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Joy as 5G mast 'monstrosity' removed from Coventry road
United Kingdom Created: 13 Nov 2022
The Three mast was less than 4 metres from one person's home.

A 5G mast dubbed "a monstrosity" by Coventry residents has been removed after a phone company failed to get planning permission for it. Three were forced to take down their 15-metre pole at William Groubb Close in Binley after both Coventry council and a government inspector refused to grant it approval.

Residents of the street were outraged when the mast was built close to their homes without any warning in November last year. The 15-metre pole was put up less than 4m away from one house and on a small green in front of eight homes.

Following its arrival, resident Helena Clifford told CoventryLive: "It’s an eyesore, a monstrosity, and it's unlawful. Everybody is up in arms about it. I’m angry." Three submitted a retrospective application to the City Council that month, after the authority said their previous submission was not valid.

But the bid to keep the mast was met with strong opposition from locals. More than a hundred people signed a petition sponsored by ward councillor Christine Thomas against the "unsightly" mast.

And 31 people also wrote to the council urging them not to give it the green light, with one person even claiming it was affecting their mental health. After the council's decision to reject the mast, Three lodged an appeal with the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities.

But a planning inspector appointed by the government sided with the council and dismissed the appeal in September. Her report concluded that "in the circumstances of this case, national and local policy support for a high quality digital communications network does not outweigh the harm to the character and appearance of the area."

Three were ordered to remove the mast within two months. Photos showing the mast being taken down were posted to Facebook on Monday (31 October.)

A member of a community group for the area commented: "So glad it’s down! Well done for fighting it, neighbours." Another wrote: "See what happens when people work together! Things get done!"

A Coventry City Council Spokesperson said: "The 5G telecommunications mast was installed without the necessary permission in October 2021 and a retrospective planning permission was submitted, which was refused. An Enforcement Notice was served in January 2022, requiring the mast to be removed within two months.

"The telecommunications company appealed to the Secretary of State following the Enforcement Notice, so it was suspended until the outcome of the appeal was determined. On September 1, the City Council’s decision was upheld and so the Enforcement Notice came back into force, meaning the mast had to be removed no later than November 2022."

A Three spokesperson said: "5G rollout is vital for the residents and businesses of Coventry. We want to offer the local area a great network experience and a new site on William Groubb Close was installed to deliver improved service.

"Following the refusal of a retrospective planning application the mast has been removed and we are arranging for the removal of its cabinets."
Click here to view the source article.
Source: Coventry Telegraph, Ellie Brown, 04 Nov 2022

Legal win: Education Health Care Plan awarded UK child with ElectroHypersensitivity
United Kingdom Created: 26 Aug 2022
Parents have now won a 5 year legal battle against 2 local authorities to have their child
accommodated in school for EHS. They won in the Upper Tribunal, thus the ruling is also precedent

We believe this is the first case in the world where a government body is legally mandated
to make low EMF educational provisions to accommodate a child with EHS.

The family wishes to protect the anonymity of their child, however they (and their child) hope that
the ruling may begin to facilitate a better future for other children and adults with EHS:

The parents share, “Going through this process has opened our eyes to some shocking truths
regarding the ways in which families can be treated within the current system. We recognised that it
would not be easy to navigate such novel and politically charged territory, but the bar was elevated
to a higher degree than even we anticipated. Our daughter was put through misery that no child
should have to go through. Nonetheless, finally justice has been served and we hope that our
daughter can move forward with her education whilst also being allowed a healthy environment. We
are proud of how optimistic she has remained.

We are aware that currently other children with EHS
in the UK are unable to access school and some of them are profoundly isolated given that even
home schooling groups can be inaccessible to them due to prolific use of Wi-fi and mobile phones in
the community. Legal recognition that some children can be adversely affected by these exposures
in a serious and debilitating way, is the first step to making schools healthier for all pupils in our
digital age and allowing equal opportunities for those who are acutely affected”.

