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United Kingdom Created: 6 Jun 2005
DETERMINED residents have won their battle against plans to build a mobile phone mast in the heart of their community.

Mobile phone operator Hutchinson 3G proposed to build a 15-metre mast within K’s Nursery, Parkgate Road, Saughall.
But the plans angered nearby residents, who believed that on top of alleged health risks, such a proposal would also have a severe impact on the value of their property.
They twice took to the street outside the proposed site in a bid to get the plans shelved.
And in a move that delighted them, planning officers at Chester City Council also objected.
A spokesman said: “We objected to the plans, which is as good as a refusal. It is thought it would adversely affect the green belt and lead to loss of residential amenities. It was considered visually obtrusive.”
Campaigners welcomed the news. Parkgate Road resident Elaine Cowell said: “I am very, very pleased. We would have been very worried about our health if it had gone ahead.
“We don’t care if we don’t have a signal. We can all use landlines. Let’s just hope they do not win on appeal.”
K’s Nursery owner Richard Kunze, who had given the plans his blessing, said he did not wish to make a comment at this time.
A spokesman for Hutchinson 3G said: “We have received notification of the planning officer objection and are in the process of reviewing any future action.”

Time row in school mast bid Jun 1 2005

By Neil Elkes, Evening Mail Birmingham

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