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Ziek van je mobieltje - Sick of your Mobile Phone
Netherlands Created: 29 Jun 2012
Ziek van je mobieltje - Sick of your Mobile Phone
Dutch public television documentary with Google subtitles on the subject of wireless technologies and health.
Click here to view the source article.
Source: Sylvie/Agnes INgvarsdottir.

English: Radiation cell phone risky for children: Dutch: Straling mobiele telefoon riskant voor kinderen!
Netherlands Created: 13 Jun 2012
Radiation cell phone risky for children

Children are at greater health risks through the use of mobile phones than adults. This is because the radiation from the phone, deeper into the skull of a child than in the skull of an adult. So says the Belgian kinderoncoloog Stefaan van Gool in ZEMBLA episode "Sick of your mobile '.

Watch the video: Sick of your cell phone:

Video George Carlo, where the people warn of the biological effects of current wireless devices.
He does this after a 6-year study to have done for Motorola Paid by Motorola and said were not happy with the outcome of this research. And then start to train it to recharge mobile phone go through.
While the opinion of this scientist, "Stop first and see if anything can be done"
The result is now globally visible. Despite his signed oath of secrecy about the outcome of his research
is he still the world's population to warn.

Straling mobiele telefoon riskant voor kinderen
Kinderen lopen grotere gezondheidsrisico’s door het gebruik van een mobiele telefoon dan volwassenen. Dat komt doordat de straling, afkomstig van de telefoon, dieper doordringt in de schedel van een kind dan in de schedel van een volwassene. Dat zegt de Belgische kinderoncoloog Stefaan van Gool in de ZEMBLA-aflevering ‘Ziek van je mobieltje’.

Bekijk nu de video : Ziek van je mobieltje:

Video waar George Carlo de bevolking waarschuwen voor de biologische effecten van huidige draadloze apparaten.
HIj doet dit na een 6 jarig onderzoek te hebben gedaan voor Motorola, Betaald door Motorola en zei niet blij waren met de uitkomst van dit onderzoek. En om de toen startende mobile telefoon trein toch te laden door gaan.
Terwijl het advies van deze wetenschapper was; "Stoppen en eerst kijken of er wat aan gedaan kan worden"
Het gevolg is nu wereldwijd goed zichtbaar. Ondanks zijn ondertekende zwijgplicht omtrent de uitkomst van zijn onderzoek
is hij nu toch de wereld bevolking aan het waarschuwen.
Click here to view the source article.
Source: Arjen Witzel/Agnes Ingvarsdottir

Preliminary application filed at the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg
Netherlands Created: 15 Feb 2010
Plaintiffs mentioned hereunder, all inhabitants of The Hague, The Netherlands Counsel JPE Baakman, office situated in Haaksbergen (NL).

Inhabitants of Houtwijk, The Hague Representative J.P.E. Baakman (counsel) Versus The Dutch government Representative Ministry of Foreign Affairs (NL)

RESPECTFULLY DECLARES: Aforementioned clients, all living in The Hague (The Netherlands), hereby authorise me to represent them in the proceedings before the European Commission of Human Rights, and in any subsequent proceedings under the European Commission of Human Rights, concerning my application introduced under Art.25 of the Convention concerning The Netherlands. Aforementioned clients all feel aggrieved at the decree of the justice department of the Council of State dated 14th January 2009, allocated case number 200800497/1. It concerns the decree of the supreme national Authorities, in the case of the appeal by plaintiffs to the application of the working of, amongst others, art. 8 of the ECRM to ensure protection from compulsory exposure to non-ionizing radiation (electromagnetic radiation/fields), both outside and inside, and where the appeal to application Art. 174 par. 2 EG was not honoured. Through these proceedings, plaintiffs want to lodge a complaint against The Netherlands for violation of the Convention. The Dutch government as well as the justice department of the Council of State (the aforementioned department does not belong to the judiciary of The Netherlands) are guided by, amongst others, the Health Council (Electromagnetic Fields Commission). Aforementioned Health Council does not make its own investigations but advises/informs the Dutch government after reading the investigation reports as selected by the Health Council. The criteria for this selection are not known to the plaintiffs. In the proceedings which have been laid before your Court and Commission, a summary will be given regarding the composition of the Electromagnetic Fields Commission of the Health Council, regarding the literature studied by this Commission and regarding the literature that has not been studied as far as is known to the plaintiffs. Plaintiffs will request the Dutch and Belgian organizations Stopumts (The Netherlands) and Restrict radiation (Belgium) to release their files after which these will be brought before the registry as procedural documents within the list of documents. . Dutch and foreign scientists will make further submissions in accordance with my clients' request. In the opinion of plaintiffs, the justice department of the Council of State is not competent with regard to health risks and compensatory law. Though the aforementioned department has appointed a so-called expert (STAB - Dutch abbreviation for the Consultancy Administrative Law Foundation), it turns out that this expert is not in the opinion of plaintiffs competent to provide advice to the aforementioned department or to investigate whether or not the advice given is based on incorrect assumptions. The STAB report states that it has been revealed, from worldwide investigations into the effects of the radio frequency electromagnetic fields which are applicable to this situation because of the frequency of digital broadcasting, that radio frequency electromagnetic radiation can be harmful to one's health. In these investigations, a distinction is made between the thermal effects, namely heating, and the biological effects of induced current, namely stimulating muscles and nerves by electric current. .

