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Tiny town fights cell tower 'eye sore'
Canada Created: 5 Jun 2007
It's a version of David versus Goliath with a modern-day twist involving cellphones and the force of urban sprawl.

Residents living in Wildfield, one of Brampton's most historic hamlets, are fighting Bell Mobility's proposal to put up a cellular relay tower they said would ruin the picturesque centre of the hamlet.

This is the second proposal to build a Bell cell transmission tower in Wildfield, a small hamlet of 350 residents.

Last fall Bell proposed to build a cellular tower at Wildfield's St. Patrick's Church on Gore Rd., the second oldest in the Catholic Archiocese of Toronto built in the 1830s. Bell is now proposing to build a second tower about 350 metres north of the church.

"We're under siege as a community being swallowed up by development and we're just trying to preserve our historic hamlet," said Dan O'Reilly, an organizer of a residents' group called No Cell Towers in Wildfield. "Otherwise, Wildfield will just disappear in a few years.

"The cellular transmission towers are a visual pollution, bring property values down and some studies say the electromagnetic frequencies radiating from the cell towers may harm our health," O'Reilly said.

"My great-great-grandfather, Father Eugene O'Reilly, helped settle this area and build St. Patrick's Church," he said. "The history of our hamlet deserves to be preserved. Cell towers will add to the whole degradation of the area -- they should build them in the farmlands where it won't be such an eye sore."

Bell Mobility and Bell media relations did not return phone calls.
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Source: Toronto Sun, SHARON LEM, 04 Jun 2007

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