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Drones should be tested in desert not here! (With comments!)
Wales Created: 2 Feb 2010
SAFETY fears were raised this week after controversial plans to create a test zone for unmanned military and civilian drones in the county moved a step closer to going ahead.
The Welsh Assembly Government has announced proposals for a 499-square-nautical-mile testing zone for unmanned aircraft or ‘drones’ in the skies above south Ceredigion.
The plans will be formally submitted for approval by the Civil Aviation Authority in March this year.
The scheme is part of the Assembly’s bid to secure ParcAberporth as the pioneering centre for the development of the technology and bring “a thriving local economy and greater prosperity” for the area.

But the fly-zone has been criticised after two UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) were involved in crash landings. One pilot-less plane plummeted from the air and smashed into a parked vehicle in Blaenannerch in November last year and there was an earlier crash in September when a smaller hand-launched drone fell to ground near the western end of West Wales Airport.

I (JD) refused to take it seriously, until i saw the paper today.... http://www.cambrian-news.co.uk/news/i/4507/
and finally found a link to it on the Welsh Assembly Government website:

Consultation on an airspace change to establish segregated airspace for the Wales Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) environment
The Welsh Assembly Government is consulting on a proposal change to the airspace in West Wales in support of the unmanned systems sector at ParcAberporth (West Wales Airport).
Click here to view the source article.
Source: J.D./Agnes Ingvarsdottir

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