AVAATE) who denounced it recalls that in the 5G pilot projects a frequency band is used for which the safe exposure limits have not yet been set.

(Following is a automatic translation from original article in Spanish).

The Ombudsman has ruled on the 5G Implementation Plan following the complaint filed by the Vallisoletana Association of People Affected by Telecommunications Antennas (AVAATE) and the conclusion is clear: The implementation of 5G technology in Spain has not been subject of prior environmental assessment by the authorities. A prior environmental evaluation of the Plan or of the pilot projects that derive from it has not been officially made and the refusal of the Ministry of Economy and Business to do it has not been justified despite the fact that various associations requested it during the public information process of the Plan.

In a resolution signed by Francisco Fernández Marugán and date of departure on August 21, the Ombudsman emphasizes that the Ministry, through its Secretary of State for Digital Advancement, has ignored various articles of Law 21/2013, of Environmental Assessment, avoiding consulting the draft of the 5G Plan and the draft of the 5G pilot projects to the corresponding environmental body . In addition, as the Ombudsman acknowledges, in the pilot projects that are being carried out, a frequency band will be used for which the safe exposure limits have not yet been set , which is something totally contrary to the principle of caution. For all these reasons, it is urgent that once and for all the Commission on Radio Frequency and Health, established for more than five years in the General Telecommunications Law, be established.

The Ombudsman considers that the 5G National Plan has not taken into account its environmental aspects and has not valued them even for the purpose of justifying that a regulated evaluation of the same was not required under Law 21/2013, December 9, Environmental Assessment.

The Ombudsman has addressed the Secretary of State for Digital Advancement of the Ministry of Economy and Business recalling the legal duty of “Submitting plans and projects in the field of telecommunications to strategic environmental assessment and environmental impact assessment respectively, when they meet the requirements established in Law 21/2013, on Environmental Assessment ”.

He has also reiterated his suggestion that the draft regulation by which the Interministerial Commission on Radio Frequency and Health, and that it be approved by the Council of Ministers, be prepared jointly with the Ministry of Health, Consumption and Social Welfare. Once constituted, it has requested that the aforementioned Commission be submitted for consultation regarding the application of the precautionary principle in the development of projects that involve the use of the 26 GHz band, as long as the safe limits are not determined of exposure to radioelectric emissions required for said frequency.

Finally, it has requested the Secretary of State to report on the measures taken to assess the possible health effects that may arise from the 5G pilot projects in Andalusia and Galicia, if these Communities have been consulted on these projects and if they have been awarded or new ones will be awarded during the temporary scope of the 5G National Plan.
Click here to view the source article.
Source: UltimoCero, 27 Aug 2019

Maternal cell phone use during pregnancy and child behavioral problems in five birth cohorts
Spain Created: 11 Jul 2017
INTRODUCTION: Previous studies have reported associations between prenatal cell phone use and child behavioral problems, but findings have been inconsistent and based on retrospective assessment of cell phone use. This study aimed to assess this association in a multi-national analysis, using data from three cohorts with prospective data on prenatal cell phone use, together with previously published data from two cohorts with retrospectively collected cell phone use data.

We used individual participant data from 83,884 mother-child pairs in the five cohorts from Denmark (1996-2002), Korea (2006-2011), the Netherlands (2003-2004), Norway (2004-2008), and Spain (2003-2008). We categorized cell phone use into none, low, medium, and high, based on frequency of calls during pregnancy reported by the mothers. Child behavioural problems (reported by mothers using the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire or Child Behaviour Checklist) were classified in the borderline/clinical and clinical ranges using validated cut-offs in children aged 5-7years. Cohort specific risk estimates were meta-analyzed.

Overall, 38.8% of mothers, mostly from the Danish cohort, reported no cell phone use during pregnancy and these mothers were less likely to have a child with overall behavioural, hyperactivity/inattention or emotional problems. Evidence for a trend of increasing risk of child behavioural problems through the maternal cell phone use categories was observed for hyperactivity/inattention problems (OR for problems in the clinical range: 1.11, 95%CI 1.01, 1.22; 1.28, 95%CI 1.12, 1.48, among children of medium and high users, respectively). This association was fairly consistent across cohorts and between cohorts with retrospectively and prospectively collected cell phone use data.

