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Wireless computers close to the body can expose the users as much as mobile phones
United Kingdom Created: 27 Jun 2016
Public Health England (PHE)/Health Protection Agency (HPA) has failed to inform that wireless computers can expose the users to electromagnetic fields as high as from mobile phones when close to the body.

PHE/HPA failed to mention that studies have reported adverse biological or health effects of Wi-Fi and similar wireless signals. Schools, organisations and individuals are thus unable to make informed decisions.

PHE/HPA has said that adults should be able to make their own choices about reducing their radiofrequency exposure should they so wish, but be able to do so from an informed position (PHE website, 1st December 2013). Their advice to schools on Wi-Fi and their failure to speak out about the use of mobile phones by children in schools has prevented children and parents from reducing their exposures in the school environment.

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Source: WiFi in Schools, Dr. Sarah Starkey PhD,

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