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Breakthrough in case law on radiation risks | |
Netherlands | Created: 6 Jun 2021 |
A Dutch Administrative Court does not rule out increased health risks for wireless technology well below exposure limits; safety claimed by ICNIRP limits off the table. 4.4 “In the opinion of the court, considering all arguments, with reference to scientific literature, it cannot be ruled out that there are increased health risks even at a field strength lower than 1 V/m.” This Dutch legal precedent will indeed have major consequences. There is an enormous amount of scientific evidence that there are indeed health effects from electromagnetic radiation, also far below the applied standards. The exposure limits of the private organization ICNIRP are also increasingly under attack. In addition, the conflict of interest with the telecom industry is becoming increasingly visible. Case summary: District Court of Gelderland Court submission in English: https://rfinfo.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Wilma-de-Jong-court-submission-1.pdf |
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Source: RF Info UK, 06 Feb 2021 |
Hundreds of birds dead during 5G experiment in The Hague | |
Netherlands | Created: 7 Nov 2018 |
About a week ago at The Hague, many birds died spontaneously, falling dead in a park - You likely haven’t heard a lot about this because it seems keeping it quiet was the plan all along. However, when about 150 more suddenly died- bringing the death toll to 297- some started to take notice. And if you are looking around that park you might have seen what is on the corner of the roof across the street from where they died: a new 5G mast, where they had done a test, in connection with the Dutch railway station, to see how large the range was and whether no harmful equipment would occur on and around the station. And harm happened, indeed. Immediately afterward, birds fell dead from the trees. And the nearby ducks that were swimming seemed to react very oddly as well; they were simultaneously putting their heads underwater to escape the radiation while others flew away, landing on the street or in the canal. Again, almost at the exact same time that those animals died, near the station, Holland Spoor was tested with a 5G transmitter mast. “If they all got heart-failure with an healthy body, no signs of any virus, no bacterial infection, healthy blood, no poisons found etc. etc. The only reasonable explanation is, that it is from the new 5G Microwaves having an huge effect of all birds hearts! … It heavily resonates with certain ERRATIC PULSED Microwaves (millions per second!) which can be proven to have biological effects on organs! … Am not kidding here! … Some people assume Microwaves at lower wattage “can not harm” because “it does not cook you” … that very flawed “logic” is what they want you to repeat over and over! … Search in “Google Scholar Search Site”: Biological Effects of Non-ionizing Microwaves and be ready to be shocked how stupid most sheeple really are in believing blindly the so called “experts” & ” authorities” of FCC, Telecom & Wireless Industry propaganda!” -John Kuhles, founder of Fb.com/groups/Stop5G & Fb.me/Stop5G owner of Stop5G.net This wasn’t proof though. It was initially just conjecture. All the information that follows comes from John Kuhles’ public Facebook page (not being a native English speaker, I have cleaned a little of it up but mostly left it intact for you): In the meantime (30-10-2018) received some more information. The birds that fell massively dead would be the victims of an experiment, performed on those days in The Hague, where RF radiation was tested with a peak frequency of 7.40 GHz. This information comes from one source and should still be confirmed, if possible. It is not clear at this moment whether tests with 5G transmission masts have been carried out again, but so far everything points in the direction of 5G as the most probable cause. Earlier, crazy things happened, such as with cows in Groningen’s Loppersum last year, where it was also tested with 5G. But also how in Switzerland a complete herd of cows collapsed in a ravine when there was tested with 5G. Source 1: http://www.msn.com/nl-nl/nieuws/opmerkelijk/meer-dan-honderd-vogels-vallen-dood-uit-bomen-in-den-haag/ar-BBOV8d7 Oct. 26, 2018 In the Huijgenspark in The Hague, more than a hundred starlings have fallen dead from the trees in recent days. It is a mystery what happened to the animals. The Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) is having a number of birds examined in the laboratory of Wageningen Bioveterinary Research. Parts of the park are blocked and dogs are no longer allowed to be let out. The dead birds are always cleaned up as quickly as possible. Yet it is a lugubrious scene. Council member Robert Barker of the Party for the Animals