STAB continues by stating that, as far as the long term is concerned, the conclusion of investigations is that there is no evidence that radio frequency electromagnetic fields will cause cancer or any other long-term effects. . Aforementioned report will be filed as a procedural document. .

Grounds for appeal
The justice department of the Council of State of the EU member state The Netherlands does not indicate which scientific studies have been consulted by STAB. Officially this should have been done, yet it is not possible to appeal in cassation against the judgment of the justice department of the Council of State. The financial interests of the Dutch government are great. Plaintiffs therefore claim a violation of art. 6 of the European Convention of Human Rights ratified by the Dutch government. The violations of the convention will be filed (in Dutch and only if necessary in English) on forms to be submitted to your Court within the time stipulated by your Court. In making a decision on the decree contested by the plaintiffs (the applicable Dutch law is The Environmental Management Act), the Dutch government has been guided by the aforementioned Health Council (publication no. 1997/01) and the Recommendation of the Council of the European Union dated 12th July 1999, no. 1999/519/EG on limitation of the exposure of the public to electromagnetic fields from 0 Hz ­ 300 GHz. Neither the aforementioned advisory report of the Health Council nor the aforementioned recommendation has any force of law. A possible appeal by the Dutch government to the authority of the findings of the ICNIRP (International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection) should be refused because, besides the fact that it is not known which doctors have participated in producing the findings of the ICNIRP, plaintiffs also state that the ICNIRP is a private organization which is not responsible to any government of a EU member state. . The Dutch government, in this case the justice department of the Council of State, has not made any investigation into the medical-professional level and the legal status of the ICNIRP since the 1990s. Adding the fact that the WRO (Town Planning Law) and the appropriate Administrative Law give no opportunity for Dutch citizens seeking justice to have health risks to be considered as grounds for appeal, a violation of art. 13 ECRM occurs (no effective plea). The appeal procedure(s) with regard to the judging state councils of the justice department of the Council of State (a full education in Dutch Law is not obligatory for an appointment to these councils) is not sufficiently guaranteed: an adequate court procedure does not exist. In the proceedings before your Court plaintiffs will further make known the effects of tests of reasonability within the Dutch Administrative Law System. The Netherlands has not sufficiently amended acts after the Decree Benthem vs The Netherlands and the case concerning the Council of State of Luxembourg.

The conclusion of the above should be that the implementation of ECHR law was improperly done, that no fair trial has taken place, and that the decision-making with regard to the decree of the supreme national authorities is not based on an independent and impartial legal authority, while a sufficiently guaranteed court procedure is not available (and has never been available). In many ways ­ as already indicated briefly ­ plaintiffs have not had a fair trial. .

For this reason plaintiffs apply to your Court with the respectful request to deal with their complaint and to judge their complaints well-grounded, to order the Dutch government to reverse the violation(s) of the Convention with the provision that, in case complaints are judged well-grounded, a fair settlement will be given to the plaintiffs by the Dutch government under art. 50 ECRM. . In confirmation of the aforementioned and awaiting allocation of case number, signing with due respect, Yours sincerely, Your obliging, J.P.E. Baakman (Counsel) File: 07.2009.0024/22
Click here to view the source article.
Source: Next-up, 12 Feb 2010

Charles Claessens on the Alzheimers mouse study
Netherlands Created: 8 Jan 2010
Ho, ho, not so fast.