The school girl wanted to share her thoughts with other children who have EHS, “I am a 13 year old
girl with EHS. I have headaches, insomnia and other symptoms sometimes when exposed to WiFi or
other kinds of EMF (electromagnetic fields). These can become very severe. If you are reading this,
you may experience these symptoms yourself, you may recognise them and are perhaps starting to
think you may have this condition, or maybe you are doubtful it even exists. Maybe I would be too, if
I hadn’t felt the effects firsthand. EHS has dramatically affected my life, but maybe not in the ways
you might think. Of course there are places I can’t go, or things I don’t have, but I live a very
“normal” life in most ways. I can message my friends through email or Skype on a hardwired system
as long as I don’t spend too long and I can go to school now that I have one without Wi-fi and mobile
phones. Some people have more severe EHS and can’t do these things that most take for granted.
appreciate how much they suffer, but believe that even those people, can recover in a low EMF
environment. I can feel things and sense things most people can’t. This has protected my health, and
I like to think of it as a superpower. Of course sometimes, when I can’t sleep, or can’t go to school, it
doesn’t feel like that, but in my stronger states, I recognise that it is kind of amazing. I have
previously been unable to go to school, as the school I went to put in WiFi, but people fought for me,
comforted me, and welcomed me, despite how weird or crazy our situation may have been. These
people were my family, my friends, teachers and sometimes near strangers, and they didn’t just
fight for me, but for anyone and everyone with EHS. They are the people we need more of, those
with open minds and hearts. Thank you, to all of them. If you have EHS, and are struggling to stay in
good health, or can’t go to school, or work, don’t give up, because everything will get better. People
are becoming more aware of this condition, and even if right now it seems like nothing will ever
change, it already is”.

Read the entire press release here:
Click here to view the source article.
Source: PHIRE Medical, 19 Aug 2022

Westgate residents appeal to government to quash plans for 5G mast near junior school
United Kingdom Created: 28 Jul 2022
Residents in Westgate have contacted the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities, to ask him to revoke a decision which allows a 20ft 5G phone mast to be installed next to St Saviour’s junior school.

Nik Wells and his mum-in-law Del Bentley have taken the action as part of a campaign to stop the installation from going ahead.

The go-ahead was given last year to MBNL (EE UK LTD and EE UK LTD) to install the 20m high Monopole disguised as a Cypress Tree with 6 antenna apertures & 2 600mm dishes after Thanet council decided prior approval was not required.

But Nik and Del say the decision is not lawful because Thanet council wrongly stated that the site is not in the Westgate Conservation Area.

Nik said: “We challenged TDC on this and suggested that due process was not correctly followed and that the decision of “Prior Approval Not Required” is not lawful and should be revoked under section 97 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

“Thanet council rejected this and claim that it was an “administrative error” that does not affect their decision. We do not agree and have taken this to the Secretary of State, The Rt Hon Greg Clark MP, Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities, and requested for him to revoke the decision under section 100 of the 1990 Act. This request has been formally acknowledged and we await a decision.”

Residents have launched a petition against the phone mast installation which has been signed by some 630 people online and a further 150 on a paper petition.

In 2018 a similar application was made but due to Kent County Council planning policy at the time, including there being less than 25 years on lease of the cricket field site and due to the precautionary principle regarding safety of telephone masts near schools, KCC quashed the plans.

During lockdown the new application was submitted and the go-ahead given.

Nik said: “There was only one objection raised at the time, which is baffling but may be due to the lockdown and SARS-CoV-2 situation distracting people. I live approximately 100 metres from the planned installation and was totally unaware of it and certainly wasn’t consulted. One of my children attends the school whose playing field is on the site of the mast and until approximately 3 weeks ago, no communication to parents was received.”

Campaigners say they are being backed by councillors including Derek Crow-Brown and Bertie Braidwood and Nik says the headmaster at St Saviour’s, Nick Bonell, is also worried by the plans due to unknown health risks.

Planning documents say the mast, which will be on the Westgate Cricket club field, is 100 metres away from the nearest school but campaigners say the distance is closer to 14 metres.

The petition, which will be sent to Thanet council leader Ash Ashbee, says: “How safe is this for the children from St Saviours C of E Junior School (aged 7 to 11) to be playing alongside this new electromagnetic radiation technology?

“The playing fields are also used by the Westgate Cricket Club juniors each Sunday and during matches. Is it acceptable for them to also be bathed in this electromagnetic smog?”
The 5G application

Planning documents state 5G technology aims to greatly increase data speeds for uses such as near-instant downloads of HD films to connected cars, smart medical devices and smart cities.

