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Swiss Council of States rejects rise to radiation limits
Switzerland Created: 14 Dec 2016
The Swiss Council of States has voted against a motion to raise the upper limit on radiation transmissions from mobile radio antennas.

The motion, which was approved by the National Council in June, was rejected by the state council by a margin of 20 to 19. Under the bill, radio antennas would be authorised to transmit a higher level of radiation in a bid to increase their capacity.

The Swiss telecommunications association Asut warned that rejecting the bill would lead to the need for thousands of new transmissions towers to keep pace with the growing demand for mobile internet.

The campaign against the bill was based on health concerns raised by residents. By contrast, Federal Councillor Doris Leuthard argued that 90 percent of radiation exposure comes from terminals, rather than antennas, and cited WHO guidelines that higher radiation levels were within safe limits, according to Neue Zuercher Zeiting.
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Source: Telecom Paper, 13 Dec 2016

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