had the feeling of being on a ‘crime scene’. “The fact that so many birds fall from the sky at this location must have a cause and must be investigated. If there is talk of poisoning, then we have to take a hard time. ” It is also possible that the birds have a disease. “In any case, it’s going fast. The animals are not emaciated, do not seem ill. They just fall dead from the tree, “says employee Sharon Lexmond of bird shelter De Wulp. A possible link was established between 5G trials in Groningen and the ‘crazy cows there, as they were called, see: http://www.stopumts.nl/doc.php/Berichten%20Nederland/10423/groningen_wat_mankeert_de_koeien_van_stitswerd Further info from Facebook: Trondheim (3rd city of Norway) also attacked the birds. After 6 months there was no toxicological report yet. It has also happened in Sweden, Australia, United States. http://www.nyhetsspeilet.no/2009/02/flere-tusen-fugler-faller-som-%E2%80%9Ddead-meat%E2%80%9D-fra-himmelen/ In the meantime (30-10-2018) received some more information. The birds that fell massively dead would be the victims of an experiment, performed on those days in The Hague, where RF radiation was tested with a peak frequency of 7.40 GHz, which corresponds to a wavelength of 4.05 cm. This wavelength is of the same order of magnitude as the size of the starlings. This may be important because of possible resonance effects. The mast in question is about 400 meters from where the starlings have fallen dead. This information comes from one source and should still be confirmed, if possible. Source 2: http://www.rtlnieuws.nl/nieuws/artikel/4464101/mysterious-bird deaths-den-hands-dead-speakers-falls-massal-from-the-air- Mysterious bird deaths in The Hague: dead starlings fall massively from the sky Oct. 26, 2018 For several days in a row, dead starlings fall from the sky in the Huijgenspark in The Hague. It is estimated that around 150 birds have already lost their lives. What is the cause of this is being investigated? The Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority, the Dutch Wildlife Health Center and a Wageningen University laboratory are investigating the cause of death of the starlings. A veterinarian of bird care De Wulp performed a number of birds last week. She only found internal bleeding and no trace of poison. Contaminated water ”Last year we had the same situation at the Haagse Hogeschool, where it was renovated at the time ”, says an employee of the Animal Ambulance.” Then dozens of dead jackdaws were found, which were probably poisoned because they had been drinking polluted water. What is going on right now is really speculating. Hopefully, we know more next week, because this is not normal. ” No trace of poison. Source 3: Dierenhospitaal and Dierenambulance The Hague Again, dead starlings have been found in the Huijgenspark in The Hague. More than ninety dead birds were spread across the park in the Stationsbuurt. We took the birds. Last time, five of the deceased starlings were examined by a local specialist. It did not show signs of poison, but only internal bleeding in two copies. The newly found starlings are examined by the specialized Wageningen Bioveterinary Research laboratory in Lelystad and the Dutch Wildlife Health Center in Utrecht. The municipality has promulgated a ban on dogs in the area because the cause of the mortality is unclear. Poisoning is taken into account. The area has been blocked by the police. Source 4: Birdcare the curlew Oct. 26, 2018 How is the current state of affairs with regard to the dead starlings? Last Friday, Wednesday and Thursday, a total of +/- 150 deceased starlings were found in the Huijgenspark in The Hague. OnSundayy, Thursday and Friday our veterinarian visited and carried out a total of 15 animals and collected material for further research. On Wednesday, the NVWA collected a cargo of birds that were examined in Lelystad on West Nile Virus. The negative result has now arrived. On Thursday, the Dutch Wildlife Health Center also picked up a load of birds and we got a result today. Both veterinarians (ours and those from the DWHC) discussed their findings with each other. (Birds in good condition, some small bleeding in some animals, good for the upcoming winter, empty stomachs.) It is a very strange story! Components of the deceased birds now go to various institutes for further research into rat poison and various viruses. On Monday the preparations are ready and the microscopic examination is started. In the meantime, the municipality has instituted an outlet ban in the park until further notice. We will keep you informed and hope that we will get a quick answer regarding the bizarre deaths. Source 5: New contribution from Facebook: Nov. 2, 2018 There is, of course, no certainty about the cause. There are stronger 4G and IoT channels in the vicinity near the park. In July there was also 5G tested, but then the birds did not swarm and they did not arrive in the park. IoT has also been active since 30 October 2017, so it is only briefly active with a safe distance (for humans) of 7.4 meters and with a 2000 Watt transmitter at less than 200 meters from the park main beam direction exactly across the park. Also at the same distance LTE channels and at another location also LTE stations etc. Here again exactly about the park. |
