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Repacholi video interview on Brundtland EHS
Norway Created: 13 Apr 2012
Mike Repacholi delivers some serious accusations against former WHO Director General Gro Harlem Brundtland in an interview with a norwegian journalist.

Repacholi claims that Brundtland censored him from publishing fact-sheets on the science regarding EHS at the time and says that if the science disagreed with the WHO Director General, then there was nothing he could do.

Repacholi also claims that there were multiple hierarchy levels between him and the WHO Director General and that therefore there was no way he could approach her in order to tell her anything. Now, with that statement in mind, take a look at image #2 below. That's Repacholi up close and obviously directly addressing Margaret Chan, the current WHO Director General. (thanks to Next-Up.org for the image). Strange, don't you agree?

Watch the interview via the source link below...
(note: there is a short advert at the beginning and a short intro to Repacholi in norwegian. The interview is in english).

Related news:
Apr 2012, Norway: Repacholi attacks Gro Harlem Brundtland on EHS claims
Click here to view the source article.
Source: Aftenbladet, Thomas Ergo, 12 Apr 2012

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