The application for Westgate says: “This proposal is required to provide continued mobile coverage to the local area, as the existing MBNL (EE and Three) base station, which is situated at St Peters Church, Archdiocese of Southwark Canterbury Road, Westgate, is due for removal.

“This telecommunications site currently provides network coverage to the surrounding area and the potential loss of this site from the network, will result in a loss of communications and data services locally and a wider disruption to the mobile network, if a replacement site, which replicates the lost coverage, cannot be identified and integrated into the network at the earliest opportunity.

“This operational base-station must be decommissioned in the near future, generating need for a replacement site to avoid a coverage gap in the mobile network.”

Fears have been raised that the electromagnetic radiation used by mobile phone technologies could lead to increased health risks, including developing certain types of cancer.

The World Health Organization says no adverse health effects have been established but has also classified all radio frequency radiation as “possibly carcinogenic”.

However, because 5G technology uses more transmitters than previous versions, these run at lower power levels meaning the level of radiation exposure is said to be lower than previous mast technology.
‘Valid and correct’

A Thanet council spokesperson said: “Within the published report on the application, the site is incorrectly identified as being adjacent to the Westgate Conservation area rather than within it. This would not have changed the determination for this application.

“The phone mast would still have been considered acceptable on the grounds it would not have affected the significance of the Westgate Conservation area and is considered acceptable in terms of its location and appearance.

“We are aware of the request to revoke this decision, however it is our view that this decision is still valid and correct.”
Click here to view the source article.
Source: Isle of Thanet News, Kathy Bailes, 27 Jul 2022

Health safety pledge over new 5G phone mast on Preston hospital roof
United Kingdom Created: 28 Jul 2022
Plans to upgrade the mobile phone mast on top of the Royal Preston Hospital to use 5G technology will not cause health problems for patients and staff, according to a report to the city council.

Contractors wanting to boost connectivity in the Fulwood area have assured Town Hall bosses that the new technology is totally safe and will have no impact on those in the buildings below.

Cellnex UK Ltd, which plans to remove some of the existing radio antennae and replace them with more sophisticated equipment, says 5G is the future for mobile communications and is not dangerous.

"Cellnex sites transmit nothing more than ordinary radio waves," says a report to the planning committee.

"Radio waves are electromagnetic fields and, unlike ionising radiation such as X-rays and gamma rays, can neither break chemical bonds nor cause ionisation in the human body."

Why does a mobile mast on the hospital roof need upgrading?

The equipment already on the rooftop at RPH supplies 3G and 4G networks. But Cellnex says the need for 5G in Fulwood is essential if the area is to enjoy the "immense benefit" of advanced connectivity which the new generation of technology provides.

"5G is judged by successive governments to be important to a modern economy and in attaining sustainability objectives," says the report.

"The apparatus proposed (on the RPH roof) will lead to significant improvements to a public service provided in the local area.

"In the UK mobile services now exceed fixed landlines in terms of customer numbers and usage.

"The public interest of the system is clear from the considerable benefits that will flow and it makes a significant and major contribution towards sustainable objectives."

Is there an alternative to a rooftop mast?

The alternative to upgrading the rooftop station at the hospital, says the company, would be to build more base stations around the area close to the hospital.

"In our opinion such a proposal would, in this instance, unnecessarily add to the clutter of the street scene and result in a greater visual impact.

How long have radio waves been in use all around us?

"There is significant UK Government support for the delivery of 5G, particularly as this new connectivity will be a step change from earlier generations of mobile connectivity and will be critical to economic growth and sustainable communities.

"In the UK, radio waves have been used by a whole range of public and commercial communication networks since the dawn of radio in 1922, when the BBC opened its first regular public broadcasting station (in the world) in London.

"Radio waves have underpinned the UK’s growth, prosperity and social inclusion. Radio waves have ensured the safety of our communities and supported national security.

"The UK’s public radio and television broadcasting networks have been transmitting non-ionising radio waves in the UK since the 1920s."

How has mobile phone technology improved?

Since the first mobile phone call was made in 1985 the technology has accelerated year on year to become an essential part of life around the globe.

The first 1G phones were analogue, 2G introduced digital communication, 3G brought in the first consumer-friendly mobile broadband internet experience and 4G has meant faster download speeds and quicker response times.