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Source: Health Nut News, Erin Elizabeth, 5 Nov 2018 |
UBIQUITY - new film about Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity | |
Netherlands | Created: 7 Jun 2018 |
The internet is closing in on us to connect anyone, anywhere, anytime. But some people cannot stand the electromagnetic radiation from the wireless networks that surround us. They feel the pulse of the wireless world on their bodies. Are they the canaries in the coal mine? Ubiquity is a feature documentary by Bregtje van der Haak and had its World premiere in the official competition of HotDocs 2018. Click here to watch the trailer: http://www.baldrfilm.nl/film/ubiquity/ |
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Source: BALDR Films, 07 Jun 2018 |
The People Who Claim They're Allergic to Wifi | |
Netherlands | Created: 28 Jan 2018 |
I spent a day with sufferers of "electromagnetic hypersensitivity" – individuals who say they suffer a range of physical symptoms when they're exposed to electronic radiation. Part of the modern human condition is to be on the internet all day and get physically uncomfortable and stressed out about everything you see and read. However, there's a significant group of people whose stress levels go into overdrive before they've even read a word online – people who claim that the fact the internet simply exists has a negative impact on their health. These people are dealing with a condition called electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS), meaning, they say, that they suffer from a range of physical symptoms when exposed to electromagnetic fields from things like wifi routers, mobile phones and TV sets. Not everyone in the medical community is convinced that EHS is an actual medical condition. A 2007 study by the University of Essex found that participants claiming to have EHS only experienced symptoms when they were told that a phone mast nearby was "switched on". When participants didn't know whether the mast was on or not, the signals had seemingly no effect on their health. Still, that doesn't take away from the fact that around 5 percent of the UK population think they're affected by EHS. If the condition sounds familiar, that's probably because it's prominently featured in the Breaking Bad spinoff Better Call Saul, in which Saul's brother Chuck hides away in his own home to protect himself from all the electromagnetic signals the world sends his way. Since I cannot imagine living in a civilised world without internet, I'm interested to find out what it's like when you believe it actually makes you feel physically ill. To find out, I contacted two women dealing with EHS – Nanny and Martine – who invited me to spend the day with them in their wifi-free bunkers. Martine picks me up at the train station in Steensel, a small town in the south of the Netherlands. As soon as I get in her car, she politely asks me to turn off my phone – or, at the very least, put it on flight mode. Since I don't want to make her feel sick and I'm here for the full experience, I do what she asks. Martine, who's in her forties, used to work in the legal department of a high-profile refugee support organisation in Amsterdam. That was until she started feeling the need to get away from what she considered an overdose of wifi and radiation, and flee the city. "I was completely burned out," Martine tells me. "You sort of force yourself to just keep going until something breaks inside you." Martine says she is one of the few people in the Netherlands who have been granted unemployment benefits based on her symptoms – though the authorities which granted it haven't officially declared electromagnetic radiation to be the cause of her symptoms. Today, she provides legal aid to others with EHS. It hasn’t been easy – many researchers in the field believe EHS to be a psychological issue, with some specialists believing it's the fear of radiation itself that could be unhealthy. Martine pushes back at this notion, pointing me to other studies she says prove the harmfulness of radiation. We arrive at Martine’s home – a wooden house built right next to her parent’s place. Her dad, a scientist, also claims to have EHS, and considers himself an expert on blocking out radiation. Martine’s friend, Nanny, who's in her fifties, has been staying with her the last few days to get a break from the electromagnetic fields in her own home. She runs the website EHS Zichtbaar, which