They used a signal which was generated with a HP ESG D400A generator.

The high frequency carrierwave was 918 MHz, but nowhere can be found which pulsrate was used.
And it is just the modulation of these lowfrequency pulsrates (with a lot of other signals in it) that do have the impact on people.

On I have placed modulations of 217 Hz and 100 Hz, made by a generator.
When you listen to them, in their different wave forms, it is quite obvious, that they sound quite different from real recorded mobile phone signals, like a DECT phone or GSM or even UMTS.

(Electrosensitives who listen to my recorded modulations do get the same complaints as with the original elektrosmog sources.)

Since the 1930's we do know about bioresonance effects. Those are therapies with certain frequencies.
Quite a large number of ailments can be healed that way.
(I myself could improve my hearing with 10 dB in a one month time!)

So, it is quite possible, that they accidently used a right bioresonance frequency, which helped for the Alzheimer.
Known Rife frequencies for Alzheimer are f.i. 430, 620, 624, 840, 866, 2213, 5148, 19180.5

abnormally high levels of the toxic metals aluminum—and now, mercury—are being discovered in the brains of people with alzheimer’s. These and other heavy metals can amplify, if not outright cause, this disorder.

Perhaps a detoxifying modulation frequency was used.

Don't get fooled, elektrosmog generally shortens the short term memory with a lot of people.

My point is, that the modulations of real mobile phones (or masts) are quite different from signals generated by EMF generators.

Another point I have is, that I could measure quite a lot of *dirty power* as well as *dirty air* in certain laboratoria.
These VLF could also cuase bioresonance effects on the tested animals.

Who knows.

That may be a reason why the tails of the comet-assay in the Reflex study in one labo are different from those in another.

Do scientists check their laboratories for VLF ?

I found that electrosensitives did react to VLF at a distance of 2 meters, while the electrical field was only measurable at 2 centimeters.

The biological impact of VLF on living things at great distances is much higher, than theoretically assumed.

(Since two days I do have a prototype of a special EMP Impuls Detektor < 100 kHz, which is extremely sensitive with some rare antennas.
It can pick up much more *dirty air.*)

Charles Claessens
member Verband Baubiologie

Related news:
Jan 2010, USA: Cell Phone Use May Fight Alzheimer's, Mouse Study Says
Source: Charles Claessens (via email), 07 Jan 2010

House value cut because of phone mast
Netherlands Created: 1 Jul 2008
A resident of the Friesian village of Mantgum has had the official value of his house reduced by 15% because a mobile phone mast is to be built next to his home.

The court in Leeuwarden ordered the reduction because new buyers might be afraid of the health risks living next to a mast, the AD reports.

Even though reports show there is no health risk associated with the masts, people may think differently, the judge said.
Click here to view the source article.
Source: DutchNews, 30 Jun 2998

Radio frequency identification in hospitals could pose risks
Netherlands Created: 25 Jun 2008
Radio frequency identification chips (RFID) used to track and trace products could cause critical care medical devices such as pacemakers and ventilators to fail, Dutch researchers said on Tuesday.

Electromagnetic interference from the chips caused 22 problems that could endanger patients, ranging from completely stopping syringe pumps to switching off ventilators, said Erik Jan van Lieshout, a critical care physician at the Academic Medical Centre at the University of Amsterdam.

"We wanted to investigate the safety of RFID in healthcare because it hasn't been tested," Van Lieshout, who co-led the study, told Reuters. "This is the first study ever done on RFID interference within the hospital."

Retailers have embraced RFID and the technology is now moving into healthcare, with spending in the United States the researchers estimate will grow to $2 billion annually in the next ten years from a current $90 million.

Potential applications include marking drug blister packs to prevent counterfeiting, monitoring blood products with temperature-sensitive blood products and tracking and tracing important medical equipment and devices, Van Lieshout said.

The potential for harmful electromagnetic interference from electronic anti-theft surveillance systems on some pacemakers and defibrillators is also known but the effect on other critical care devices is not certain, the researchers said.