Now 5G will deliver ultra-fast reliable mobile connectivity and support even larger data requirements.
Click here to view the source article.
Source: Lancashire Post, Brian Ellis, 27 Jul 2022

Thousands of Bristol residents sign petition opposing new phone masts
United Kingdom Created: 6 Jul 2022
Controversial plans by two mobile phone giants to build a 24-metre mast at a South Bristol park will be debated at full council on Tuesday (July 5).

A petition by campaigners against the proposed siting in the middle of Redcatch Park in Knowle by EE and Hutchison 3G has passed the 3,500-name threshold to trigger a formal discussion at the Bristol City Council meeting.

Mobile phone network company MNBL has applied to the local authority to install the mast and a compound of supporting equipment at the green space.

The firm, acting for networks EE and Three, says it needs the mast to boost signals in the area because the previous one was removed from the roof of a nearby pub.

But the plans have sparked a huge backlash from residents, with more than 4,300 people signing a petition opposing the idea.

Although the council owns the park, there is a limit to what it can do to resist temporary masts because mobile phone firms have emergency powers to bypass the need for planning consent, and the authority could be taken to court if it refuses permission.

But at a full council meeting in March, where the petition was originally presented, Bristol mayor Marvin Rees indicated that the authority would try to fight the plans.

He told campaigners: “I share your frustration over this.

“We don’t think the use of emergency powers is appropriate and our lawyers are pushing back on this.

“I have to be careful what I say here because I can’t get caught into a situation where I prejudice a decision and then leave us more vulnerable than we should be.”

A spokesperson for MNBL previously said the temporary site at the park would provide coverage following the loss of its permanent site at The Friendship Inn pub, which was bought by developers.

At Tuesday’s meeting, petition organiser Sian Ellis-Thomas has up to five minutes to address the 70 city councillors and the mayor, followed by a further 15 minutes of debate in the chamber.

It will then be referred to Mr Rees or cabinet with the views of full council.
Click here to view the source article.
Source: ITV, 04 Jul 2022

United Kingdom Created: 29 May 2022
Secretary of State to be challenged on failure to give adequate information to the public about the risks of 5G and to explain the absence of a process for investigation of any adverse health effects.

We are delighted to announce that the Court of Appeal has today granted permission for our case to proceed on two grounds concerning:

1. The failure to provide adequate or effective information to the public about the risks and how, if it be possible, it might be possible for individuals to avoid or minimize the risks;

2. (a) The failure to provide adequate and sufficient reasons for not establishing a process to investigate and establish the adverse health effects and risks of adverse health effects from 5G technology and/or for discounting the risks presented by the evidence available; and/or (b) failure to meet the requirements of transparency and openness required of a public body.

These grounds advance a breach of the Human Rights Act 1998 by omissions and failings in violation of the positive obligations to protect human life, health and dignity, required to be met by Articles 2, 3 and/or 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights.

The case will now be sent back to the Administrative Court and we await the directions as to the full hearing in due course.

To our wonderful supporters: this is YOUR victory. Without your unerring faith in our case, this would not have been possible.

With eternal gratitude

Action Against 5G
Click here to view the source article.
Source: Action Against 5G, 25 May 2022

Electrosensitive Ricky Gardiner, guitarist for David Bowie and Iggy Pop, dies aged 73
United Kingdom Created: 19 May 2022
Ricky Gardiner, the guitarist who performed classic riffs for albums including David Bowie’s Low and Iggy Pop’s Lust for Life, has died aged 73.

Producer Tony Visconti announced the news on social media, saying Gardiner’s wife had informed him. He described Gardiner, who had been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, as a “guitar genius”.

Born in Edinburgh in 1948, his first major band was the prog rock group Beggars Opera, who formed in 1969. Beginning with Act One the following year, he recorded six albums with the band, who became a cult favourite across Europe, particularly in Germany.

He was invited to play guitar on Tony Visconti’s solo album Inventory, and Visconti suggested that he perform on David Bowie’s Low – Bowie then invited him to join the recording sessions at a chateau near Paris, in 1977, later moving to Hansa studios in Berlin. Gardiner played lead guitar on the album’s first half, including the cheerful, whimsical lead line on Sound and Vision, the fanfare-like riff for opening track Speed of Life, and the cosmic solo on Always Crashing in the Same Car.