she hopes will raise awareness of what she thinks are the unhealthy effects of the ever-present wifi in our daily lives. Her husband helps run the website, though his love for gadgets often gets the better of him. "John loves his smartwatch," Nanny says. "but it makes me so ill it has to live in a drawer for now." Nanny doesn’t hate technology – but she wants to see wifi replaced with something healthier. Nanny never goes outside without wearing her protective headgear, which looks like a beekeeper's hat made out of silver wiring. Just ordering the outfit alone was a huge ordeal – Nanny can’t use a computer or talk on the phone without falling sick for the rest of the day. Nanny takes me for a walk around the woods behind Martine's home, and explains why she thinks radiation might be the new asbestos. "A lot of people just assume it’s safe and tested, or don’t even want to think about it at all," she says. "There are so many terrible things happening in the world, I can understand why people just want to get on with their lives without having to worry about radiation pollution. Being afraid all the time isn’t healthy either." Back at the house, the three of us enjoy a light lunch and an intense discussion about the negative impact of society’s obsession with social media. Halfway through, Nanny starts to get very nervous and takes out a small device to check the room’s radiation level. In turn, I get uncomfortable as the equipment’s long antennae lingers over my laptop. "Just taking a quick look to be certain," Nanny says, in an attempt to reassure me. Luckily, it’s a false alarm. I ask if I can test the device to see if it really works. Martine gives me the go-ahead to switch my phone on for a few seconds. When I turn off flight mode, messages from the outside world start flooding my phone. Soon after, the radiation meter starts squeaking hysterically, with alarm lights flashing bright red. Embarrassed, I turn off my 4G and the detector falls silent. A few seconds later, I secretly turn my phone back on to be sure the meter isn't being manually operated by Nanny or Martine. But just as before, it screams and flickers, detecting my phone’s electromagnetic field. Nanny normally lives with her family in Geldrop, a town about half an hour's drive away. But every so often, when she finds the electromagnetic radiation around her overwhelming, Nanny visits Martine and her dad for a few days to recover. She is returning home today after five days with her friend, and has invited me to come along. As Martine drives us both out, I’m struck by how uncomfortable Nanny must be, leaving the relative safety of the woods to return to an environment she's convinced is making her sick. We mainly stick to country roads to stay as far clear of transmission towers as we can. "At a certain point, you start seeing them everywhere," Martine says. Nanny's husband John, her two teenage daughters, her visiting mother-in-law and the family dog are all there to welcome her back. "Nanny, don’t sit there," her mother-in-law warns her soon after she walks in. "John and I measured earlier and that’s the worst spot in the entire house." On my tour of their home, Nanny tells me the walls are plastered with special anti-radiation paint and that the kitchen is covered in tin foil to keep out the neighbours' wifi. Nanny says that's still not enough to rid the house of radiation completely, because "there is an electromagnetic field in the fuse box". So Nanny lives in a caravan in the garden, but comes inside for dinner. "It was fun in the beginning," she explains. "It felt like being on holiday. But now I’d love to be able to permanently move back inside the house." As fascinating as I’ve found Nanny and Martine's wifi-less worlds, I achingly miss my own normal existence, however much radiation might be swirling around it. Just as I'm about to leave, Nanny brings out her line of novelty T-shirts, which she created with her husband and sells on their website. The shirts have anti-radiation slogans printed on them, like "Want kids? Don’t fuck with your phone", and "Feeling Blue-tooth?". After I say my goodbyes, Nanny asks her daughters to escort me to the nearest bus stop. I ask them how they feel about their mum being away so often. "It was nice to have wifi for a few days," they tell me, "but in the end, it’s better to have your mum around." This article originally appeared on VICE NL. |
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Source: VICE, Tim Fraanje, 27 Jan 2018 |
On the difference between Man-made and Natural Electromagnetic Fields/Radiation, in regard to Biological Activity | |
Netherlands | Created: 6 Apr 2017 |
