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Great Bedwyn. Malborough: Protests aired on phone mast
United Kingdom Created: 6 Jun 2005
Malborough Herald
A PROPOSED mobile phone transmitter on the edge of Great Bedwyn would be too close to the school, protesters are telling Kennet district councillors.
Newbury-based Vodaphone Ltd is seeking planning consent for a telecommunications base station at Wansdyke Crossing in the parish of Little Bedwyn.
When the report by Kennet planning officers to members of its regulatory committee was prepared ahead of their meeting next Thursday, no reaction had been received from Little Bedwyn Parish Council.
However, neighbouring Great Bedwyn Parish Council has lodged an objection saying the transmitter with its 50ft mast would be too close to Great Bedwyn village school and contravene Government guidelines.
The school has lodged its own objection and nine other letters of protest have been received.
More than 70 per cent of parents and staff had objected when Vodaphone consulted the school.
Kennet officers are telling members that the Government recommendation is that the planning system is not the place for determining health safeguards and they have recommended approval of the plans.

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