"Implementation of RFID in the intensive care unit and other similar health care environments should require on-site electromagnetic interference tests in addition to updated international standards," Van Lieshout and colleagues wrote in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

The Dutch team tested electromagnetic interference of the two most common RFID systems in a one-bed patient room in an intensive care unit with no patients.

Their tests on 41 devices identified 22 hazardous incidents, two they classified as significant and another 10 as light. Most of the hazardous incidents occurred at about 9.8 inches from the equipment, though they recorded problems up to six meters away.

A hazardous incident was a problem that could directly endanger a patient while a significant incident was one requiring a nurse's attention but not something that put a person at immediate risk.

The findings should not dissuade hospitals from using a technology but they underscore the need to make sure wireless signals are safe for patients, Van Lieshout added.

"We don't want to induce a ban on RFID in healthcare because it has real potential," he said. "But like other wireless signals it could endanger your equipment, and thus your patient."
Click here to view the source article.
Source: Reuters, Michael Kahn, 24 Jun 2008

Dr. George Carlo responds to Health Council Netherlands report
Netherlands Created: 29 Nov 2007
Betreff: Re: Annual report Health Council Netherlands

To Members of the Scientific Advisory Panel and the Committee for Recommendation from the National Platform Electro Magnetic Risks in the Netherlands:
I have read carefully the 2006 Report as requested, and would like to point out areas where the report relies on data that are incomplete, thus giving us an indication of new data that need to be considered before effective public health decisions can be made. (I have attached testimony I gave earlier in the year to a scrutiny panel in the Channel Island State of Jersey that summarizes much of the new data.)

Points the Committee Must Address:

1. In the past three years, clinical data have made clear that there are at least four operating pathological effect windows in the electro-magnetic spectrum contributing to a wide range of health effects. Each window has a now clinically elucidated distinct mechanism of harm and distinct characteristics that are relevant to safety standards. Without considering the pathological mechanisms in the public policy decision making process, and making decisions based on clinical considerations, the public can not be protected adequately.

2. The four effect windows are as follows: the ELF effect window, where the mechanism of harm involves direct magnetic field effects above a threshold; the microwave effect window where the mechanism involves field intensity derived heating where effects occur above a threshold; the Information Carrying Radio Wave (ICRW) effect window where the mechanism involves biological response triggered at the cell membrane that is not threshold dependent; the ionizing radiation effect window where the mechanism is derivative of high energy breaking chemical bonds, and where there is a clinical threshold.

3. Of critical relevance to the public policy decision making process is the recognition that three of the effect windows have thresholds or safe levels of exposure -- including the microwave thermal window which is the basis for all of the national exposure standard for RF -- while the ICRW window, which is where all wireless transmissions fall, has no threshold for effects. Thus, relying on field intensity standards misses the mark in terms of what we now know about the clinical pathology.

4. Clinical data now show that the ICRW effect window involves a fundamental disruption of phyiologic processes including both disruption of intercellular communiction leading to systemic effects and interference with DNA repair leading to genetic effects. The attached paper describing a clinical series on Autism contains a good summary description of these mechanisms. The critical point is that because these are fundamental disruptions, the standard approaches to research that are based on one exposure/one disease effect are inadequate. The manifestations of these exposures are multiple and involve different conditions in different people, depending on their genetic susceptibilities and environment. Thus, relying on standard epidemiological and toxicological studies for decisions will not pick up the true risks -- the standard approaches lack the scientific sensitivity to adequately protect public health.

5. With a non-threshold mechanism operating with ICRW, long-term corrections for the problem involve infrastructure changes that must include minimizing wireless transmissions of ICRW and maximizing delivery systems that are hard-wired including fiber optics.

6. Our clinical experience and registry work shows us that conditions such as electrosensitivity are increasing rapidly in exposed populations. It is noteworthy that once a person is electrosensitive, exposures in any of the four effect windows elicit adverse clinical responses. While exposures in any of the effect windows can cause the environmentally induced genetic changes leading to the condition, we believe the incidence of electrosensitivity is increasing so dramatically of late because of the high background level of ICRW that trigger responses in every person who is exposed (the characteristic of a non-threshold effect). Thus, short-term remedies for the population must include programs to address clinical conditions in people already effected as well as preventive programs for those exposed but not yet exhibiting clinical symptoms.

