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ICNIRP clique write lame letter to IARC due to Ahlbom eviction
France Created: 27 May 2011
A group of "outgraged" ICNIPRP'ers and Karolinska's have written a letter to IARC director Chris Wild expressing their disgust at Anders Ahlbom being kicked due to his conflict of interrest situation.

The letter signed, among others, by Maria Feycting, Ahlbom's prize pupil and Paolo Vecchia, ICNIRP chairman, hints that others with an more-than-apparent-conflict-of-interrest should also be sacked from the RF panel.
It's obvious that they are aiming at Lennart Hardell.
A completely gutless thing to do. Why can't the signatories of the letter put their money (?) where their mouth is (pun intended) and name those that they are actually attacking.
It's just lame.

Read the letter (PDF) via the source link below.
Click here to view the source article.
Source: M. Feychting / P. Vecchia, via email, 27 May 2011

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