Maternal cell phone use during pregnancy may be associated with an increased risk for behavioural problems, particularly hyperactivity/inattention problems, in the offspring. The interpretation of these results is unclear as uncontrolled confounding may influence both maternal cell phone use and child behavioural problems.
Click here to view the source article.
Source: PubMed, Birks et al., 11 Jul 2017

British expat launches appeal to unplug WiFi in her town
Spain Created: 9 Dec 2016
A BRITISH woman is campaigning to have WiFi removed from her town as exposure to mobile phone and computer signals threaten to ruin her life.

Expat Rosi Gladwell has launched her campaign in Polopus, in Granada, to minimise the risks of electromagnetic radiation exposure.

Suffering from extreme migraines and breathing problems, Gladwell was diagnosed with electromagnetic sensitivity four years ago.

Forced to rid her property of mobile phones and computers, Gladwell is now launching a campaign to educate others about the condition.

Following a meeting with mayor Matias Gonzalez Braos, the 67-year-old from Devon is confident that measures will be put in place.

“I am immensely impressed with our local mayor and how seriously he is taking this,” Gladwell told the Olive Press. “When talking about the dangers of WiFi technology, he came up with the idea of limiting the hours of access in the village by putting timer switches on the routers in the school, Town Hall and doctor’s surgery.

“This means that we are afforded protection from the emissions but are not cut off from communication.”

Gladwell has had to alter her entire life to avoid electromagnetic signals after being diagnosed with the condition.

In fact, she cannot stay in many hotels or eat in busy restaurants as the exposure to WiFi leaves her so ill.

“It is amazing how badly informed people are,” she added. “I truly feel that the public at large will also eventually be subject to the detrimental side effects.”

When contacted by the Olive Press, a spokesman for Polopos and La Mamola town hall confirmed that the mayor was looking at ways to reduce radiation.
Click here to view the source article.
Source: The Olive Press, Rob Horgan, 09 Dec 2016

Open letter to the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)
Spain Created: 26 Oct 2016
The EU Ombudsman recognizes for the first time a conflict of interest with telecommunication companies in a European consultative institution aiming to avoid prevention and comprehensive recognition of electrohypersensitivity (EHS).

The more than 40 undersigned EU platforms and associations defending the EHS people's rights of electrohypersensitive people (EHS) and fighting against electromagnetic pollution, welcome the fact that the EU Ombudsman (1) recognizes and seeks to remedy the conflicts of interest and the irregularities permitted by the European Economic and Social committee (EESC). This mismanagement has prevented the vote and the approval of the provided Opinion on electromagnetic hypersensitivity to electromagnetic fields exposure in the plenary session on 21 January 2015. After Emily O’Reilly’s recommendation, we consider null and void the negationist counter-opinion approved instead.

The non-voted Opinion in the EESC plenary

The EESC's Section for Transports, Energy, Infrastructures and Society of Information (TEN) adopted a previous Opinion on 7 January 2015 (2) after a laborious process (6 months of consultations and discussions, including a public hearing (3)) led by one of its members, Bernardo Hernández Bataller (General Secretary of the Spanish Association of Communication Users). That opinion, which followed the line of caution initiated by other European institutions (4) and health agencies of several Union countries, warned of the potential danger of electromagnetic radiation and recognized electrosensitivity together with the rights of the people who are suffering it:

- It calls for the precautionary principle, aiming to minimize the risks of exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) in general and their social costs, by reducing exposure levels considering non-thermal biological effects (not covered by the current limits).

- It claims for a comprehensive recognition (health, labour and social) of electromagnetic hypersensitivity syndrome in relation to EMF, including enabling "white areas" (places free of radiation).

- It recommends minimizing the risks linked to the exposure to artificial electromagnetic radiation by implementing specific protection measures for the most vulnerable groups, such as giving priority to the wired internet connection instead of Wi-Fi in education.

We consider that the original TEN Opinion achieved a commendable balance between the rights at issue: the right to health protection of the general population (with emphasis on the most vulnerable sectors), the lost Fundamental Human Rights of EHS people. On the other side, reflecting on other issues like the users freedom of communication, and free enterprise in the industry concerned.

EESC’s maladministration and the lobbies’ acting in the voting process

At the EESC plenary session of 21 January 2015 it was narrowly approved a complete amendment (5) irregularly presented (just a day before the vote), by the negationist Richard Adams. Adams was a British member of the group III (which represents social organizations at the EESC) within the category "consumers and the environment". He presented the “counter-opinion” in his capacity as "consultant on ethical, social and environmental issues" hiding his obvious conflict of interest (6) to the EESC. The English charity that he ran was participating in projects funded by a conglomerate of industries of electricity and telephony (eg Vodafone), while advising one of the five more important power and gas companies in Europe, involved in smart grids and smart meters using radio frequencies for data transmission.

