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Woman who fears phone mast radiation is making her ill sleeps in foil covered tent
United Kingdom Created: 17 Nov 2019
The 46-year-old woman said she has started sleeping under a space blanket and foil tent in her Leicester flat because of the EE and O2 phone masts above her flat.

A concerned tenant has claimed that radiation from phone masts above the roof of her flat have made her ill.

The 46-year-old woman has now resorted to sleeping under a space blanket in an aluminium foil covered tent to minimise her symptoms.

The woman, who does not wish to be named, told LeicestershireLive that her symptoms include anaemia, and pains in her stomach and chest, which she believes are linked to radiation from the masts.

Phone operators O2 and EE say they operate mobile networks safely, and research by the World Health Organisation, found that no health risks have been established from low-level radio signals.

The woman, who has lived in her home in Evington, Leicester, for four years, said she started sleeping in a tent after she began waking up from intense stomach pains.

She said: "I started experiencing low moods, low energy and different aches and pains about a year ago.

“My own diagnosis from my doctor began primarily as having vitamin D3 and vitamin B12 deficiencies, anaemia, abnormal red bloods, increased auto-immune cells, oxidative stress, rheumatoid arthritis type symptoms, digestive and metabolic issues, thyroiditis type symptoms, lack of energy, tiredness, increased nerve pain.

“The symptoms were ultimately summarised as fibromyalgia by my doctor.

“I also put on three stone in weight out of nowhere.

“These symptoms all appeared out of nowhere when I am normally a fit and healthy person.”

She also said her partner moved out of her flat when he also began to experience the same symptoms.

She added: “After doing research and consulting further with my doctor, I concluded that it was most likely that the radiation from the phone masts had had an accumulative effect as a result of long-term exposure and affected my cell metabolism and cause oxidative stress leading to the variety of symptoms.”

“I have discussed this with both my doctor and also various other medical staff and experts who have all concluded that this is the likely cause of my current health issues.

She is now hoping to move out of her flat, Carrick Point, when she starts a new job.

A planning application to replace the existing six masts with a 7.5 metre tower supporting 12 new masts was recently refused by Leicester City Centre, much to the woman's relief.

Planning officers said the development would be "detrimental" to the architectural interest and landmark quality of the heritage asset.

An O2 spokesperson told LeicestershireLive: “We take the safety of our customers and the public very seriously, and operate our mobile network safely, within the limits set by international standards.”

An EE spokesperson said: ”Research into the safety of radio signals has been conducted for more than 50 years.

"The strong consensus of the public health agencies around the world, such as the World Health Organisation (WHO), is that no health risks have been established from exposure to the low-level radio signals used for Wi-Fi and mobile communications.

“In line with advice from WHO, the UK Government has adopted the exposure limits developed by International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) who monitor all new research.

"All UK mobile network providers build their networks within these guidelines.”
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Source: MIrror, Amy Orton, 16 Nov 2019

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