The Bowie recordings brought him into the orbit of another star, Iggy Pop, and he toured with Bowie and Pop for the latter’s album The Idiot, with Bowie on keyboards. On this famously debauched tour, Gardiner preferred to take early morning walks – “If others used [drugs], they must have been discreet. I enjoy the occasional drink but I would be quite happy if alcohol was returned to its rightful place in the laboratory,” he later said.

He then played guitar and contributed songwriting on the Bowie-produced Iggy Pop album Lust for Life later in 1977, describing the writing and recording sessions as “a joy”.

Among Gardiner’s contributions is a riff regarded to be one of the simplest and greatest of all time: the swaggering three-note motif for The Passenger, which came to him in bucolic surroundings not usually associated with Pop. “The apple trees were in bloom and I was doodling on the guitar as I gazed at the trees,” Gardiner later said. “I was not paying any attention to what I was playing. I was in a light dream enjoying the glorious spring morning. At a certain point my ear caught the chord sequence.”

He also co-wrote the songs Success and Neighbourhood Threat, and played drums on the closing jam Fall in Love With Me. “Lust for Life benefited from a lot of spontaneity and was largely recorded as the moon was waxing towards full,” he later explained. “The song Success epitomises this jubilant energy and the album on the whole shows imaginative qualities consistent with this rising lunar energy.”

Iggy Pop paid tribute to Gardiner, writing: “Dearest Ricky, lovely, lovely man, shirtless in your coveralls, nicest guy who ever played guitar.”

Gardiner became a father and didn’t continue to tour with Bowie and Pop. He set up his own studio and began exploring the possibilities of digital production, occasionally releasing albums with collaborators – including his wife Virginia Scott – such as the ambient project Kumara. In 1995, he released Auschwitz, an instrumental work marking the 50th anniversary of the camp’s liberation that he regarded as his most important solo work.

He was diagnosed with electrosensitivity in 1998, which made him feel unwell when in proximity to electronic devices – he had to adapt his home studio to accommodate the illness. As well as recording his own versions of The Passenger, in his later years he returned to the Beggars Opera project, releasing seven further albums.
Click here to view the source article.
Source: The Guardian, Ben Beaumont-Thomas, 17 May 2022

Bradford: Wyke 5G phone mast plan refused for listed church
United Kingdom Created: 9 May 2022
A 5G phone mast will not be allowed to be built on a 176-year-old Grade II-listed church in West Yorkshire due to concerns it could harm its appearance.

The spire at St Mary's The Virgin in Wyke, Bradford, already has antennae attached and Cellnex UK had applied for permission to upgrade the base station.

But Bradford Council has rejected the application, saying it would "detract from the church's architectural form".

The building, dating back to the 1840s, was a "landmark", the council said.

Although Cellnex's planning application said 5G coverage in the area was "essential" and that any visual effect caused by a new mast would be outweighed by the benefits of 5G, Bradford Council's conservation officer Jon Ackroyd disagreed, according to the Local Democracy Reporting Service.
'Unquantifiable harm'

Mr Ackroyd said: "St Mary the Virgin dates from 1846-7 and is an early example of a church responding to the Victorian expansion of Bradford and its surrounding settlements.

"The tower is particularly prominent and the building is a local landmark."

Existing antennae were visible, but work had made sure they blended into the spire, Mr Ackroyd added.

Cellnex UK said the design was the "least visually-intrusive option" given the equipment needed for 5G and had submitted a revised application.

"It is accepted there will be very marginally intensification in the amount of equipment [but] it is felt such a minor increase would not detract from the character of the area," Cellnex said.

"Any visual effects [would be] significantly outweighed by the immense benefits of the new 5G connectivity."

However, rejecting the revised application, Bradford Council said any installations would still project too much from the spire.

It added that the application was refused due to "lack of information and unquantifiable harm".
Click here to view the source article.
Source: BBC News, 06 May 2022

Plan for 5G mast in Spalding’s Wygate Park has drawn opposition from South Holland politicians
United Kingdom Created: 9 May 2022
Plans for a 5G phone mast in Spalding have drawn opposition from politicians - who say it would be a ‘major blot’ on the landscape.

CK Hutchison - which operates the Three mobile phone network - has made a third bid to build a mast in Wygate Park.

The firm failed twice to get plans passed for land at the junction with Claudette Avenue last year - and was also knocked back in attempts to put masts elsewhere in the town.