The European Ombudsman recognizes maladministration in the EESC

The UE Ombudsman recommendation of 19 September 2016 (1), nine months after the complaint of the signatory organizations, recognizes maladministration in the EESC:

- Because: "providing members with only one day, or even less time, to examine not just one or more proposed amendments, but a counter-opinion that goes against an opinion already discussed and agreed at section level, carries the inherent risk that the members may not always have sufficient time to look at all the relevant information

-Because: by allowing an undeclared conflict of interest affecting the "transparency" of the process, it undermines “the EESC's legitimacy, as a body representing diverse interests in EU society, would be undermined the legitimacy of the EESC as a body representing various interests of the society of the Union".

-Because: by allowing the vote of a counter-opinion “unwilling to take any action or assume any responsibility as regards this matter” when it should “ensure that the different interests of its members are public and widely known". "The Ombudsman thus considers that the EESC's position in this case fell short of the obligation to have in place measures that ensure, in all cases, that the work of its members and of its sections is actually carried out openly and transparently”.

The Social Organizations’ request to the EESC to act accordingly

Although, contradictorily, the European Ombudsman, Emily O'Reilly, does not provide for the annulment of the counter-opinion, the undersigning European citizens' organizations declare that the irregularly presented and voted “counter-opinion” is not our Opinion, being sufficiently evidenced the lack of guarantees and transparency required in the process.

For this reason, we request the Economic and Social Committee:

- The urgent start of the relevant work for a new Opinion on electromagnetic hypersensitivity with the cooperation and participation of independent physicians, scientists and European social organizations, including European associations defending EHS people's rights to ensure the voice of people suffering with electrosensitivity can be heard.

- The resignation of Mr Richard Adams (7) as external delegate (Category III - "Various Interests") of the Consultative Commission on Industrial Change (CCMI) of the EESC, given his totally "inappropriate" attitude and lack of transparency within the EESC and the existence of a "conflict of interest" according to the EU Ombudsman opinion.

25 October 2016

Press contacts in [name of the country]:

- On behalf of the more than 40 signatory EU platforms and associations of the "Open letter to the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)”
Click here to view the source article.
Source: PECCEM, via John Weigels newsletter, 25 Oct 2016

High-Court sides with EHS Telecom Engineer in disability case
Spain Created: 2 Aug 2016
[From google-translate]: A telecommunications engineer who worked at Ericsson and suffers electrohypersensitivty, a neurological syndrome that is triggered when exposed to computers, wifis, mobile phones and spaces in general with high electrical and electromagnetic activity, has gained the recognition from ​​the High Court of Madrid that he can not continue to exercise his profession without becoming ill and therefore is entitled to a disability benefit. The National Institute of Social Security (INSS) denied him two years ago, citing the difficulty in proving the existence of this syndrome.

"This is the first time we have achieved total disability due exclusively to this syndrome," says attorney Jaume Cortés, the Col-lectiu Ronda. The INSS considered it impossible to determine the resulting functional limitations of this syndrome, electrosensitivity, based on reports from the World Health Organization on "the heterogeneity and vagueness of its symptoms."

"Using a mobile phone caused me tinnitus and headache in less than a minute. But besides that, the ear flushed from mobile exposure, I could barely sleep, I turned aggressive and to even cause accidents, was sunk and my brain function was getting slower. I came to forget the name of lifelong friends. All this together increased depression, anxiety..." explains Ricardo de Francisco, telecommunications engineer 47 for whom all wireless exposure leads to large and increasingly diverse suffering. At first he thought it was a mental health problem, but experts dismissed it. "But my thyroid was normal as was a month without work, and so did other parts of my body."

In Ericsson -after a period of declines in this syndrome is not recognized, "it does not exist, my doctor told me at the medical service" - ran out precisely by laying off electrosensitivity. There was no place free from exposure in the company or data communications tasks that could reduce the risk of liability of the company's health.

He turned to the unemployment and inability office and asked: "Where I can go to work where there are no [wireless] routers?". They first denied the application which has now been achieved through the courts. I can not work. Nor can I use public transportation, among other reasons, because awareness is expanding to chemicals. "Study people they can move, but has given them to put wifi in the streets."