Dear all - For your information the link to a new tutorial/article I wrote last week... http://www.stopumts.nl/pdf/Man-made%20and%20Natural%20EMF%20EMR.pdf For those who are interested I hope it will not be too heavy and that it will improve your knowledge. I further hope that this tutorial will help to prevent further distribution of the incorrect statement that polarization makes the key difference between man-made and natural electromagnetic fields/radiation. This, and annoyance that such statements have appeared in scientific literature, were the reasons for me to write the tutorial. Some more background. As you know there are many charlatans in our field who sell often expensive gadgets and have invented their own pseudo-scientific language with impressive sounding words which have no meaning. They have websites and write stories on facebook. I have been approached by several to put their things on my website. One was very persistent and I had to be rather blunt to get rid of him. I have seen two of these charlatans in main TV programmes. They stories had no content, but far out most people watching TV don’t have any knowledge in this field, so this is not so important, but their gadgets were taken apart in the programmes. In the first case sand came pouring out after opening and holding it upside down. In the second case (last year), the gadget, a beautifully shining rod with nice ends was shows to be provided inside with one condensor, one resistor and something I have forgotten. In both cases the charlatans and their gadgets were ridiculed by a professor (who happened to be in the programme) and along EHS was ridiculed as well. So my conclusion is that we have to fight pseudo-science if possible. On a different level similar things happen. It happens that scientists who have a name in their own field start writing outside their field and when the two fields are too much apart the result is usually a disaster. Unfortunately this has happened in our field. After the first paper in 2015 I gave my comments in private, but recently a second paper appeared with the same wrong conclusion and the same false statement was made in a recent report. So there is the danger of the parrot effect. Something sounds nice, so one repeats it, without understanding, and someone else repeats it and so on. And at the end someone from the other side comes and says: hey all the EHS guys (scientists) think that polarized light is dangerous. So you should throw away you sun glasses if they are of the polaroid type, and don’t sit next to a swimming pool with the sun on the other side, because the reflected light has a high degree of polarization (reflection from Brewster angle). I realize that I am rather blunt now. I am sorry, but from the past it is my experience this is the best and sometimes the only way to bring over a message and that is what I want. And about the first paper it is not only the polarization statement which is wrong, the physics with the many formulae in it is not physics at all. Best regards, Leendert Vriens PS. I forgot to say, my tutorial is of course open for discussion and for suggestions to make it more readably for non-specialists. And for those who might be interested in my background, I have been a research physicist and manager of physics research for 38 years. After retirement I gave advanced physics courses for seven years. |
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Source: StopUMTS, Dr. Leendert Vriens, 04 Apr 2017 |
Dutch Government health study inconclusive on long-term wireless effect | |
Netherlands | Created: 11 Feb 2016 |
The Dutch national health institute RIVM has published the results of a study into the possible long-term effects of electromagnetic radiation on the health of workers. According to the researchers, the latest studies do not offer any clear answer to the question whether there is a link between the radiation and health. There are signs of a possible connection between (low-frequency) electromagnetic fields and the extent the nervous disease ALS occurs. However it is not clear whether the fields are the actual cause of the illness or other factors in the workplace are at play, such as chemical materials or electrical shocks. As for other diseases, such as dementia, MS or nervous conditions, various studies contradict each other on the possible impact of electromagnetic radiation, or there has been too little research to draw conclusions. This also applies for various forms of cancer. The Dutch social affairs ministry commissioned the study in preparation for new legislation on labour conditions and an EU directive on electromagnetic radiation in the workplace. The directive focuses on limiting the immediate effects of the radiation on workers, given the inconclusive research on the long-term effects. |
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Source: Telecompaper, 10 Feb 2016 |
A properly functioning mobile network is feasible with much lower radiation levels in homes. | |
Netherlands | Created: 29 Aug 2015 |
