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Breakthrough in case law on radiation risks
Netherlands Created: 6 Jun 2021
A Dutch Administrative Court does not rule out increased health risks for wireless technology well below exposure limits; safety claimed by ICNIRP limits off the table.

4.4 “In the opinion of the court, considering all arguments, with reference to scientific literature, it cannot be ruled out that there are increased health risks even at a field strength lower than 1 V/m.”

This Dutch legal precedent will indeed have major consequences. There is an enormous amount of scientific evidence that there are indeed health effects from electromagnetic radiation, also far below the applied standards. The exposure limits of the private organization ICNIRP are also increasingly under attack. In addition, the conflict of interest with the telecom industry is becoming increasingly visible.

Case summary: District Court of Gelderland
Court submission in English: https://rfinfo.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Wilma-de-Jong-court-submission-1.pdf

Click here to view the source article.
Source: RF Info UK, 06 Feb 2021

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