She lives in Madrid and down the street looking antennas. At home a landline and a mobile GSM, with far fewer megahertz than [smart]phones that do everything. "It's not easy to find that information. In stores they get confused when you ask them about the SAR". Your phone uses a lower frequency and takes you off all possible wireless connections. Use with earpiece because they reduce exposure and you may further reduce the effect with some extension cords that use air tubes, "but it is hard to find."

In the case of Madrid teleco, the key favorable judgment has been to have a report of public health, on this occasion, a scholar internist hospital theme of Guadalajara. "It is the history of all these diseases, they don't exist until those affected claim and a judge recognizes and it become news, "says attorney Col-lectiu Ronda. It happened with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue - "today we have about 300 disabilities recognized by this cause" - with multiple chemical sensitivity, "some 50 won". Now it's up to electrosensitivity.
Click here to view the source article.
Source: LavanGuardia, Ana Macpherson, 02 Aug 2016

City of Tarragona adopts Rescue Plan for people with EHS/ME/CFS/MCS/FM
Spain Created: 10 Feb 2016

Liga SFC/SSC, Nov. 30, 2015

Sometimes we have good news.

Like some of you might know, most people with Central Sensitivity Syndromes (CSS) which include Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS), Fibromyalgia (FM) and Electrohypersensitivity (EHS), in Catalonia, have lost, in the past few years, their already limited access to their specialists in the public health care system. And also many are seeing their pensions and being taken away. This is leaving these 250.000 ill people in a situation of social exclusion.

The new plan (July 1st, 2015) that the Catalan Government has developed for people with CSS consists of leaving them parked in Primary Health Care (where doctors are not trained on these pathologies) and recommends as treatment Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and exercise. None of this helps (and can be harmful) to people with CSS who need relevant medical care and social and economic help.

For this reason, a few months ago, our association, the Liga SFC/SSC, began conversations with various Catalan municipal governments, because the situation of these 250.000 Catalans is so extreme that a Rescue Plan is needed.

The first municipal government that has stepped forward to implement this plan, is the City of Tarragona Municipal Government (Tarragona is a major city 100 kilometres south of Barcelona). In ghe plenary session held last November 30th, the “Institutional Declaration of support for people with Central Sensitivity Syndromes” was approved, which consists of a concrete programme of measures. This is a historical step.

In the past, many municipal governments in Catalonia have voted motions of “support and solidarity” with people with CSS. But they were not concrete plans with any helpful measures. We do not need words. We need action.

So we are very happy that all the political parties in the Tarragona City Government have voted this Plan which will come into action on July 1st, 2016. It is an important moment for people living with CSS.

We would like to thank our collaborator of the Liga SFC/SSC, Jordi Gene from Tarragona, for all the great work he has done of dialoguing with all the political parties. We would also like to thank all the Tarragona city counsellors of all the parties for their collaboration and for understanding that the urgent situation that are living people with CSS in Catalonia is not a party issue, but a human issue.

We encourage other municipal governments in Catalonia and Spain to implement this type of plan.

Below you can read the text that has been voted in Tarragona.

(For any comment, please write to as this web does not allow comments for technical reasons. Also please write to us if in your city you are trying to implement a Rescue Plan for people living with CSS or ME).





Fibromyalgia (FM), Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME/CFS), Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS) and Electrohypersensitivity (EHS) are organic illnesses under the category of Central Sensitivity Syndromes (CSS). According to legal experts specialized in these illnesses, the 3.5% of the Catalan population that live with CSS, about 250,000 people, are the group of patients most excluded from health care in Catalonia. Using that prevalence, in the City of Tarragona there are about 4,600 people who are affected. Normally these patients become ill between the ages of 20 and 30, but also during childhood and adolescence.

These organic illnesses have serious consequences on the physical and cognitive capacities of those who have them. They can be very disabling and exclude them at all levels, limiting in a serous manner the lives of those affected and their families (a the personal level, socially, family dynamics, work…), especially those with MCS and/or EHS, who have to live isolated.

These patients and their families, all of the citizens, adults and children, live in social exclusion and economic difficulties. 80% of them are too sick to be able to carry out minimal activities of daily living and are not able to work. Not only they cannot work, but also they see how their pensions and other economic help is denied to them systematically. The economic help to which they have a right to have to be able to survive.

All this puts them in a dangerous social exclusion: precariousness, abandonment, food insecurity, eviction from their home, which only make their situation worse.

