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United Kingdom Created: 12 Nov 2008
Electromagnetics and Health Research
We are a multidisciplinary group of independent researchers who have received funding from the Mobile Telecommunications and Health Research Programme (MTHR) to look into possible negative health effects from mobile phone base stations. In January 2007 we started a new study looking into possible negative health effects from TETRA (Terrestrial Trunked Radio) base stations. We have now had our study extended and will be testing until
mid-December 2008.

We started recruiting both sensitive and control individuals in April 2007. So far we have had a fantastic response from the general public and are doing well with recruiting non-sensitive volunteers (controls) to participate. In comparison we have tested very few individuals with electro-sensitivity. This means that at the end of our study we will be able to provide the Mobile Telecommunications and Health Research board with scientific evidence on whether TETRA masts impact on the health and well-being of the general public, but we will be unable to provide any scientific evidence on whether sensitive individuals are affected by this technology.

We appreciate that it may be a difficult undertaking, but if the sensitive community do not get involved then we will not be able to advance the scientific understanding of this condition by reporting our findings at the end of our research.

Is this study for me?

While our research will not provide a cure for your condition or prove whether you are sensitive, it will endeavour to establish if humans are adversely affected by TETRA base stations in the short-term, and will help to provide information for future research and possible treatments. At the moment there is a lack of hard scientific evidence about the effects of TETRA masts on human health and well-being, so whatever the end result of our study, your participation will be highly valuable as it will be contributing to a wider body of research. As independent scientists, we are trained to keep an open mind in our research and we hope that electro-sensitive individuals will also think openly about what might be causing their symptoms, and will come forward to help us in this study.

If you would like to take part, or even if you do not want to take part but would like to contribute to our research, please fill out our
Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Questionnaire.

For the answers to some frequently asked questions about our study and research methods please click here.

If you have any other questions at all about our research please email us at: ehstudy@essex.ac.uk or phone us on: 01206 873 784.

Click here to view the source article.
Source: Agnes Ingvarsdottir (MN)

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