Its latest plan is for a more ‘slimline’ design - but would still see a 15m mast put up.

District councillor Roger Gambba-Jones, ward member for the area, described the mast and its accompanying cabinets as ‘an industrial and inappropriate’ structure and says no effort has been made to camouflage it.

In a submission to the council’s planning department, he wrote: “The application site could hardly be more prominent when seen from the road itself.

“It is highly visible over significant distances from both directions as one approaches Claudette Avenue junction.

“A structure of this nature would be a major blot on an otherwise open and fairly uncluttered landscape.

“The introduction of this alien and industrial structure into this residential environment will detract from the general attractiveness of the area.

“It will also spoil the general enjoyment gained from that location as part of the linear park that helps to connect and maintain the link between the communities of Wygate Park.”

Coun Gambba-Jones criticises the applicant for failing to back up its assertion that there will be no material impact - and asserts that there will be and that this will ‘result in a demonstrable harm’.

South Holland and the Deepings MP Sir John Hayes has also lodged an objection. In a letter, he wrote that the mast should be in an industrial site, adding: “These masts are completely out of character with the surrounding residential area and will be an incongruous structure blighting the landscape, causing loss of amenity to the neighbouring properties and beyond.”

Such masts apparently need to be located close to the people served - and Three insists it has looked at several alternatives in and around Wygate Park.
Click here to view the source article.
Source: Spalding Today, Andrew Brookes, 05 May 2022

Cafe owner slams "monstrosity" 5G mast as takings halve
United Kingdom Created: 9 May 2022
Ray Nicholson says people aren't sure if he's open because of the mast.

A takeaway owner says his profits have halved after a 'monstrosity' of a 5G mast was installed outside his business. Former football coach Ray Nicholson opened Nico Patties in Harrow, north west London, in summer 2020 - weeks before the mast was installed.

But the 54-year-old says takings at his eatery, which sells Caribbean patties, doughnuts and sweet treats, halved from £300 to £150 a day after the installation appeared. He says he now pulls 12-hour shifts and pumped in £14,000 of his own money meaning he has 'nothing left' to put in.

He said council bosses never warned him or asked what he thought- and claims he has never seen another phone mast in front of a shop anywhere in the borough. Ray, who has lived nearby since 1974, worries the Caribbean café could end up having to close its doors.

He even thought about shutting the shop on Harrow View but has vowed to keep going as running it has been a ‘great journey’ and he wants to create ‘something special’ for his loyal customers. To tempt in more customers he has bought a trellis and hedge which he plans to wrap around the ugly creation.

He says he has bought a parasol to put between the new hedge and the shop which can fit in an outdoor terrace with seating. He said: “I was selling patties in the traffic before it was there. When we first started we were flying.

“It went up in Summer 2020 just after we opened. I thought ‘I am going to have a lovely shop, everyone is going to see it.’ Now I have this monstrosity outside my shop. People said they were going to try and get it removed but it never has been.

“My rent has gone up- initially when I signed a contract for five years it was for £750 a month and then it increased by £100 even though that monstrosity has been put up in front of the shop. I phoned the landlord saying ‘what are you doing?’ but he said he had nothing to do with it.

“Eventually I got so frustrated I called EE and they gave me £250 for a new sign. It has affected my business and I have had no compensation at all.

“When I started two years ago we were taking around £300 per day and now we are taking around £150 a day. I am worried my business will have to close and I am worried about my health.

“I just don’t understand why the council could do that? When you try and phone the council you are on the line for hours.

“There is all that space on the pavement. They have got all that space and they have just stuck it in front of my shop?

“I am going to put a trellis and a hedge around it and put a new banner up. It has become a little social gathering spot for people after we are closed at 9pm because you can sit on and around it.

“My daughter said to me ‘get out of here, you don’t need to be here, go and get another shop.’ We have got another shop in Bushey but it has not opened yet.

“This is my area and has been for such a long time. I have lived here since 1974. The business has just been phenomenal and most days we are doing alright- but it has been a major, major problem.

“I don’t understand why they have done it, it is the worst planning I have ever seen. The masts are all around the borough but I have never seen one outside a shop.

“We are the only black shop around here. They have put it outside our shop.
Click here to view the source article.
Source: SurreyLive, Gwyn Wright & Matt Jackson, 07 May 2022

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