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Bramley: ‘Overly dominant’ mobile phone mast refused permission by planners
United Kingdom Created: 20 Oct 2021
Plans for a 15-metre high 5G mobile phone mast and cabinet have been knocked back by council planners.

CK Hutchison Networks (UK) Ltd wanted to site the new mast on Ganners Way, opposite St Margaret’s church, in a bid to boost mobile phone coverage in the area.

But a report from a council planning officer raised concerns over siting and its appearance and said:

“The proposal will be highly visible within the locality and appear overly dominant within its context of two-storey buildings (residential and ecclesiastical). Moreover, it sits within a wholly residential area and directly adjacent to housing.”

The plans can be viewed in full here:
Click here to view the source article.
Source: West Leeds Dispatch, 19 Oct 2021

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