Website 'Safe mobile network' - soon offline But who cares? so it is shutting down! http://www.safemobilenetwork.info/ the website http://www.safemobilenetwork.info/ will soon go offline, check it out while you still can! Summary: A properly functioning mobile network is feasible with much lower radiation levels in homes. The levels could be lowered to such an extent that no-one living in the vicinity of mobile phone masts needs to suffer from neurological effects such as headaches and migraine. This is (probably) also true for the higher cancer incidence around mobile phone masts, which has been found in several studies. In the present - polarized - public debate regarding the public health effects of phone masts, this fact is largely ignored. We propose here to adopt such a more modern mobile phone network (see safe network), as is already functioning in a number of regions in Europe. Sent to MV by: beperk.de.straling@gmail.com |
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Source: Agnes Ingvarsdottir/beperk.de.straling@gmail.com |
Short-term 3G phone radiation has significant effect on brain electrical activity: study | |
Netherlands | Created: 13 Jul 2015 |
Abstract: The aim of this study was to investigate whether a 15-minute placement of a 3G dialling mobile phone causes direct changes in EEG activity compared to the placement of a sham phone. Furthermore, it was investigated whether placement of the mobile phone on the ear or the heart would result in different outcomes. Thirty-one healthy females participated. All subjects were measured twice: on one of the two days the mobile phone was attached to the ear, the other day to the chest. In this single-blind, cross-over design, assessments in the sham phone condition were conducted directly preceding and following the mobile phone exposure. During each assessment, EEG activity and radiofrequency radiation were recorded jointly. Delta, theta, alpha, slowbeta, fastbeta, and gamma activity was computed. The association between radiation exposure and the EEG was tested using multilevel random regression analyses with radiation as predictor of main interest. Significant radiation effects were found for the alpha, slowbeta, fastbeta, and gamma bands. When analyzed separately, ear location of the phone was associated with significant results, while chest placement was not. The results support the notion that EEG alterations are associated with mobile phone usage and that the effect is dependent on site of placement. Further studies are required to demonstrate the physiological relevance of these findings. Related news: Feb 2011, USA: Cell Phone Radiation Changes Brain Metabolism Sep 2013, China: 4G Cell Phone Radiation Affects Brain Activity in Cell Phone Users |
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Source: PLoS One, Roggeveen et al., 08 Jun 2015 |
NL Health Board inconclusive about mobile radiation effects | |
Netherlands | Created: 16 Jun 2013 |
More and more long term research is needed to investigate the link between electromagnetic fields and the occurrence of certain brain tumors, the Health Advisory Board wrote on 3 June, when submitting their conclusions to the Dutch ministry of infrastructure and the environment. The board has looked into the matter, with the participation of professors and researchers. A meta study of available epidemiological studies have yielded no clear evidence of an actual link. Very weak and inconsistent evidence was found only for gliomas (malignant brain tumors), in association with the prolonged use of a mobile phone. But no correlation was found when looking at data covering the Dutch population. At present, data only covers a usage period of up to 13 years. Tumors can have a longer latency period. The Health Board will publish more on a literature study looking at the effects of electromagnetic radiation in animals. |
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Source: Sylvie/Agnes Ingvarsdottir |
International Symposium on tree damage by Electromagnetic Radiation | |
Netherlands | Created: 19 Jul 2012 |
Currently, trees growing in urban environments in many different countries are suffering from malformations of unknown origin. About 35% of all broadleaf trees is affected. Research has shown that dead cells occur at the outer layers of the tree trunk. Many believe that the ever increasing electromagnetic fields are the cause of these new tree diseases. There are different studies that prove that these fields have a negative influence on trees. More investigation is needed on this topic. See the video of this symposium http://vimeo.com/25270604 (in dutch but with english subtitles) Read more on www.boomaantastingen.nl From Beperk de Straling: Organised in The Netherlands, February 2011 - Unknown tree damage by electromagnetic radiation. |
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Source: Beperk de Straling / EMFacts, Jul 18 |
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