G. L. Carlo
Dr. George Carlo
Chair, Science and Public Policy Institute
Chief, Safe Wireless Initiative
1101 Pennylvania Ave, 7th Floor
Washington, D.C. 20004
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-----Original Message-----
From: Nationaal Platform Stralingsrisico's <>
To: 'Nationaal Platform Stralingsrisico's' <>
Sent: Sun, 25 Nov 2007 4:01 am
Subject: Annual report Health Council Netherlands

Dear member of the Scientific Advisory Panel and the committee for recommendation from the National Platform Electro Magnetic Risks in the Netherlands,
We will have a very important meeting on the 10th December with our Health Council; it will be with 4 members from the EM field’s commission and the director. This Council gives the politics in the Netherlands advice how to cope with EM fields; they decide and make the guide lines. We hope you have the time to read the 2006 Annual Report and give us some feed-back of what you think we absolutely have to discuss on this meeting. What do they miss you think?
Best wishes,
Alex Swinkels
Nationaal Platform Stralingsrisico's

787K Herunterladen


70K Herunterladen
Click here to view the source article.
Source: Agnes Ingvarsdottir, 29 Nov 2007

Mobile use affects brain activity
Netherlands Created: 10 Sep 2007
AMSTERDAM - Dutch scientists have found that frequent use of mobile phones leads to slower brain activity but that their capability to focus on specific issues increases, it was reported on Monday.

The study on the long-term effects of mobile phone usage was published in the September edition of International Journal of Neuroscience.

The study was conducted by the Radboud University of Nijmegen and Brainclinics Diagnostic, a group of independent Dutch scientists doing individual brain research and applied scientific functional brain research.

The scientists compared 100 frequent mobile phone users with 100 non-users and another group of 100 people who use mobile phones infrequently.

The frequent mobile phone users are people who use their mobile phone very often and have been doing so for several years.

The phenomenon of decreased brain activity among mobile phone users resembles the process that occurs in the brains of Alzheimer's disease patients, the researchers say.

But, main researcher Martijn Ans said, brain activity of Alzheimer's disease patients tends to be extremely low. Among mobile phone users the lower brain activity of mobile is still within "normal" ranges, he added.
Click here to view the source article.
Source: Expatica, 10 Sep 2007

This is a lesson how to throw 16.6 million Euro in the trash can. (English and Dutch links)
Netherlands Created: 12 Oct 2006
Strengthened by the eclatant success of the Swiss EH Study, where offi cially no effects from RF radiation was found, although the praxis showed otherwise, see *het bitje* September, the dutch government, by several of its ministries, has asked to organize studies of *Electromagnetic Fields and Health Research Programme*.
This research programme will take up to 8 years, and a budget of € 16.600.000 is made available. Up to now only funded by government sources. But that may change later on.
The experience with the manipulated ETH Study makes us somewhat suspicious about this all, especially when 16.6 Million € of taxpayers money is involved.
In our optics, this is happening on very, very quietly and silently.
Without any publicity is it very well orchestrated and wrapped up outside all media.
As I recall, the TNO Cofam Study did cost ca. € 320.000, and the ETH Study € 485.000.
The how and what is described in the leafl et EMF-H Programme Proposal 3.4.pdf, to be found at the homepage of
In this document, the Programme Committee Members are listed, and those are the persons who will decide who gets how much of the big bag of money.
Remarkably, some committee persons have to do with Cancer Centers.
Read the whole article:
Click here to view the source article.
Source: Charles Claessens.

Why did a Motorola guy disappear? or "Where are you Paul Moller?
Netherlands Created: 4 Oct 2006
Why did a Motorola guy disappear? or "Where are you Paul Moller?" (quoting Andrew Goldsworthy)
Charles Claessens sent me an interesting discussion from Bioelectromagnetic forum, in which Paul Moller, a Motorola worker, disappeared in the middle of a
hot discussion about radiation effects.

in the Bioelectromagnetics discussion group there was an interesting theme. Especially the various viewpoints from different angles.
I have taken the liberty of making a compilation of the concerning postings, so that it does not get lost and our grandchildren may chuckle when
reading it in the future and understand that we have lifted a small tip of the veil. We tried anyway. It is in my e-zine *het bitje* October 2006, and it is a complete english version. Downloadable from the bottom of:
Charles Claessens. member Verband Baubiologie
Click here to view the source article.
Source: Iris Atzmon

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