Only about 5% of people with CSS get better and the rest have a bad prognosis. Right now, 21 years after these illnesses have begun to be known in Catalonia, those sick with CSS find themselves in the worst situation of precariousness and sanitary and social exclusion.

For all of the explained above, it is proposed that the City Council of this Municipality adopt the following AGREEMENTS:

FIRST. Create and develop a specific support programme for people with CSS and their families in the City of Tarragona, in which the representatives of those affected have to be involved and which will include:

Carry out (with a yearly update) a diagnosis and census of those affected by CSS in the City of Tarragona, showing what is the actual situation and the specific needs of these patients and their families.

An intervention protocol for the staff of the Area of Services to Citizens of the Tarragona City Government to look after those with CSS- including a list of economic subsidies for food, first necessity elements, reduced water bill, and home help specific to the needs of these patients.

Housing protocol for people with CSS, especially those who have MCS and/or EHS, those threatened by eviction or those who are forced to leave their home. This protocol has to include a series of safe social housing (green/white spaces: free of xenobiotics and electromagnetic waves).

Create green/white spaces in all municipal buildings (free of xenobiotics and electromagnetic waves).

Eliminate, as much as possible, the use of pesticides in the whole of the municipality. In the case when this is not possible, establish a communication protocol to contact those affected and the press regarding the places and dates of the interventions with preventive advice.

Training for social workers and educators about CSS, its social, health and economic reality. Elaboration of information and education to increase the knowledge about these illnesses amongst the general population and of the city workers in particular, with the objective of diminishing the stigma that is now present regarding these illnesses.

Protocol for adapting working conditions of the municipal workers who have CSS with specific measures of support when having a flare up. These would be the measures: work schedule flexibility, encourage work from home through internet (teleworking), reserved parking spaces and include in the collective agreement not deduct the salary of the first 20 days of sick leave.

SECOND. Establish that this programme and the actions that it entails have to be ready by June 30, 2016. This programme will be revised and updated annually by the staff of the Municipal Social Services Institute and the representatives of those affected.

THIRD. Communicate by writing to all associations that represent those with CSS, the implementation of this program, the bilateral communication channels to be used and how the execution of this programme will take place and the implication of those affected.

FOURTH. Urge the Government of Catalonia (Generalitat) and the Government of Spain to adopt a program of specific support and help for those people with CSS: 250,000 in Catalonia and 1,700.000 in Spain.

FIFTH. Urge the Generalitat of Catalonia and the Government of Spain to enable people with CSS to have access to real and relevant existing public health care and social services. And to elaborate information and education campaigns to help the population to know about these illnesses, and especially public workers in order to eliminate the stigma that now goes along with these illnesses.

SIXTH. Urge the Generalitat of Catalonia and the Government of Spain to recognize the work disabilities that people with CSS have and to give the benefits that are relevant in each case.

SEVENTH. Communicate this agreement and plan along with the solidarity of the Tarragona City Government to those with CSS and their associations.

EIGHTH. Communicate this agreement and plan to the Generalitat of Catalonia and to the Government of Spain.

Tarragona, November 30, 2015.
Click here to view the source article.
Source: PARS, 29 Nov 2015

Conflicts of Interest within ICNIRP: report
Spain Created: 11 Jul 2015
SUMMARY: This paper has been prepared in order to demonstrate the existence of numerous conflicts of interest among the members of the international organization ICNIRP (International Commission on Non Ionizing Radiation Protection.

In Castilian, the International Commission for Non-ionizing radiation), that despite its private nature, is recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) as reference entity to set limits of exposure for people of non-ionizing radiation in order to prevent such radiation affect your health.

The fact that the members of the organization engage in various conflicts of interest, being related to companies interested in the development of telecommunications and new technologies, undermines the impartiality that should govern the regulation of limits on non-ionizing radiation people.

It’s incomprehensible that an international organization such as WHO, which has numerous and qualified public resources to establish adequately these limits, has delegated to a private organization issues affecting public health of all humanity.

The information contained in the work presented below was obtained from searches of reliable publicly available sources on the Internet, which can be checked by anyone who has an interest in this topic.

It would be very interesting by any natural or legal person interested in this topic assumes as its own this report (AVAATE authorized fully to do so) and send it to the authorities of the United Nations, of the International Labor Organization and of the World Health Organization of the Health.

Download the report from the source link below (scroll down for English version)...
Click here to view the source article.
Source: AVAATE, 11 Jul 2015

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